Petrol and Diesel price in Gulbarga (Kalaburagi)

Today Petrol price in Gulbarga (Kalaburagi) is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 05 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Gulbarga (Kalaburagi) is 90.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Gulbarga (Kalaburagi) is Rs 102.68. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Gulbarga (Kalaburagi) is Rs 103.57 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Gulbarga (Kalaburagi) is Rs 88.80. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Gulbarga (Kalaburagi) is Rs 89.61 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all karnataka state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Gulbarga (Kalaburagi) Karnataka

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Bhogavati Petrol Pump 103.41 ₹ 89.47 ₹
Bankatlal Sons 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Shri Datta Petroleums 103.00 ₹ 89.10 ₹
G.d.anakal Sons 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Premier Agencies 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Premier Agencies 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Mahantesh Agencies 103.20 ₹ 89.27 ₹ 106.78 ₹
Samarth Filling Station 103.12 ₹ 89.20 ₹
Sanga Shetty Automobiles 102.84 ₹ 88.95 ₹
S.a.chillal 103.08 ₹ 89.17 ₹ 106.66 ₹
Prabuddha Petroleums 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹ 106.27 ₹
Gayatri Triveni Filling Station 102.91 ₹ 89.02 ₹
Sangamesh R.kalyani Petroleums 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Samraj Petroleums 103.20 ₹ 89.27 ₹ 106.78 ₹
Kastur Petroleums 103.08 ₹ 89.17 ₹
Aditya Petroleums 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Bhavani Petroleums 103.36 ₹ 89.41 ₹
Best Choice Filling Station 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Tegnoor Petroleums 102.77 ₹ 88.89 ₹
Prince Petroleums 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Om Petroleums 102.92 ₹ 89.02 ₹
Sangameshwar Petroleums 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
R M Madki Petroluem 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Shree Vishwaradhya Petroleums 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹ 106.27 ₹
Mahalaxmi Filling Station 102.98 ₹ 89.07 ₹
Sarana Petroleums 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Mahanatappa Biradar Petroleums 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹ 106.27 ₹
Kamadhenu Petroleums 103.20 ₹ 89.27 ₹ 106.78 ₹
Cocodarga Road 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Dhanamma Petroleums 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹ 106.27 ₹
Deshmukh Rajgire Petroleums 103.05 ₹ 89.14 ₹
Ramshetty Kolkundi Petroleums 102.98 ₹ 89.07 ₹
Shri Veerbhadreshwar Petroleum 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Smieetaa Kawwale Petroleum 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹ 106.27 ₹
Fuels Points 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹ 106.27 ₹
Mouneshwara Filling Station 102.96 ₹ 89.05 ₹ 106.54 ₹
Prestige Petroleums 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Trimurthy Filling Station 103.00 ₹ 89.10 ₹
Sri Ningadalli Petroleum 103.33 ₹ 89.39 ₹
Sri Balaji Auto Services 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Mailaralingeshwara F S 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹ 106.27 ₹
B G Naik Filling Station 102.88 ₹ 88.98 ₹
Sri Basava Filling Station 102.91 ₹ 89.02 ₹ 106.49 ₹
Karuneshwara Oil Centre 103.14 ₹ 89.22 ₹
Sri Sahebgouda Kisan S Kendra 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Jyoti Petroleums 103.12 ₹ 89.20 ₹
Ashok Petrol Pump 103.32 ₹ 89.39 ₹
Konin Petroleum 102.88 ₹ 88.98 ₹
Ndp Petroleums 102.88 ₹ 88.98 ₹
Annapoorneshwari Ksk 103.32 ₹ 89.39 ₹
Sri Sai Petroleum 103.13 ₹ 89.21 ₹
Jyoti Son Petrol Bunk 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Subhadra Petroleum 103.41 ₹ 89.47 ₹
Gowri Petroleum 102.82 ₹ 88.92 ₹
Sangam Petroleum 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Sri Sadguru Petroleum 103.54 ₹ 89.58 ₹
Shree Bhagyadevi Petroleum 103.04 ₹ 89.12 ₹
Sri Balaji Auto Services - Unit Ii 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
M M Pattedar Petroleums 102.84 ₹ 88.95 ₹
Hussain Petrol Pump 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Basangouda Petroleum 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
C S Kusnoor Petrol Bunk 103.32 ₹ 89.39 ₹
Shree Veerabhadreshwara Filling Sta 103.29 ₹ 89.35 ₹
Bhadra Petroleum 102.80 ₹ 88.91 ₹
Siddhasiri Petroleum 103.36 ₹ 89.41 ₹
Sri Padmanabha Fuels 103.41 ₹ 89.47 ₹
Shri Shankar Bharati Petroleum 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Sri Rama Filling Station 103.57 ₹ 89.61 ₹
Anshu Filling Station 103.48 ₹ 89.53 ₹
Nageshwar Petroleums 103.32 ₹ 89.39 ₹
Kamadhenu Filling Station 103.20 ₹ 89.27 ₹
Shree Petroleum 103.45 ₹ 89.50 ₹
Neelakanta Petroleum 103.29 ₹ 89.35 ₹
D M Shiroor Petroleum 103.13 ₹ 89.21 ₹
Nandi Petrol Pump 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Jupiter Filling Station 102.91 ₹ 89.02 ₹
R.p.petroleum 102.68 ₹ 88.80 ₹
Vinay Petroleum 103.45 ₹ 89.50 ₹
Akash Petroleums 103.20 ₹ 89.28 ₹
Pranavnit Agencies 103.32 ₹ 89.39 ₹
R. M. Anakal Petroleums 103.32 ₹ 89.39 ₹
Jogur Petroleums 103.20 ₹ 89.27 ₹
Sushila Petroleums 103.08 ₹ 89.17 ₹
Shree Sawaleshwar Petroleums 103.21 ₹ 89.28 ₹
Mangala Fuels 102.98 ₹ 89.07 ₹
Bandalli Petroleums 102.88 ₹ 88.98 ₹
Shivachandra Filling Station 103.11 ₹ 89.19 ₹
Chowdeshwari Fuel Station 103.48 ₹ 89.53 ₹
Coco Chincholi adhoc Pranavnit Age 103.41 ₹ 89.47 ₹
Kalyani Petroleum 103.00 ₹ 89.10 ₹

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Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Karnataka*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Gulbarga (Kalaburagi)