Petrol and Diesel price in Rewari

Today Petrol price in Rewari is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Rewari is 118.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Rewari is Rs 94.70. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Rewari is Rs 94.98 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Rewari is Rs 87.53. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Rewari is Rs 87.85 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all haryana state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Rewari Haryana

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Prem Highway Service Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Shree Theertaswamy Filling Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Vikas Service Station 94.77 ₹ 87.61 ₹
Rajasthan Linkway Service Station 94.83 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Aravali Filling Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Arihant Filling Station 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Yadav Service Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Shaheed Azad Singh F Stn. 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Teju Service Station 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Harsh Service Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Shree Tirupatiji Filling Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Htc Dharuhera 94.83 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Rao Service Station - Kosli 94.98 ₹ 87.85 ₹
Dalip Service Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Shree Shyam Filling Station 94.70 ₹ 87.54 ₹
Rajasthan Haryana Filling Station 94.70 ₹ 87.54 ₹
Singh Filling Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Haryana Filling Station 94.77 ₹ 87.61 ₹
Som Filling Station 94.75 ₹ 87.59 ₹
Mahadev Petroleum 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Ashwani Akhilesh Yadav Fuel Point 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Shakti Yadav Fuel Junction 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Shree Shyam Auto Fuels 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Suman Filling Station 94.83 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Adi Filling Station 94.83 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Anand Mangal Auto Needs 94.80 ₹ 87.65 ₹
Fuel Filling Station 94.80 ₹ 87.64 ₹
Fuel Point 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Dev Filling Station 94.80 ₹ 87.65 ₹
Raj Filling Station 94.70 ₹ 87.54 ₹
M S Bijendra Filling Stn. 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Kharsanki Auto Wave 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Om Service Station 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Ganga Filling Station 94.78 ₹ 87.63 ₹
New Haryana Filling Station 94.83 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Rao Abey Singh Filling Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Baba Bishan Dass Ksk Filling S 94.80 ₹ 87.65 ₹
Shiva Petromax 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Shri Kalkaji Filling Staion 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Balbir Singh Fill.station Ksk 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Sonam Filling Station Ksk 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Suvidha Service Station Ksk 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Chaudhary Filling Station 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Him Filling Station 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Raj Ksk Filling Station 94.90 ₹ 87.76 ₹
Dalip Singh Gate Ksk F Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Prakash Ksk Filling Station 94.83 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Nand Filling Station 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Aravali Fuels 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
R. C. Auto Fuels 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Shri Maha Balaji Ksk 94.80 ₹ 87.65 ₹
Jai Mata Filling Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Veer Brothers Filling Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Shree Baleshwar Filling Stn 94.71 ₹ 87.54 ₹
Chand Filling Station Ksk 94.78 ₹ 87.63 ₹
Blg Service Centre Ksk 94.98 ₹ 87.85 ₹
Chandan Petro Fuels 94.83 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Superfine Auto Wave ksk 94.82 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Prabhat Kissan Sewa Kendra 94.78 ₹ 87.63 ₹
Shri Krishna Filling Station 94.98 ₹ 87.85 ₹
Saheed Ramphal F Station 94.82 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Shri Sai Kisan Sewa Kendra 94.72 ₹ 87.55 ₹
Dhananjay Fuels 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Yaduvanshi Fuels Ksk 94.80 ₹ 87.64 ₹
Coco Bawal-iocl 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Arzoo Kisan Sewa Kendra 94.71 ₹ 87.54 ₹
Modern Auto Wave 94.81 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Jsr Filling Station 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Rao Inder Singh Ksk 94.80 ₹ 87.65 ₹
Shanti Fuel Station 94.75 ₹ 87.59 ₹
Pratap Fuel Point 94.70 ₹ 87.54 ₹
Shree Mohan Fuels Ksk 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Maruti Nandan Kisan Sewa Kendra 94.72 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Amar Murti Fuels Ksk 94.84 ₹ 87.70 ₹
Shaheed Capt. D.k. Khole Ksk 94.83 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Cls Fuels Kisan Sewa Kendra 94.77 ₹ 87.61 ₹
Om Fuels And Services 94.83 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Rabarka Fuels Ksk 94.80 ₹ 87.65 ₹
Shree Balaji Filling Station 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Shaheed Mahabir Singh Filling Stati 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Humsafar Indian Oil 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Rao Balwant Singh Filling Station 94.75 ₹ 87.59 ₹
Maa Bhateri Devi Fuel Point Ksk 94.80 ₹ 87.65 ₹
Shyam Sai Fuel Point 94.81 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Raath Filling Station ksk 94.80 ₹ 87.65 ₹
Sidhivinayak Fuel Point 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Nh 71 Fuels 94.75 ₹ 87.59 ₹
Rishi Ji Petro 94.82 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Pawan Automobiles 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Op Fuels 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Shri Gaj Singh Kisan Sewa Kendra F 94.75 ₹ 87.59 ₹
Shri Sai Fuel Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Jiya Ram Sumer Singh Kisan Sewa Ken 94.80 ₹ 87.65 ₹
Shahid Surender Singh Fuel Point 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Yadav Filling Station Ksk 94.92 ₹ 87.78 ₹
Lakshya Service Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Rao Ramjivan Ksk Filling Station 94.90 ₹ 87.76 ₹
Murli Gautam Fuels 94.98 ₹ 87.85 ₹
Rvkm Petromart 94.77 ₹ 87.61 ₹
Col. P K Yadav Fuels 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Nirvan Filling Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Maa Shanti Devi Ksk 94.80 ₹ 87.65 ₹
Shree Krishna Fstn 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Ram Service Station 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Om Fuels Ksk 94.81 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Gothra Filling Station 94.70 ₹ 87.54 ₹
Monika Fstn Ksk 94.78 ₹ 87.63 ₹
Ashwani Yadav Fuel Point 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Komal Filling Station 94.75 ₹ 87.59 ₹
Shri Paramhans Filling Station 94.83 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Shri Devnarayan Fuel 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Shri Ji Fuels 94.75 ₹ 87.59 ₹
Amr Petro Mart 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Aditya Filling Station 94.77 ₹ 87.61 ₹
Shakti Yadav Fuel Junction Adhoc 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Dhananjay Fuels Adhoc 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Op Fuels Adhoc 94.70 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Arihant Filling Stn Ms Site 94.73 ₹ 87.56 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Haryana*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Rewari