Petrol and Diesel price in Guntur

Today Petrol price in Guntur is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Guntur is 71.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Guntur is Rs 109.32. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Guntur is Rs 109.88 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Guntur is Rs 97.18. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Guntur is Rs 97.70 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all andhra pradesh state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Guntur Andhra Pradesh

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Aruna Agencies 109.79 ₹ 97.61 ₹
Kdlow Acco ch.kakani 109.37 ₹ 97.22 ₹
Durga Filling Staion 109.53 ₹ 97.38 ₹
L. Narayana Reddy 109.71 ₹ 97.54 ₹
S.gulzar Mohamed Co 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Anuradha Traders 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
P.justeenaiah 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Saroja Oil Company 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Siva Filling Station 109.75 ₹ 97.59 ₹
Yadla Lingaiah 109.64 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Sri Venkateswara Agencies 109.84 ₹ 97.66 ₹
Lucky Enterprises 109.32 ₹ 97.18 ₹
Svr Indianoil Service Station 109.65 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Annapurneshwari Service Station 109.60 ₹ 97.44 ₹
Muneer Petroleum 109.75 ₹ 97.58 ₹
Sri Ramaswamy Fillling Station 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Gajalakshmi Enterprises 109.64 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Surya Indian Oil 109.67 ₹ 97.51 ₹
Kasturi Petroleums 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Vijayadurga Filling Station 109.85 ₹ 97.67 ₹
Reliance Petroleums 109.37 ₹ 97.22 ₹
Sri Sai Ram Service Station 109.75 ₹ 97.59 ₹
Sangam Milk Producer Co. Ltd. 109.75 ₹ 97.58 ₹
Sita Rama Agro And Filling Station 109.57 ₹ 97.39 ₹
Kanagala Filling Station 109.84 ₹ 97.66 ₹
Sri Vamsi Krishna F S 109.65 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Dhanshek Petro Products 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Sri Harika Filling Station 109.37 ₹ 97.22 ₹
Sree Anuradha Kisan Seva Kendram 109.80 ₹ 97.62 ₹
Sri Haripriya Agencies 109.88 ₹ 97.70 ₹
Gummadi Filling Station 109.84 ₹ 97.66 ₹
Ratnam Filling Station 109.67 ₹ 97.51 ₹
Goutham Filling Station 109.58 ₹ 97.42 ₹
Llr Filling Station 109.65 ₹ 97.49 ₹
Vrk Sons 109.37 ₹ 97.22 ₹
M.k.t. Filling Station 109.43 ₹ 97.26 ₹
Mahatma Gandhi Filling Station 109.64 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Veera Hanuman Filling Station 109.53 ₹ 97.38 ₹
Sri Lakshmi Ganesh Filling Station 109.75 ₹ 97.58 ₹
Sri Ram Filling Station 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Kumar Agencies Adhoc 109.46 ₹ 97.31 ₹
Saroja Oil Company Adhoc 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Police Fuel Station Guntur Urban 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Samhita Agro Oil Filling Station 109.80 ₹ 97.62 ₹
Shri Krishna Service Station Adhoc 109.37 ₹ 97.22 ₹
Amaravati Petroleums 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
M.r.s. Filling Station 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
V S Kisan Seva Kendram 109.65 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Balaji Filling Station 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Sri Nandivelugu Fuels 109.71 ₹ 97.54 ₹
Aaradhya Fuels 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Subham Filling Centre 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Srinivasa Filling Station Adhoc 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Sree Sai Madhava Fuels 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Venkata Sai Durga Filling Station 109.68 ₹ 97.52 ₹
Vara Siddhi Vinayaka Filling Statio 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
A.s.r. Filling Station 109.37 ₹ 97.22 ₹
Nalini Menon Oil Company 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Guntur Filling Station 109.63 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Vemula Quality Fuels 109.65 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Nissi Fuels 109.37 ₹ 97.22 ₹
Paanakaala Lakshmi Narasimha Fillin 109.37 ₹ 97.22 ₹
Sri Krishna Devaraya Filling Statio 109.64 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Vijaya Filling Station 109.74 ₹ 97.57 ₹
Gnan Shaurya Filling Station 109.64 ₹ 97.47 ₹
Narukullapadu Pacs Filling Station 109.74 ₹ 97.57 ₹
Sri Ramaswamy Fillling Station Adho 109.37 ₹ 97.22 ₹
Sree Hemanth Filling Station 109.83 ₹ 97.66 ₹
Janatha Filling Station Adhoc 109.32 ₹ 97.18 ₹
Sri Lakshmi Srinivasa Filling Stati 109.75 ₹ 97.59 ₹
Anvitha Filling Station 109.46 ₹ 97.31 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Andhra Pradesh*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Guntur