Petrol and Diesel price in Bijapur

Today Petrol price in Bijapur is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 05 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Bijapur is 118.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Bijapur is Rs 102.70. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Bijapur is Rs 103.57 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Bijapur is Rs 88.82. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Bijapur is Rs 89.61 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all karnataka state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Bijapur Karnataka

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Mahendra Oil Distributors 103.10 ₹ 89.18 ₹ 106.68 ₹
S.s.nainegali 102.98 ₹ 89.07 ₹ 106.57 ₹
G.p.porwal 103.15 ₹ 89.22 ₹ 106.73 ₹
Bharat Oil Agency. 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹ 106.29 ₹
B.v.reshmi 103.19 ₹ 89.26 ₹
Karnataka Oil Distributors 102.89 ₹ 89.00 ₹
Danamma Devi Agencies 102.78 ₹ 88.89 ₹ 106.36 ₹
Sree Saibaba Service Station 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Shankar Petroleums 103.15 ₹ 89.22 ₹
Bharat Oil Agency-nh13 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Raykar Oil Agencies 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹ 107.03 ₹
Bhosale Service Station 103.39 ₹ 89.44 ₹
Sri Sai Petroleums Balolizalaki 103.04 ₹ 89.13 ₹ 106.63 ₹
Kiran Petroleums 103.19 ₹ 89.26 ₹
Milan Petroleum 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹ 106.29 ₹
Sachin Service Centre 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹ 106.29 ₹
Shri Sangameshwar Petroleums 102.71 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Ilager Petroleums 102.75 ₹ 88.86 ₹
Shree Renuka Petroleums 102.91 ₹ 89.01 ₹
Ashwini Petroleums 103.23 ₹ 89.30 ₹ 106.82 ₹
Itagi Petroleum 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
M S Mangalwadhe Petroleums 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹ 106.29 ₹
Shri Hole Basaveshwar Petroleum 103.01 ₹ 89.09 ₹
Naik Petroleum 103.15 ₹ 89.22 ₹
Sri Sangameshwara Oil Agency 103.10 ₹ 89.18 ₹ 106.68 ₹
Tiwari Petroleums 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹ 106.29 ₹
Siddeswara Petroleums 103.26 ₹ 89.33 ₹
Tiwari Service Station 103.36 ₹ 89.41 ₹
Sri Vinayaka Petroleums 103.04 ₹ 89.13 ₹
B C Motagi Petroleums 103.39 ₹ 89.44 ₹ 106.97 ₹
Tulaja Bhavani Petroleums 102.71 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Shri Daneshwari Petroleums 103.23 ₹ 89.30 ₹
Sri Sai Ganesh Petroleums 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Sri Basaveshwara Petroleum 102.98 ₹ 89.07 ₹
Shubham Petrol Point 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Mantur Petroleum 102.81 ₹ 88.92 ₹
Gundagi Petroleum 103.26 ₹ 89.33 ₹
Murgesh Petroleums 102.78 ₹ 88.89 ₹
Sanjeevini Petroleums 103.23 ₹ 89.30 ₹
Anand Petroleums 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹ 106.29 ₹
S V Patil Petroleums 102.95 ₹ 89.05 ₹
Raghavendra Petroleums 103.23 ₹ 89.30 ₹
Patil Petroleums 102.89 ₹ 89.00 ₹
Shri Pawad Basaweshwara Petrol 103.57 ₹ 89.61 ₹
Shanti Petroleums 102.98 ₹ 89.07 ₹
Madiwaleshwar Petroleum 103.39 ₹ 89.44 ₹
Paramanand Petroleum 102.75 ₹ 88.86 ₹ 106.33 ₹
Gobbur Petroleums 103.39 ₹ 89.44 ₹
S.s. Kallur Petroleum 102.94 ₹ 89.03 ₹ 106.52 ₹
Chhaya Petroleums 102.98 ₹ 89.07 ₹
Rodgi Petroleums 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Sangameshwar Entrprises 103.28 ₹ 89.35 ₹
Bhavi Petroleums 102.81 ₹ 88.92 ₹
Harsha Petroleum 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Basava Petroleum 103.01 ₹ 89.09 ₹
Shree Naga Filling Station 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Nandi Petroleums 103.15 ₹ 89.22 ₹
Renuka Devi Petroleums 102.91 ₹ 89.01 ₹
Sri Satyavardhana Ksk 102.98 ₹ 89.07 ₹
Om Sai Petroleums 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Shree Shanker Petroleums 102.75 ₹ 88.86 ₹
Mallikarjun Kesan Seva Kendra 103.46 ₹ 89.51 ₹
Halganesh Petroleum 102.86 ₹ 88.96 ₹
Bhuvaneshwari Petroleum 103.10 ₹ 89.18 ₹
Shreya Petroleum 102.98 ₹ 89.07 ₹
Shri Amoghasiddheshwar Ksk 102.81 ₹ 88.92 ₹
Prajwal Petroleums 103.01 ₹ 89.09 ₹
Shri Amogha Kisan Seva Kendra 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Tungal Petroleums 103.10 ₹ 89.18 ₹
Gouramma Petroleums 103.34 ₹ 89.39 ₹
Shree Sevalal Kisan Seva Kendra 103.10 ₹ 89.18 ₹
Shri Madiwaleshwar Ksk 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Sanmati Petroleum 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Beedanur Petroleums 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Shri Dhanalaxmi Petroleums 102.95 ₹ 89.05 ₹
Shree Chandrashekhar Petroleum 103.19 ₹ 89.26 ₹
Dhanashree Petroleums 103.26 ₹ 89.33 ₹
R.r. Kallur Petroleum 103.10 ₹ 89.18 ₹
G S Hallur Petroleum 103.15 ₹ 89.22 ₹
Kodaganur Petroleums 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Shri Rayalingeshwara Petroleums 103.23 ₹ 89.30 ₹
Mudduraj Petroleum 103.23 ₹ 89.30 ₹
Rathod Petroleums 103.28 ₹ 89.35 ₹
Shree Sugureshwar Petroleums 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Sajjan Petroleums 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Arundhati Indian Oil Petroleum 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Jai Sai Ram Indian Oil Petroleum 102.91 ₹ 89.01 ₹
Tejashwini Petroleums 103.04 ₹ 89.13 ₹
Veenasangam Petroleum 102.89 ₹ 89.00 ₹
Shri Tirumala Petroleum 102.91 ₹ 89.01 ₹
Basagond Brothers Petroleums 103.19 ₹ 89.26 ₹
Abhishekgouda Petroleum 102.81 ₹ 88.92 ₹
Shree Siddalinga Petroleum 103.27 ₹ 89.34 ₹
J K Petroleums 102.75 ₹ 88.86 ₹
Gollaleshwar Petroleums 103.01 ₹ 89.10 ₹
Santoshimaata Petrol Pump 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Akshara Petroleum 102.98 ₹ 89.07 ₹
Ma Sri Aurobindo Petroleums 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Drishti Petroleums 103.23 ₹ 89.30 ₹
Sanvi Petroleums 103.10 ₹ 89.18 ₹
Bidari S Petroleum 102.78 ₹ 88.89 ₹
Mahalingeshwar Petroleums 102.91 ₹ 89.01 ₹
Bhumika Petroleums 103.11 ₹ 89.19 ₹
Shivshankar Petroleum 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Naveed Fuel Service Station 103.57 ₹ 89.61 ₹
Sindagi Petroleums 103.10 ₹ 89.18 ₹
Shree Sai Sagar Petroleums 102.91 ₹ 89.01 ₹
Priyanka Petroleums 103.36 ₹ 89.42 ₹
Awati Petroleums 103.15 ₹ 89.22 ₹
Laxmi Filling Station 103.01 ₹ 89.09 ₹
Shree Revanasiddeshwara Petroleum 102.91 ₹ 89.01 ₹
Shri Veerabhadreshwara Petroleums 103.04 ₹ 89.13 ₹
Dharidevar Petroleum 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Coco Bijapur - Sp 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Sri Pandurang Vithal Petroleums 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Shri Hanuman Petroleum 103.10 ₹ 89.18 ₹
Iocl Coco Jro Annex Bijapur 102.70 ₹ 88.82 ₹
Shri Jakaray Petroleum 103.32 ₹ 89.38 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Karnataka*

No data available

Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Bijapur