Petrol and Diesel price in Chittoor

Today Petrol price in Chittoor is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Chittoor is 63.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Chittoor is Rs 109.71. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Chittoor is Rs 110.35 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Chittoor is Rs 97.52. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Chittoor is Rs 98.22 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all andhra pradesh state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Chittoor Andhra Pradesh

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Reddy Reddy Agencies l- 35 110.22 ₹ 97.97 ₹
Sri Maruthy Agencies l-83 84 110.24 ₹ 98.16 ₹
Krishik Agencies l-48 284 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
T.n.nagi Reddy Co l-126 110.19 ₹ 97.91 ₹
V.krishna Reddy Sons l-92 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Kwality Agencies l-132 110.24 ₹ 98.15 ₹
Sri Srinivasa F S V.kota 110.27 ₹ 98.17 ₹
Sri Vijaya Durga Service Station 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Anusha Sai Agencies l-88 110.24 ₹ 98.16 ₹
Nikhil Agencies l-94 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Sreenivasa Petro Products l - 3 109.79 ₹ 97.57 ₹
Sri Ram Fuel Centre l-127 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Sri Balaji Oil Agencies Chittoor 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
S A Ismail Co. V.kota l-186 110.27 ₹ 98.17 ₹
Nanjundeswara Petroleums l-79 110.24 ₹ 98.15 ₹
Sri P.m.r.agencies l-96 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Naga Filling Station l-93 110.24 ₹ 98.16 ₹
Babuji Agencies 110.09 ₹ 97.85 ₹
Shree Harihara S Service Stn l-99 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Sujana Rao Filling Station l - 6 109.96 ₹ 97.73 ₹
Sri Ramakrishna Service Stn l-142 110.34 ₹ 98.12 ₹
Sri Lakshminarayana F Stn l-140 110.24 ₹ 98.15 ₹
Durgam Oil Filling Centre 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
G.t.r.agencies l-86 110.35 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Sri Sapthagiri Oil F Centre l-64 110.35 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Sri Sesha Sai Traders ksk l-137 110.35 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Shirdi Sai F S ksk 110.27 ₹ 97.95 ₹
Murugan Fuels Station l-26 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
D.vimal Kumar Agencies l-24 110.28 ₹ 98.02 ₹
Sri Jyotheeswri Ksk l-130 145 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Guru Sai Kisan Seva Kendra l-37 109.71 ₹ 97.52 ₹
Battuluri Adinarayana Ksk l-115 110.19 ₹ 97.91 ₹
Thirumala Oil Filling Agenc l-13 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Srikrishna Filling Station l-91 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Sri Munivel Filling Station 110.19 ₹ 97.91 ₹
Sri Hanuman Filling Station 110.27 ₹ 98.01 ₹
Vijayasimha Service Station 110.35 ₹ 98.22 ₹
G.k.n Ksk 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Sri Pcn Filling Station 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Sri Munieswara Filling Station 110.19 ₹ 97.91 ₹
P R N Filling Station 110.24 ₹ 98.16 ₹
Sirish Fuels 110.35 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Sri Nidhi Oil Filling Station 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Shri Venkateswara Gangamma Fs 110.34 ₹ 98.12 ₹
Sree Manjunath Filling Station 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Rr Petrol Pump 110.19 ₹ 97.91 ₹
R K Filling Station 110.02 ₹ 97.78 ₹
Padmajothi Agencies 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Ramgams Fuel Station 110.27 ₹ 98.01 ₹
Sri Mylar Lingaswamy Filling Statio 109.76 ₹ 97.54 ₹
Sri Skandeshwara Fuels 110.24 ₹ 98.15 ₹
Sri Lakshmi Balaji Filling Station 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Amara Filling Station 110.34 ₹ 98.16 ₹
Vandavasi Sree Shankar Filling Stat 110.34 ₹ 98.18 ₹
Indian Filling Station - Adhoc Pung 110.19 ₹ 97.91 ₹
Ap Prisons Iocl Retail Outlet Dist 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Mvr Fuels 110.34 ₹ 98.16 ₹
Sri Varasiddi Vinayaka Police Welfa 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Jaanvi Fuels 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Sri Vinayaka Petrol Filling Station 110.24 ₹ 98.16 ₹
Prathap Fillings 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹
Adhoc Koorapati Service Station 109.83 ₹ 97.60 ₹
Vandavasi Sree Shankar F Stn - Adho 110.34 ₹ 98.22 ₹

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Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Andhra Pradesh*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Chittoor