Petrol and Diesel price in Gadag

Today Petrol price in Gadag is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 05 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Gadag is 49.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Gadag is Rs 103.14. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Gadag is Rs 103.85 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Gadag is Rs 89.21. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Gadag is Rs 89.86 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all karnataka state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Gadag Karnataka

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Gangadhar Trading Company 103.24 ₹ 89.31 ₹
Gadag Co-op.cotton Sale Soc Ltd 103.24 ₹ 89.31 ₹ 106.82 ₹
Malatesh Trading Co 103.69 ₹ 89.71 ₹
Shivayogi Diesels 103.53 ₹ 89.57 ₹
Sanmati Diesels 103.47 ₹ 89.51 ₹
V.h.patil 103.69 ₹ 89.71 ₹ 107.27 ₹
L S Parvatagoudar Co 103.24 ₹ 89.31 ₹
R K G Petroleums 103.37 ₹ 89.42 ₹
Vijay Trading Company 103.24 ₹ 89.31 ₹
Vanashree Petroleums 103.80 ₹ 89.81 ₹
Shirahatti Fakeereshwar Petrolums 103.24 ₹ 89.31 ₹
Jayalakshmi Petroleums 103.75 ₹ 89.78 ₹
Basava Petroleums 103.24 ₹ 89.31 ₹
Parvati Petroleums 103.24 ₹ 89.31 ₹
Nirmaleshwar Petroleum 103.17 ₹ 89.25 ₹
Kamaladevi Petroleums 103.14 ₹ 89.21 ₹
Rsn Oil 103.14 ₹ 89.21 ₹ 106.72 ₹
Vishwa Petroleums 103.53 ₹ 89.57 ₹
Arpit Petroleums 103.17 ₹ 89.25 ₹ 106.75 ₹
Mekki Petroleums 103.17 ₹ 89.25 ₹
Veeresh Petroleum 103.69 ₹ 89.71 ₹ 107.27 ₹
Huilgol Petroleums 103.24 ₹ 89.31 ₹ 106.82 ₹
Raja Rajeshwari Petroleum 103.17 ₹ 89.25 ₹
Maheshwari Kisan Sevan Kendra 103.80 ₹ 89.81 ₹
Shrishail Mallikarjun Traders 103.24 ₹ 89.31 ₹
Shri Mahakuteshwar Ksk 103.42 ₹ 89.47 ₹
Shreenidhi Kisan Seva Kendra 103.24 ₹ 89.31 ₹ 106.82 ₹
Sri.dharmasthal Manjunatha Ksk 103.27 ₹ 89.34 ₹
Pruthvi Dhruv Petroleums 103.47 ₹ 89.51 ₹ 107.05 ₹
Pawar Kisan Seva Kendra 103.69 ₹ 89.71 ₹
Neelappanavar Kisan Seva Kendra 103.47 ₹ 89.51 ₹
Shree Basaveshwar Kisan Seva Kendra 103.27 ₹ 89.34 ₹
Patil Kisan Seva Kendra 103.27 ₹ 89.34 ₹ 106.86 ₹
Shree Haripriya Petroleums 103.42 ₹ 89.47 ₹
Rayaraddi Petroleums 103.37 ₹ 89.42 ₹
Sarala Petroleum 103.24 ₹ 89.31 ₹
Preethamreddi Kisan Seva Kendra 103.64 ₹ 89.67 ₹
Shree Ganesh Petroleums 103.17 ₹ 89.25 ₹
Shree Petroleum 103.80 ₹ 89.81 ₹
Shiddalinganagouda S Patil 103.75 ₹ 89.78 ₹
Doddamani Petrol Pump 103.17 ₹ 89.25 ₹
Devi Petroleum 103.24 ₹ 89.31 ₹
Hiremani Petroleum 103.80 ₹ 89.81 ₹
Saisamarth Petroleum 103.24 ₹ 89.31 ₹
S.a Sangalad Indian Oil Petrol Pump 103.53 ₹ 89.57 ₹
Shree Shashidhar Petroleum 103.17 ₹ 89.25 ₹
Pujar Petroleum 103.85 ₹ 89.86 ₹
Shree Siddaganga Petroleums 103.21 ₹ 89.28 ₹
M S Karakatti Petroleums 103.24 ₹ 89.31 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Karnataka*

No data available

Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Gadag