Petrol and Diesel price in Junagadh

Today Petrol price in Junagadh is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 14 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Junagadh is 63.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Junagadh is Rs 94.94. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Junagadh is Rs 96.03 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Junagadh is Rs 90.62. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Junagadh is Rs 91.73 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all gujarat state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Junagadh Gujarat

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Bhavin Petroleum 95.10 ₹ 90.79 ₹
Bharmal Brothers 95.56 ₹ 91.26 ₹
Jalaram Agencies 95.48 ₹ 91.17 ₹
Mahesh Trading Co. 95.17 ₹ 90.87 ₹
Sheetal Petroleum 95.38 ₹ 91.07 ₹
Junagadh Dist Co-op P S Union 95.17 ₹ 90.87 ₹
Haridas Nagji 95.49 ₹ 91.17 ₹
Ramesh Petroleum A Site 95.40 ₹ 91.09 ₹
Matruashish Petroleum 95.80 ₹ 91.49 ₹
Avirat Petroleum 95.58 ₹ 91.27 ₹
Siddharth Fuels 95.52 ₹ 91.21 ₹
Jaihind Petroleum 95.85 ₹ 91.55 ₹
Keshav Petroleum 95.78 ₹ 91.45 ₹
Sahajanand Petroleum 95.49 ₹ 91.18 ₹
Mahasagar Petroleum 95.04 ₹ 90.73 ₹
Kailash Petroleum 95.73 ₹ 91.42 ₹
Kirit Fuels 95.17 ₹ 90.87 ₹
Ram Petroleum Ioc Dealers 95.61 ₹ 91.30 ₹
Royal Kisan Seva Kendra 95.57 ₹ 91.26 ₹
Bapu Kisan Seva Kendra 95.63 ₹ 91.32 ₹
Jay Bilnath Kisan Seva Kendra 95.17 ₹ 90.87 ₹
Shree Anjaney Petroleum 95.17 ₹ 90.87 ₹
Omkar Kisan Seva Kendra 95.51 ₹ 91.20 ₹
Anand Petroleum 95.46 ₹ 91.14 ₹
Unique Petroleum 95.48 ₹ 91.17 ₹
Vasudev Petroleum 95.62 ₹ 91.29 ₹
Lion Petroleum 95.64 ₹ 91.34 ₹
Banke Bihari Petroleum 95.64 ₹ 91.32 ₹
Girnar Kishan Seva Kendra 95.09 ₹ 90.78 ₹
Radhe Krishna Petroleum 95.52 ₹ 91.21 ₹
Jay Vachhraj Petroleum 95.48 ₹ 91.17 ₹
Rudraksh Petroleum 95.78 ₹ 91.45 ₹
Jotva Petroleum 96.03 ₹ 91.73 ₹
Dwarkadhish Petroleum 95.40 ₹ 91.09 ₹
Shivam Fuel 95.52 ₹ 91.21 ₹
Pramukh Petroleum 94.94 ₹ 90.62 ₹
Fulnath Petroleum 95.24 ₹ 90.93 ₹
Shri Shivshakti Petroleum 95.23 ₹ 90.92 ₹
Dharam Petroleum 95.71 ₹ 91.38 ₹
Khimji Ramji Mevada Ksk 95.49 ₹ 91.17 ₹
Purusharth Fuels 95.48 ₹ 91.17 ₹
Petro Club 95.17 ₹ 90.87 ₹
Shree Murlidhar Petroleum 95.78 ₹ 91.45 ₹
Chandrabhaga Petroleum Ksk 95.23 ₹ 90.92 ₹
Shreenathji Petroleum 95.04 ₹ 90.73 ₹
Shree Mangalam Petroleum 95.17 ₹ 90.87 ₹
Satish Petroleum 95.80 ₹ 91.49 ₹
Pbs Co. 95.17 ₹ 90.87 ₹
Bhavnath Petroleum 95.78 ₹ 91.45 ₹
Kudarat Petroleum 95.48 ₹ 91.17 ₹
Coco Vanthali 95.48 ₹ 91.17 ₹
Bhagyoday Petroleum 95.64 ₹ 91.32 ₹
Raneshwar Petroleum 95.10 ₹ 90.79 ₹
Jay Mahadev Fuels 95.04 ₹ 90.73 ₹
Shree Suryavanshi Petroleum 95.62 ₹ 91.29 ₹
Shree Kudarat Fuels 95.52 ₹ 91.21 ₹
Sonal Krupa Petroleum 95.49 ₹ 91.17 ₹
Shree Gatral Petroleum 95.48 ₹ 91.17 ₹
Aai Beli Petroleum Ksk 95.38 ₹ 91.07 ₹
Krishav Petroleum 95.52 ₹ 91.21 ₹
Shree Savaj Petroleum 95.51 ₹ 91.20 ₹
Pn Petroleum 95.56 ₹ 91.26 ₹
Ria Petroleum 95.57 ₹ 91.26 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Gujarat*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Junagadh