Petrol and Diesel price in Bidar

Today Petrol price in Bidar is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Bidar is 70.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Bidar is Rs 103.22. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Bidar is Rs 104.08 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Bidar is Rs 89.29. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Bidar is Rs 90.20 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all karnataka state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Bidar Karnataka

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Sree Channamalleshwar Ser.cent. 103.52 ₹ 89.56 ₹
Sri Sai Petroleums 103.70 ₹ 89.73 ₹
Murgeppa Sirse 103.70 ₹ 89.73 ₹
Nandi Petroleums 103.84 ₹ 89.85 ₹
Pour Pay Ply Service Station 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Surendra Fill Fly Centre 104.08 ₹ 90.13 ₹
Agni Filling Station 103.28 ₹ 89.34 ₹
Sai Basava Petroleums 103.48 ₹ 89.53 ₹
Hms Petroleums 103.84 ₹ 89.85 ₹
Sai Sharan Petroleums 103.58 ₹ 89.62 ₹
Om Sai Petroleums 103.38 ₹ 89.44 ₹
Vinayak Petroleum 103.84 ₹ 89.85 ₹
Shree Venketeshwar Filling Station 103.84 ₹ 89.85 ₹
M G Holkunde Filling Station 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Beldale Petroliums 103.84 ₹ 89.85 ₹
S.j.khakis Petroleum 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Sri Datta Digambar Maniknath Pet 103.70 ₹ 89.73 ₹
Sri Ramachandra Petroleums 103.87 ₹ 89.88 ₹
Sri Sangameshwar Petroleums 103.84 ₹ 89.85 ₹
Sri Channa Basawa Petroleums 103.58 ₹ 89.62 ₹
Sri Venkateshwara Petroleum 103.48 ₹ 89.53 ₹
Uppe Petroleum 104.08 ₹ 90.13 ₹
Sharanbasava Petroleum Station 103.79 ₹ 89.80 ₹
Allamprabhu Petroleums 103.84 ₹ 89.85 ₹
Sagar Petroleum 103.22 ₹ 89.29 ₹
Dhami Petroleum 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Siddeshwar Petroleum 103.79 ₹ 89.80 ₹
G K Petroleum 103.76 ₹ 89.78 ₹
Baig Petroleum 103.28 ₹ 89.34 ₹
Pooja Petroleum 103.38 ₹ 89.44 ₹
Vagdale Petroleum 103.76 ₹ 89.78 ₹
Shakti Petroleum 103.52 ₹ 89.56 ₹
Ali S Fuels 103.48 ₹ 89.53 ₹
V V More Petrol Pump 103.78 ₹ 89.80 ₹
Deepa Petroleums 103.48 ₹ 89.53 ₹
Ketaki Sangameshwar Petroleum 104.08 ₹ 90.20 ₹
D.v. Sindol Service Station 103.84 ₹ 89.85 ₹
Holkunde Highway Filling Station 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Channabasaweshwara Petroleums 103.22 ₹ 89.29 ₹
Lakshmi Petroleums 104.08 ₹ 90.16 ₹
Sri Sri Kalmud Maniknath Petroleum 103.52 ₹ 89.56 ₹
Tukaram Khasimpure Petroleums 104.08 ₹ 90.16 ₹
R S Agencies 103.48 ₹ 89.53 ₹
Doddi Petroleums 103.96 ₹ 89.97 ₹
Shri Revanasiddeshwar Petroleums 103.38 ₹ 89.44 ₹
Rayan Sultan Petroleums 103.70 ₹ 89.73 ₹
Raga Petroleums 103.46 ₹ 89.50 ₹
Subhane Petroleum 103.76 ₹ 89.78 ₹
Pallavi Petroleums 103.22 ₹ 89.29 ₹
Shivani Petroleums 103.84 ₹ 89.85 ₹
Maisamma Petroleum 103.84 ₹ 89.85 ₹
Horizon Automotives 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Baba Petroleums 103.38 ₹ 89.44 ₹
R D Zabade Petroleums 103.52 ₹ 89.56 ₹
Bhagyavanti Petroleum 103.52 ₹ 89.56 ₹
N S Petroleums 103.52 ₹ 89.56 ₹
Appu Petroleum 103.76 ₹ 89.78 ₹
Mainalle Petroleum 103.76 ₹ 89.78 ₹
G N Indian Petroleum 103.52 ₹ 89.56 ₹
Manohar Rao Naik Petroleums 104.08 ₹ 90.20 ₹
S R Holkunde Fuels 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Prabhu Petroleums 103.87 ₹ 89.88 ₹
Girne Petroleums 104.08 ₹ 90.13 ₹
Khoba Petroleum 103.94 ₹ 89.94 ₹
Jai Bhavani Petroleum 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Dr.b R Ambedkar Filling Station 103.58 ₹ 89.62 ₹
Sri Saideep Filling Station 104.08 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Sharanbasava Petroleum Station Unit 103.46 ₹ 89.50 ₹
Jai Jagadamba Bhawani Petroleum 103.96 ₹ 89.97 ₹
G. B. Fuel Zone 103.64 ₹ 89.68 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Karnataka*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Bidar