Petrol and Diesel price in Bellary

Today Petrol price in Bellary is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 05 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Bellary is 63.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Bellary is Rs 103.96. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Bellary is Rs 104.14 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Bellary is Rs 89.97. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Bellary is Rs 90.23 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all karnataka state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Bellary Karnataka

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Sayeed Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Jyothi Oil Sindicate 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Apoorva Petroleums 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Sri Gurukottureshwara F.s 104.08 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Hanuman Oil Centre 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
City Petroleum 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Ganesh Petroleums 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹ 107.67 ₹
Vishnu Enterprises 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹ 107.67 ₹
Janani Petroleum 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Ravi Petroleum 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
The Smiore Ltd 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Zam Zam Oil Syndicate 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹ 107.67 ₹
Sri Pruthvi Trading Company 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Ashirwad Petrol Diesels 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Arjun Petroleum Service 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Preetam Fuel Filling Centre 104.08 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Gangamma Kisan Kendra 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Bilwa Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Kavital Service Station 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Swastik Auto Care 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Kuppagal Petroleum 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Nandi Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Sri Srinivasa Petroleums 104.00 ₹ 90.02 ₹ 107.58 ₹
Chaithanya Fuels 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Sri Sai Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Raza Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Sri Guru Puttaraja Petroleum 104.00 ₹ 90.02 ₹
Shree Channaveera Sharana F Ce 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Sri Nandi Petroleums 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Siddalingeshwara Petroleum 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Sree Renukambha Petroleums 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Sri Maruthi Petroleums 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Gurusiddaiah Oils 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Sri Kamadhenu Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Shiva Bharateeja Fuel Centre 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Pranavi Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Nireeksha Kisan Seva Kendra 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Shiva Petroleum 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Rnr Petroleums 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Shakti Ganesh Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Swastik Automotives 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹ 107.68 ₹
Gmg Petroleum 104.06 ₹ 90.08 ₹
Sri Malleshwara Petroleum 104.06 ₹ 90.08 ₹
Sagar Petro Mart 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Ram Petroleums 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
S.w. Enterprises 104.09 ₹ 90.11 ₹
Sri Guru Lingayyatata Petroleum 104.09 ₹ 90.11 ₹
Ramkrishna Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Sri Hanuman Petroleums 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Sri Tungabhadra Filling Station 104.06 ₹ 90.08 ₹
Sri Balaji Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.11 ₹
Akshay Filling Centre 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Reddy Mallamma Petroleums 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Shree D Kalya Naik Petroleum 103.96 ₹ 89.97 ₹
Vaishnavi Petroleums 104.00 ₹ 90.02 ₹
Sri Laxmi Venkateshwara Agencies 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Banashree Petroleum 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Raza Petroleums 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Sri Huligemmadevi Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
V B Petrol Bunk 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
R S Petroleums 104.00 ₹ 90.02 ₹
A1 Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Shri Veeranjaneya Petroleums 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Karnataka*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Bellary