Petrol and Diesel price in Krishna

Today Petrol price in Krishna is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Krishna is 78.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Krishna is Rs 109.17. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Krishna is Rs 110.35 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Krishna is Rs 97.04. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Krishna is Rs 98.21 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all andhra pradesh state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Krishna Andhra Pradesh

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Sri Balaji Tractor Service Station 109.40 ₹ 97.26 ₹
Lakshmi Oil Company 109.53 ₹ 97.38 ₹
Sai Ram Enterprises 109.89 ₹ 97.71 ₹
Rajeswari Petroleum 110.16 ₹ 97.96 ₹
U. Krishna Murthy 109.76 ₹ 97.59 ₹
Sri Vasavi Service Station 110.16 ₹ 97.96 ₹
Susheela Agencies 110.03 ₹ 97.84 ₹
V. Subba Rao 109.90 ₹ 97.72 ₹
Siva Subrahmanyeswara Agencies 109.97 ₹ 97.79 ₹
Sri Sai Durga Servicing Station 109.60 ₹ 97.45 ₹
Ch Rama Rao 109.17 ₹ 97.04 ₹
Sri Lalitha Parameswari Fuel S 109.25 ₹ 97.12 ₹
Kdlomacs Ltd ganguru 109.29 ₹ 97.15 ₹
Sri Venkatasai Service Station 109.89 ₹ 97.71 ₹
Koganti Oil Corporation 109.76 ₹ 97.59 ₹
Sri Venkata Ramana Filling Station 110.03 ₹ 97.84 ₹
Satyanarayana Filling Staiton 109.51 ₹ 97.36 ₹
Vasavi Filling Station 109.89 ₹ 97.72 ₹
Sri Balaji Fuel Point 109.21 ₹ 97.07 ₹
Srinivasa Agencies 109.50 ₹ 97.34 ₹
Lakshmi Vinayaka Filling Station 109.89 ₹ 97.72 ₹
Mahati Filling Station 110.17 ₹ 97.98 ₹
Viswa Bharathi Filling Station 109.76 ₹ 97.59 ₹
Sri Vijayalakshmi Filling Station 109.51 ₹ 97.36 ₹
Venkateswara Filling Station 109.58 ₹ 97.42 ₹
Murali Filling Station 109.95 ₹ 97.77 ₹
Someshwar Filling Station 109.89 ₹ 97.72 ₹
Madurai Meenakshi Agencies 109.76 ₹ 97.59 ₹
Dolphin Auto Service Station 109.51 ₹ 97.36 ₹
Kishore Filling Station 109.17 ₹ 97.05 ₹
Fathima Filling Station 109.52 ₹ 97.37 ₹
Sri Krishna Priya Filling Stat 109.95 ₹ 97.76 ₹
Meenakshi Filling Station 110.35 ₹ 98.21 ₹
Sudhir Petroleum Products 109.51 ₹ 97.36 ₹
Supraja Kisan Seva Kendra 109.80 ₹ 97.63 ₹
Chaitra Siri Agencies 110.03 ₹ 97.84 ₹
Bhavani Filling Station 109.74 ₹ 97.58 ₹
S.r.d Filling Station 110.07 ₹ 97.88 ₹
Tummala Enterprises 109.86 ₹ 97.68 ₹
Golden Fuels 109.53 ₹ 97.38 ₹
Aditya Filling Station 110.23 ₹ 98.03 ₹
Potluri Vijayalakshmi Petroleu 109.40 ₹ 97.26 ₹
Jay Durga Filling Station 109.85 ₹ 97.67 ₹
Sri Lakshmi Balaji Oils 109.95 ₹ 97.77 ₹
Apfs Filling Station Machilipatnam 109.89 ₹ 97.72 ₹
Gorlas Petro Mart 109.40 ₹ 97.26 ₹
R R Enterprises 109.51 ₹ 97.36 ₹
Jonaaj Petromart 109.86 ₹ 97.68 ₹
Sri Rama Fuels 109.51 ₹ 97.36 ₹
Sree Venkateswara Fuels 109.24 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Sree Venkateswara Enterprises 109.79 ₹ 97.62 ₹
Sree Bhaskara Filling Station 109.40 ₹ 97.26 ₹
Shiva Parvatii Filling Station 109.21 ₹ 97.07 ₹
Lucky Filling Station 109.58 ₹ 97.42 ₹
Naga Poornasree Filling Station 110.30 ₹ 98.09 ₹
Sri Kushal Reddy Filling Station 109.58 ₹ 97.42 ₹
Bnr Sons Filling Station 110.07 ₹ 97.88 ₹
Ramalingeswara Fuels 109.21 ₹ 97.07 ₹
Siva Sai Oil Filling Station 109.21 ₹ 97.07 ₹
Gsk Filling Station 109.42 ₹ 97.27 ₹
Dhruva Oil Filling Station 109.58 ₹ 97.42 ₹
Sri Venkateswara Dharma Fuels 109.97 ₹ 97.79 ₹
Sreekara Enterprises 110.30 ₹ 98.09 ₹
Karthikeya Filling Station 109.90 ₹ 97.72 ₹
Babsan Petro Mart 109.88 ₹ 97.70 ₹
Pradhyumna Petroleum Products 110.16 ₹ 97.96 ₹
Sobhan Brothers Filling Station 109.40 ₹ 97.26 ₹
Ramestha Filling Station 109.80 ₹ 97.63 ₹
Hari Hara Filling Station 110.02 ₹ 97.83 ₹
Goldprince Fuels 109.85 ₹ 97.67 ₹
Shri Ranga Rao Filling Station 109.97 ₹ 97.79 ₹
Madurai Meenakshi Agencies Adhoc 110.17 ₹ 97.98 ₹
Lakshmi Durga Filling Station 109.47 ₹ 97.33 ₹
Sony Filling Station 110.02 ₹ 97.83 ₹
Karthikeya Quality Fuels Adhoc 109.76 ₹ 97.59 ₹
Supreme Fuels 109.21 ₹ 97.07 ₹
Vasavi Filling Station Adhoc 109.51 ₹ 97.36 ₹
Shanmukha Fillling Station 109.97 ₹ 97.79 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Andhra Pradesh*

No data available

Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Krishna