Petrol and Diesel price in Panchmahal

Today Petrol price in Panchmahal is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 28 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Panchmahal is 42.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Panchmahal is Rs 94.28. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Panchmahal is Rs 95.17 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Panchmahal is Rs 89.96. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Panchmahal is Rs 90.85 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all gujarat state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Panchmahal Gujarat

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
B V Gandhi Sons 94.83 ₹ 90.51 ₹
Manilal M Patel 94.50 ₹ 90.18 ₹
Nirman Petroleum 94.28 ₹ 89.96 ₹
Pokar Petroleum 94.50 ₹ 90.18 ₹
Shakti Petroleum 94.53 ₹ 90.21 ₹
Shree Pramukh Swami Ksk 94.60 ₹ 90.27 ₹
Giriraj Kisan Seva Kendra 94.64 ₹ 90.31 ₹
Dhayni Kisan Seva Kendra 94.66 ₹ 90.33 ₹
Shubham Petroleum 94.48 ₹ 90.15 ₹
R M Selot Kisan Seva Kendra 95.17 ₹ 90.85 ₹
Maruti Kisan Seva Kendra 94.58 ₹ 90.25 ₹
Bhagyoday Kisan Seva Kendra 94.93 ₹ 90.61 ₹
Shrinathji Kisan Seva Kendra 94.68 ₹ 90.35 ₹
Patel Ksk 94.61 ₹ 90.28 ₹
Manish Desai Petroleum 95.09 ₹ 90.77 ₹
Maa Aashapura Petroleum 95.03 ₹ 90.70 ₹
Parth Petroleum 94.93 ₹ 90.61 ₹
Sugi Petroleum 94.93 ₹ 90.61 ₹
Devraj Energy 94.83 ₹ 90.51 ₹
Raj Petroleum 94.65 ₹ 90.32 ₹
Sharon Fuels 94.50 ₹ 90.18 ₹
H R Patel Petroleum 94.71 ₹ 90.39 ₹
J D Dayara Kisan Seva Kendra 94.93 ₹ 90.60 ₹
Mahalaxmi Petroleum 94.77 ₹ 90.44 ₹
Meera Petroleum 94.50 ₹ 90.18 ₹
Dhanraj Petroleum 95.03 ₹ 90.70 ₹
Gandhi Parikh Sons 94.83 ₹ 90.51 ₹
Dhanya Kissan Seva Kendra 94.80 ₹ 90.48 ₹
Om Energy Ksk 94.48 ₹ 90.15 ₹
Maa Ashapura Kisan Seva Kendra 94.85 ₹ 90.52 ₹
Vishwa Petroleum 94.69 ₹ 90.36 ₹
Universal Petroleum 94.65 ₹ 90.32 ₹
Master Petroleum 94.68 ₹ 90.35 ₹
Zaveribhai Kisan Seva Kendra 95.03 ₹ 90.71 ₹
Jay Mataji Kisan Seva Kendra 94.50 ₹ 90.18 ₹
Hardev Petroleum 94.86 ₹ 90.53 ₹
Shri Sagar Petroleum 94.68 ₹ 90.35 ₹
Divyashakti Petroleum 94.28 ₹ 89.96 ₹
Chunima Petroleum 94.53 ₹ 90.21 ₹
Avantica Energy 94.50 ₹ 90.18 ₹
Vidhya Petroleum 94.50 ₹ 90.18 ₹
Amar Petroleum 94.65 ₹ 90.32 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Gujarat*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Panchmahal