Petrol and Diesel price in Tinsukia

Today Petrol price in Tinsukia is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 14 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Tinsukia is 43.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Tinsukia is Rs 98.16. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Tinsukia is Rs 98.96 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Tinsukia is Rs 89.38. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Tinsukia is Rs 90.16 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all assam state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Tinsukia Assam

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Eastern Wood Products Pvt. Ltd 98.16 ₹ 89.38 ₹
Lahoti Brothers barhapjan 98.34 ₹ 89.57 ₹
Lahoti Brothers doomdooma 98.40 ₹ 89.62 ₹
Mahabir Prasad Jalan 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
Madanmohan Jaiprakash 98.46 ₹ 89.68 ₹
North Frontier Automobiles 98.25 ₹ 89.48 ₹
Tinsukia Oil Traders 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
Dhananjoy Enterprise 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
Saligram Auto Agency - Tinsukia 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
Saligram Auto Agency dhola 98.56 ₹ 89.79 ₹
Assam Agencies 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
R. B. Brothers Agencies 98.46 ₹ 89.68 ₹
Makum Motors - Digboi 98.16 ₹ 89.38 ₹
Makum Motorsmakum 98.25 ₹ 89.48 ₹
Makum Motors - Ledo 98.20 ₹ 89.42 ₹
Makum Motors - Talap 98.51 ₹ 89.73 ₹
S. D. Servicespvt Ltd. 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
Margherita Auto Agency 98.16 ₹ 89.38 ₹
Saligram Bridhichand Co.-digboi 98.16 ₹ 89.38 ₹
Saligram Bridhichand Co.-doomdoma 98.40 ₹ 89.62 ₹
Saligram Bridhichand Co.- Hansara 98.36 ₹ 89.59 ₹
S B Co.-margherita 98.16 ₹ 89.38 ₹
Sadiya Auto Agency 98.96 ₹ 90.16 ₹
Assam Fuel Centre 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
Nirupoma Oil Traders 98.16 ₹ 89.38 ₹
Laxmisagar Auto Agency 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
Ma Petro Agency 98.19 ₹ 89.41 ₹
M S Goswami Kishan Seva Kendra 98.60 ₹ 89.83 ₹
Dibang Filling Station 98.92 ₹ 90.12 ₹
Maya Oils 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
Mahalaxmi Service Station 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
Tingrai Filling Station 98.16 ₹ 89.38 ₹
Gogoi Brothers Filling Station 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
M M Fuel Center 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
Assam Agencies Adhoc 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
Shree Ganesh Filling Station 98.16 ₹ 89.38 ₹
Baruah Fuel Solution 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
Moran Filling Station 98.16 ₹ 89.38 ₹
Bherudan Murlidhar adhoc 98.44 ₹ 89.66 ₹
Sunpura Filling Station 98.92 ₹ 90.12 ₹
Sunpura Energy Station 98.92 ₹ 90.12 ₹
Coco Digboi - Maya Oils adhoc 98.16 ₹ 89.38 ₹
Ketetong Energy Station 98.16 ₹ 89.38 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Assam*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Tinsukia