Petrol and Diesel price in Palwal

Today Petrol price in Palwal is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Palwal is 78.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Palwal is Rs 95.25. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Palwal is Rs 95.71 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Palwal is Rs 88.09. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Palwal is Rs 88.54 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all haryana state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Palwal Haryana

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Singla Highway Service Station 95.51 ₹ 88.36 ₹
Vidya Filling Station 95.34 ₹ 88.19 ₹
Jai Shri Ram Filling Stn. 95.50 ₹ 88.35 ₹
Shaheed Virender Kumar Auto F S 95.25 ₹ 88.09 ₹
Sehrawat Filling Station 95.71 ₹ 88.54 ₹
Princi Filling Station 95.63 ₹ 88.47 ₹
Goel Filling Station 95.39 ₹ 88.24 ₹
Htc Hodal 95.63 ₹ 88.47 ₹
Highway Service Centre 95.42 ₹ 88.27 ₹
Hans Filling Station 95.63 ₹ 88.47 ₹
Durga Filling Station 95.50 ₹ 88.35 ₹
B.chanda Mahalwal S Stn 95.55 ₹ 88.40 ₹
Saraswati Energy Station 95.65 ₹ 88.49 ₹
Suresh Singla Sons 95.35 ₹ 88.20 ₹
Bhardwaj Service Station 95.51 ₹ 88.36 ₹
Taj Midway 95.63 ₹ 88.47 ₹
Leo Auto Service 95.63 ₹ 88.47 ₹
Shree Jee Filling Station 95.71 ₹ 88.54 ₹
Rahimpur Fuel Centre 95.51 ₹ 88.36 ₹
Auto Services 95.63 ₹ 88.47 ₹
Hari Prakash Sewa Kendra 95.61 ₹ 88.46 ₹
Omkar Filling Station 95.42 ₹ 88.27 ₹
Taj Service Station 95.58 ₹ 88.43 ₹
Bhagat Filling Station 95.51 ₹ 88.36 ₹
Om Namah Shivay Filling Station 95.65 ₹ 88.49 ₹
Swastik Filling Station 95.43 ₹ 88.28 ₹
Verma Filling Station 95.51 ₹ 88.36 ₹
Balaji Ksk Filling Station 95.48 ₹ 88.32 ₹
Prasad Filling Station Ksk 95.30 ₹ 88.16 ₹
Acheja Ksk Filling Station 95.54 ₹ 88.39 ₹
Aashirwad Filling Station 95.55 ₹ 88.40 ₹
Ganpati Enterprise 95.48 ₹ 88.33 ₹
Master R.l.filling Stn Ksk 95.64 ₹ 88.48 ₹
L.s. Filling Station Ksk 95.31 ₹ 88.17 ₹
Jaildar Filling Station Ksk 95.28 ₹ 88.13 ₹
Sheetla Mata Fuel Point Ksk 95.30 ₹ 88.16 ₹
Mahendra Fuels ksk 95.32 ₹ 88.17 ₹
Vijay Filling Station ksk 95.38 ₹ 88.23 ₹
New Ganpati F Station ksk 95.65 ₹ 88.49 ₹
Bhai Pinky Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.39 ₹ 88.24 ₹
Radhika Petro Ksk 95.50 ₹ 88.35 ₹
Sunder Petro Ksk 95.52 ₹ 88.37 ₹
Ess Ess Petro 95.38 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Om Petroleum Ksk 95.49 ₹ 88.34 ₹
Raghubir Khokiyaka Petro Ksk 95.33 ₹ 88.18 ₹
Palwal Petro Ksk 95.40 ₹ 88.25 ₹
Jai Baba Lal Dass Ksk 95.61 ₹ 88.45 ₹
Zimidara Highway Petro Station 95.63 ₹ 88.47 ₹
Radhey Petro Ksk 95.47 ₹ 88.31 ₹
Singla Fuels 95.58 ₹ 88.43 ₹
New Palwal Petro Ksk 95.51 ₹ 88.36 ₹
Shree Balaji Petro Kisan Sewa Kendr 95.52 ₹ 88.37 ₹
Highway Petronet 95.42 ₹ 88.27 ₹
Shri Banke Bihari Ksk Alawalpur 95.51 ₹ 88.36 ₹
L.r. Petro Ksk Filling Station 95.48 ₹ 88.32 ₹
Dharam Raj Petro Ksk 95.61 ₹ 88.46 ₹
Veerta Filling Station 95.63 ₹ 88.47 ₹
Ramla Fuels ksk 95.47 ₹ 88.31 ₹
Roop Petro Point 95.47 ₹ 88.31 ₹
Shri Thakur Jee Filling Station 95.42 ₹ 88.27 ₹
Al-hasan Filling Station 95.34 ₹ 88.19 ₹
M S Dev Heera Power Fuels 95.51 ₹ 88.36 ₹
M S Gopal Fuels 95.42 ₹ 88.27 ₹
M S Jai Balaji Filling Station 95.61 ₹ 88.46 ₹
Baba Mawasi Filling Station 95.61 ₹ 88.46 ₹
Shri Khatu Shyam Fuels 95.43 ₹ 88.28 ₹
Cpc Fuels 95.61 ₹ 88.46 ₹
R K Filling Station 95.42 ₹ 88.27 ₹
Kamakhya Energy Station 95.55 ₹ 88.40 ₹
Agra Midway 95.63 ₹ 88.47 ₹
Shree Goverdhan Fuels 95.63 ₹ 88.47 ₹
Anant Indian Oil 95.63 ₹ 88.47 ₹
Kashi Petro Fuels 95.42 ₹ 88.27 ₹
Shri Vishwanath Filling Station 95.55 ₹ 88.40 ₹
Vashishth Fuel Station 95.43 ₹ 88.28 ₹
Src Highways Filling Station 95.63 ₹ 88.47 ₹
Lokesh Filling Station 95.49 ₹ 88.34 ₹
Ram Raj Filling Station 95.51 ₹ 88.36 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Haryana*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Palwal