Petrol and Diesel price in Davanagere

Today Petrol price in Davanagere is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 14 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Davanagere is 81.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Davanagere is Rs 104.02. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Davanagere is Rs 104.15 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Davanagere is Rs 89.81. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Davanagere is Rs 90.24 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all karnataka state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Davanagere Karnataka

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Nanda Service Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Maruthy Service Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
T.g.shadaksharappa Sons 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Bhavani Service Station 104.14 ₹ 90.05 ₹
Shankar Service Station 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Shree Veerabhadreswara Service Stat 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
United Service Station 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Minerva Service Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
R G D Fuels 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Shree Mahanandi Service Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Manjunatha Sales Service 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sanmathi Filling Centre 104.14 ₹ 90.17 ₹
Srinivasa Service Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Vibha Petroleum 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sree Harihareswara Service Sta 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sbk Service Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Mylaralingeshwara Service 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
G.r. Service Station 104.14 ₹ 90.24 ₹
Basaveshwara Service Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Bangar Basappa Kisan Seva Kendra 104.02 ₹ 89.81 ₹
Prajwal Service Station 104.14 ₹ 90.24 ₹
Sree Gurudatta Kisan Seva Kendra 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Shri Durgambika Kisan Seva Kendra 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Shri Anjaneya Kisan Seva Kendr 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Nandi Kisan Seva Kendra 104.15 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Gangothri Kisan Seva Kendra 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Guru Sai Petroleums 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Siddeshwara Petroleums 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Taralabalu Filling Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Brindavan Kissan Seva Kendra 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Vishwabandhu Petroleums 104.14 ₹ 90.24 ₹
Jyothi Service Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Sadguru Kannaiah F S 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sharana Maganur Basappa F S 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Ajjayya Fuels 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Chandhana Kisan Seva Kendra 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Manjunatha Kisan Seva Kendra 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Kanakuppe Petroleums 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Haladammadevi Kisan Seva Kendra 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Pavana Kisan Seva Kendra 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Irani Petroleums 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Basava Kisan Seva Kendra 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Laxmiranganath Services 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Shree Kottureshwara Petrol Bunk 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Dss Fuel Shoppe 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Ramanjaneya Service Stn 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Kalleshwara Petroleum 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Guru Thipperudra Swamy Ksk 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Ranganatha Kisan Seva Kend 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Gps Filling Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Anjaneya Agencies 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Dss Fuel Souk 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Shri Gurugaddigeshwara Ksk 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Ravi Fuels 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Hnps Poojari Service Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Abhinav Ksk 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Vinayaka Filling Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Kanakagiri Fuels 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sree Balaji Petroleum 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sree Nandishwara Petroleum 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Mailaralingeshwara Petroleums 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Huggi Fuel Station 104.14 ₹ 90.05 ₹
Indira Fuels 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Mylaralingeshwara Petroleums 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Marulasiddeshwara Kisan Seva Ke 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Rvr Fuel Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Prathik Enterprises 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Shree Banashankari Filling Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Rbh Goudru Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Harish Patil Enterprises 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Maltesha Filling Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Patil Filling Station 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Shobha Fuels 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Indhu Fuels 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Patel Fuels 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Sri Sudarshana Filling Station 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Arm Fuels 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Y S Maheshwarappa Petroleum 104.14 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Trayambakam Petroleum 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Coco Chillur adhoc Sree Nandishwar 104.13 ₹ 90.23 ₹
Shree Nagaari Veerappa Petroleums 104.14 ₹ 89.94 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Karnataka*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Davanagere