Petrol and Diesel price in Kannur

Today Petrol price in Kannur is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 12 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Kannur is 96.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Kannur is Rs 105.77. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Kannur is Rs 106.40 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Kannur is Rs 94.77. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Kannur is Rs 95.36 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all kerala state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Kannur Kerala

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Adhil Fuels 105.82 ₹ 94.83 ₹
Jai Jawan Fuels 105.82 ₹ 94.83 ₹
Associated Oil Agencies 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
Sree Mahalasa Enterprises 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
Gemini Service Station 105.90 ₹ 94.90 ₹
Empees Auto Fuels 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
Manhu Company 106.20 ₹ 95.18 ₹
Teekay Filling Station 105.89 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Ashoka Service Station 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
Gangadharan.d 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
Govindan K.c. 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
Sree Lakshmi Fuels 105.94 ₹ 94.93 ₹
East India Auto Fuels 106.20 ₹ 95.18 ₹ 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
Sai Krishna Petro Services 105.88 ₹ 94.87 ₹
Taliparamba Agency ex C K Agencies 105.90 ₹ 94.90 ₹
Sri Muthappan Filling Station 106.40 ₹ 95.36 ₹
K K Agencies 106.20 ₹ 95.18 ₹
Techno Fillings 105.89 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Karivellur Fuels 106.15 ₹ 95.13 ₹
Ushasree Petroleum 106.09 ₹ 95.07 ₹
Highway Fuel Services 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
S R Fuels 105.88 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Thanheem Trading Co 105.77 ₹ 94.77 ₹
P R Enterprises 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
Mayyil Fuels 105.88 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Ceegees Fuels 105.82 ₹ 94.83 ₹
Cherukunnu Petroleum 105.88 ₹ 94.87 ₹
Nedumpoyil Petroleum 106.15 ₹ 95.13 ₹
Pariyaram Fuels 105.98 ₹ 94.98 ₹
Matha Fuels 106.40 ₹ 95.36 ₹
M K Petroleum 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
Triveni Fuels 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
Cocomambaram 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
Nirmal Petroleum 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
Swift Petroleum 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
Signet Fuels 105.77 ₹ 94.77 ₹
N.f. Fuels 105.90 ₹ 94.90 ₹
Veegeeyen Fuels 105.88 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Ksk Enterprises 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
Makeeryam Fuels 105.82 ₹ 94.83 ₹
H.s. Fuels 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
Jaseel Fuels 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
Servosonic Fuels 106.40 ₹ 95.36 ₹
Anupama Fuels 106.26 ₹ 95.23 ₹
Premier Filling Station 105.89 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Ganesh Fuels 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹ 109.43 ₹
Payyavoor Petroleum 106.15 ₹ 95.13 ₹
Emarat Fuel Station 105.90 ₹ 94.90 ₹
Chemberi Fuels 106.15 ₹ 95.13 ₹
Haris Fuels 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
Sai Sastha Petroleum 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
Sree Krishna Fuel Station 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
Sree Kailas Petroleum 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
Raveena Fuels 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
T R Petroleum 105.89 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Elite Petroleum 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
Maloor Auto Fuels 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
Reena Fuels 106.26 ₹ 95.23 ₹
Jyothi Fuels 105.88 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Chettiyakunnel Fuels 105.90 ₹ 94.90 ₹
Sakthi Fuels 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
B S Petroleum 105.89 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Sr Fuels 105.90 ₹ 94.90 ₹
Kallikkandy Petroleum 106.09 ₹ 95.07 ₹
Thonickal Fuels 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
Vengad Fuels 105.88 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Kollamparambil Fuels 106.26 ₹ 95.23 ₹
Iris Energy - Ksk 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
Kankol Petroleum Agency 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
Gokulam Fuels - Ksk 105.82 ₹ 94.83 ₹
Sree Valsam Petrol Station 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
Ayilyam Fuels 105.88 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Vayakkara Fuels 106.40 ₹ 95.36 ₹
Krishna Fuels 106.04 ₹ 95.03 ₹
Nk Filling Station 106.20 ₹ 95.18 ₹
Freedom Fuel Filling Station Kannu 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹
Green Land Fuels 105.88 ₹ 94.87 ₹
M S Dream Fuels 106.20 ₹ 95.18 ₹
Octane Fuels 105.90 ₹ 94.90 ₹
Emirates Fuel Company 105.94 ₹ 94.93 ₹
Kallerimala Fuels 106.20 ₹ 95.18 ₹
Parekulam Jmj Petroleum 106.12 ₹ 95.10 ₹
Saradas Fuels 105.89 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Peekay Fuels 105.89 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Praveena Fuels 105.88 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Aiswarya Fuels 105.77 ₹ 94.77 ₹
S.b.fuels 106.40 ₹ 95.36 ₹
Unique Petroleum 105.89 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Rm Fuels 105.89 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Pilathara Fuels 105.98 ₹ 94.98 ₹
Chavassery Fuels 105.88 ₹ 94.88 ₹
Avani Fuel Station 105.90 ₹ 94.90 ₹
Dharmadam Fuels 105.90 ₹ 94.90 ₹
Narikkodan Fuels 105.82 ₹ 94.83 ₹
Murali Trading Company Adhoc 105.78 ₹ 94.78 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Kerala*

No data available

Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Kannur