Petrol and Diesel price in Yadgir

Today Petrol price in Yadgir is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 05 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Yadgir is 46.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Yadgir is Rs 103.31. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Yadgir is Rs 104.09 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Yadgir is Rs 89.37. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Yadgir is Rs 90.19 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all karnataka state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Yadgir Karnataka

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Hiremath Automobiles 103.42 ₹ 89.48 ₹
B.v.reshmi 103.77 ₹ 89.79 ₹
Venkateshwar Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.08 ₹
J D Anakal 103.31 ₹ 89.37 ₹ 106.89 ₹
Vasu Automobiles 103.80 ₹ 89.81 ₹ 107.38 ₹
R.g. Sonnad Filling Station 103.80 ₹ 89.81 ₹
Sangameshwar Filling Station 103.42 ₹ 89.48 ₹
Shubam Petroleums 103.31 ₹ 89.37 ₹ 106.89 ₹
Sharana Service Station 103.42 ₹ 89.48 ₹
Shree Manjunatha Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.08 ₹
Amareswarra Petroleums 103.99 ₹ 89.99 ₹
Patil Patil Filling Station 104.08 ₹ 90.15 ₹
Sri Sai Filling Station 103.77 ₹ 89.79 ₹
Sampath Filling Station 103.64 ₹ 89.68 ₹
Shree Petroleums 103.42 ₹ 89.48 ₹
Sugureshwara Filling Station 103.51 ₹ 89.55 ₹
Shri Siddrameshwara Filling Station 103.77 ₹ 89.79 ₹
Shorapur Filling Station 103.80 ₹ 89.81 ₹ 107.38 ₹
Sri Paramananda Petroleum 104.09 ₹ 90.08 ₹
Sidda Ganga Filling Station 103.64 ₹ 89.68 ₹
Yashoda Petroleums 103.64 ₹ 89.68 ₹
Poojya H R M Petroleums 103.31 ₹ 89.37 ₹
B R Patil Kisan Seva Kendra 103.52 ₹ 89.56 ₹
Sree Basaveshwar Filling Station 104.08 ₹ 90.19 ₹
Hiremath Petroleum 103.42 ₹ 89.48 ₹ 107.01 ₹
Shree Nidhi Petroleum 103.80 ₹ 89.81 ₹
Sanjay Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.08 ₹
Nitish Petroleum 103.99 ₹ 89.99 ₹
Sri Govindanand Petroleums 103.64 ₹ 89.68 ₹
Vikas Petroleum 103.31 ₹ 89.37 ₹
S.a.n Petroleum 103.77 ₹ 89.79 ₹
Eshwari Petroleum 103.42 ₹ 89.48 ₹
Tirupati Petroleum 103.64 ₹ 89.68 ₹
Kgn Petroleum 103.42 ₹ 89.48 ₹
Allamaprabhulingeshwara F S 103.80 ₹ 89.81 ₹
Sri Sugnaneshwara Petroleum 103.42 ₹ 89.48 ₹
Chandana Filling Station 104.09 ₹ 90.08 ₹
Sai Filling Station 103.77 ₹ 89.79 ₹
Kavita Petroleums 103.41 ₹ 89.47 ₹
Shashi Petroleum 103.80 ₹ 89.81 ₹
Avidan S B T Fuel Station 103.64 ₹ 89.68 ₹
Linganna Gouda Malhar Fuel Pump 103.44 ₹ 89.49 ₹
Maruthi Fuels 103.80 ₹ 89.81 ₹
Jeratagi Filling Station 103.77 ₹ 89.79 ₹
Bhagyashree Petrol Bunk 103.38 ₹ 89.44 ₹
Nks Diggai Petrol Pump 103.31 ₹ 89.37 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Karnataka*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Yadgir