Petrol and Diesel price in Bharuch

Today Petrol price in Bharuch is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Bharuch is 68.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Bharuch is Rs 94.55. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Bharuch is Rs 95.46 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Bharuch is Rs 90.22. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Bharuch is Rs 91.13 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all gujarat state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Bharuch Gujarat

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Archana Petroleum 94.84 ₹ 90.51 ₹
Ekta Petroleum 94.74 ₹ 90.41 ₹
Jay Mahakali Petroleum 94.67 ₹ 90.34 ₹
Kayval Krupa Petroleum 95.17 ₹ 90.84 ₹
M Patel Co 94.84 ₹ 90.51 ₹
National Petroleum 95.12 ₹ 90.79 ₹
Priyadarshini Petroleum 94.93 ₹ 90.60 ₹
Rameshwar Petroleum 94.95 ₹ 90.62 ₹
Shah Brothers Co. 94.92 ₹ 90.59 ₹
Sarang Petroleum 95.13 ₹ 90.80 ₹
Meghna Petroleum 94.95 ₹ 90.62 ₹
Rajrajeshwar Petroleum 94.84 ₹ 90.51 ₹
Mamta Petroleum 95.06 ₹ 90.74 ₹
Dattatraya Auto Centre 95.19 ₹ 90.87 ₹
N.c. Sons 94.85 ₹ 90.52 ₹
Suhel Petroleum 94.92 ₹ 90.59 ₹
Vijay Petroleum 95.12 ₹ 90.79 ₹
Adarsh Fuel 94.68 ₹ 90.35 ₹
R R Fuels 94.78 ₹ 90.45 ₹
Jay Kisan Seva Kendra 94.83 ₹ 90.51 ₹
Shubh Lakshmi Petroleum 95.13 ₹ 90.80 ₹
S. P. Petroleum 95.46 ₹ 91.13 ₹
Shree Ganesh Petroleum 94.91 ₹ 90.58 ₹
Sherpura Filling Station 94.84 ₹ 90.51 ₹
Matangi Petroleum 95.18 ₹ 90.86 ₹
Shree Sai Petroleum 94.92 ₹ 90.59 ₹
Balaji Petroleum 95.21 ₹ 90.89 ₹
Shivam Petroleum 94.55 ₹ 90.22 ₹
Maan Petroleum 95.06 ₹ 90.74 ₹
The Sarbhan Co-op 94.69 ₹ 90.36 ₹
Jay Somnath Petroleum 95.19 ₹ 90.87 ₹
Kabir Petroleum 94.67 ₹ 90.34 ₹
Bhumi Petroleum 94.81 ₹ 90.49 ₹
Yash Corporation 94.80 ₹ 90.47 ₹
M M Petroleum 95.30 ₹ 90.97 ₹
Shree Ganesh Fuels 95.01 ₹ 90.69 ₹
Samni Filling Station 94.84 ₹ 90.51 ₹
Derol Filling Station 94.92 ₹ 90.59 ₹
Imperial India Petroleum 94.61 ₹ 90.28 ₹
Bhumiraj Petroleum 94.92 ₹ 90.59 ₹
Nap Petroleum 94.68 ₹ 90.35 ₹
Pruthvi Petroleum 94.67 ₹ 90.34 ₹
Vishwas Petroleum 95.29 ₹ 90.96 ₹
Maa Khodiyar Petroleum 95.21 ₹ 90.89 ₹
Shree Valkeshwar Petroleum 94.62 ₹ 90.29 ₹
Shree Ganesh Khand Udyog Sahakari M 95.19 ₹ 90.87 ₹
Jay Jalaram Krupa Petroleum 95.16 ₹ 90.84 ₹
Shivam Kisan Seva Kendra 94.72 ₹ 90.41 ₹
Rudra Petroleum 94.92 ₹ 90.59 ₹
Maa Petroleum Ksk 94.67 ₹ 90.34 ₹
Rang Avdhut Ksk 94.98 ₹ 90.67 ₹
Coco Nandelav 94.92 ₹ 90.59 ₹
Rang Corporation 94.75 ₹ 90.42 ₹
H M Petroleum 94.64 ₹ 90.33 ₹
Vardhaman Enterprise 94.84 ₹ 90.51 ₹
Bapu Petroleum 94.74 ₹ 90.41 ₹
Suratan Kisan Seva Kendra 94.98 ₹ 90.67 ₹
Jay Kuldevi Enterprise 94.68 ₹ 90.35 ₹
Shraddha Petroleum 94.92 ₹ 90.59 ₹
Coco Vagusana 94.81 ₹ 90.49 ₹
Nisha Fuel Station 94.92 ₹ 90.59 ₹
Maruti Corporation 95.17 ₹ 90.84 ₹
S N Enterprise 94.91 ₹ 90.58 ₹
The Ankleshawr Taluka Grahak 94.95 ₹ 90.62 ₹
K M Associates 94.95 ₹ 90.62 ₹
Coco Vagusana 94.81 ₹ 90.49 ₹
Coco Ankleshwar-ii 95.16 ₹ 90.84 ₹
M Patel Co 94.88 ₹ 90.55 ₹

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Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Gujarat*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Bharuch