Petrol and Diesel price in Malappuram

Today Petrol price in Malappuram is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 12 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Malappuram is 123.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Malappuram is Rs 105.93. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Malappuram is Rs 107.08 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Malappuram is Rs 94.93. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Malappuram is Rs 95.98 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all kerala state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Malappuram Kerala

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Aadithya Petroleum 106.16 ₹ 95.14 ₹
N.c. Petroleum Enterprises 106.03 ₹ 95.02 ₹
K.s Civil Supplies Co tanur 106.18 ₹ 95.16 ₹
Nasir Petroleum Agency 106.26 ₹ 95.24 ₹
Rani Agencies 106.26 ₹ 95.24 ₹
A.m.petroleum 106.26 ₹ 95.24 ₹
Perinthalmanna Fuel Centre 106.84 ₹ 95.76 ₹
Benzy Petroleum 106.50 ₹ 95.44 ₹
Sigma Enterprises 106.78 ₹ 95.70 ₹
Highway Petroleum Agency 106.50 ₹ 95.44 ₹
Everest Fuels 106.50 ₹ 95.44 ₹
Sree Petroleum Agencies 106.69 ₹ 95.61 ₹
Vir Jawan Abdul Nazer Fuels 106.57 ₹ 95.53 ₹
Parakkottil Brothers 106.42 ₹ 95.39 ₹
Kanniyans Petroleum Agency 106.42 ₹ 95.39 ₹
P Hamza Haji Sons 106.28 ₹ 95.26 ₹
Kims Petroleum Agencies 106.26 ₹ 95.24 ₹
International Petroleum 106.28 ₹ 95.26 ₹
P.k.fuels 106.28 ₹ 95.26 ₹
Fiyas Fuels 106.28 ₹ 95.26 ₹
Onappuda Petroleum 106.78 ₹ 95.70 ₹
Appooze Petroleum 106.50 ₹ 95.47 ₹
Lakshmi Sales Services 105.93 ₹ 94.93 ₹
P.p.petroleum 105.93 ₹ 94.93 ₹
Grace Petroleum 106.03 ₹ 95.02 ₹
Neelankath Veerankutty Haji 106.26 ₹ 95.24 ₹
Ckm Associates ex M V Associates 106.62 ₹ 95.55 ₹
K M H Petroleum 106.84 ₹ 95.76 ₹
Varikkodan Petroleum Agency 106.26 ₹ 95.24 ₹
Yempees Petroleum 106.21 ₹ 95.19 ₹
B N B Petroleum 106.50 ₹ 95.47 ₹
Panakkad Auto Services 106.26 ₹ 95.24 ₹
Abishek Auto Fuels 106.62 ₹ 95.55 ₹
Saleema Petroleum 106.28 ₹ 95.26 ₹
United Petroleum 106.03 ₹ 95.02 ₹
Superjet Petroleum 106.42 ₹ 95.39 ₹
Kiran Petroleum 106.69 ₹ 95.61 ₹
Alkos Petroleum Agency 106.28 ₹ 95.26 ₹
Bava Petroleums 106.26 ₹ 95.24 ₹
Pulamanthole Filling Station 106.85 ₹ 95.77 ₹
Star Petroleum Services 106.16 ₹ 95.14 ₹
Prabha Fuel Station 106.03 ₹ 95.02 ₹
P M S Petroleum 106.84 ₹ 95.76 ₹
P P Fuels 106.26 ₹ 95.24 ₹
Royale Petroleum 106.59 ₹ 95.55 ₹
Full Fill Fuels 106.18 ₹ 95.16 ₹
Cocomanjeri 106.26 ₹ 95.24 ₹
Cocokondotty 106.03 ₹ 95.02 ₹
Varada Fuels 106.85 ₹ 95.77 ₹
Nice Petroluem 106.62 ₹ 95.55 ₹
Anranju Fuels 106.69 ₹ 95.61 ₹
Peruvallur Petroleum 106.03 ₹ 95.02 ₹
Prathibha Fuels 106.42 ₹ 95.39 ₹
Santhosh Petroleum 106.57 ₹ 95.53 ₹
Anu Fuels 106.57 ₹ 95.53 ₹
Payingal Petroleum 106.78 ₹ 95.70 ₹
Burma Petroleum 106.59 ₹ 95.55 ₹
Apm Fuels 106.84 ₹ 95.76 ₹
Brothers Petroleum 106.03 ₹ 95.02 ₹
Emarat Petroleum 106.62 ₹ 95.55 ₹
Nims Petroleum 106.03 ₹ 95.02 ₹
Vettathur Petroleum 107.08 ₹ 95.98 ₹
Uchakkavil Fuels 106.03 ₹ 95.02 ₹
M S Cocopadaparamba 106.42 ₹ 95.39 ₹
Ds Petroleum ex Pouvath Fuels 106.69 ₹ 95.64 ₹
Pallikkal Fuels 106.03 ₹ 95.02 ₹
Fathima Petroleum 106.85 ₹ 95.77 ₹
Poolakundan Petroleum 106.18 ₹ 95.16 ₹
Citystar Fuels 106.21 ₹ 95.19 ₹
Maliyakkal 106.18 ₹ 95.16 ₹
Ktj Petroleum 106.78 ₹ 95.70 ₹
Cp Petroleum 106.28 ₹ 95.26 ₹
Khaloorika Petroleum 106.28 ₹ 95.26 ₹
Chakkeeri Petroleum 106.18 ₹ 95.16 ₹
Sv Petroleum 106.21 ₹ 95.19 ₹
Benzy Fuel 106.50 ₹ 95.44 ₹
K T Ahammed Haji Ksk Fuels 106.42 ₹ 95.39 ₹
Cherukode Petroleum 106.42 ₹ 95.39 ₹
Chungam Petroleum 106.84 ₹ 95.76 ₹
Priyans Petroleum 106.59 ₹ 95.55 ₹
Amp Fuels 106.59 ₹ 95.55 ₹
Elankur Fuels 106.26 ₹ 95.24 ₹
Ashmin Trade Links 106.42 ₹ 95.39 ₹
Yesodham Filling Station 106.84 ₹ 95.76 ₹
Mkm Petroleum 106.42 ₹ 95.39 ₹
Nallatuthodika Petroleum 106.78 ₹ 95.70 ₹
A K Petroleum 106.18 ₹ 95.16 ₹
Manissery Fuels 106.50 ₹ 95.44 ₹
M S Muthuvallur Petroleum 106.03 ₹ 95.02 ₹
Palathingal Petroleum 106.21 ₹ 95.19 ₹
Karad Fuels 105.93 ₹ 94.93 ₹
Energy Fuel Park 106.62 ₹ 95.55 ₹
Rex Fuels 106.26 ₹ 95.24 ₹
Vee Pee Petroleum 106.78 ₹ 95.70 ₹
Ammengaras Petroleum 106.28 ₹ 95.26 ₹
Maliyakkal Petroleum 106.18 ₹ 95.16 ₹
M K H Fuels 106.85 ₹ 95.77 ₹
Pulikkalody Fuels 106.42 ₹ 95.39 ₹
Koyampravan Fuels 106.21 ₹ 95.19 ₹
Zeal Petroleum 106.32 ₹ 95.29 ₹
Mammadu Petroleum 106.32 ₹ 95.29 ₹
Nafeeza Petroleum 106.42 ₹ 95.39 ₹
Tmr Petroleum 106.49 ₹ 95.45 ₹
Puthanathani Petroleum 106.85 ₹ 95.77 ₹
P.m.p Fuels 106.62 ₹ 95.57 ₹
V K Petroleum 106.03 ₹ 95.02 ₹
B B Petroleum 106.03 ₹ 95.02 ₹
Kannamangalam Fuels 106.05 ₹ 95.04 ₹
Malappurath Petroleum 106.03 ₹ 95.02 ₹
Isrrr Fuels 106.92 ₹ 95.83 ₹
Santhosh Fuels 106.48 ₹ 95.44 ₹
Thaj Fuels 106.26 ₹ 95.24 ₹
P M S Petroleum Adhoc 106.42 ₹ 95.39 ₹
P M Petroleum 106.16 ₹ 95.14 ₹
Thiruvali Fuels 106.28 ₹ 95.26 ₹
Vettilappara Fuels 106.12 ₹ 95.11 ₹
P Hamza Haji Sons Adhoc 106.26 ₹ 95.24 ₹
Zeal Fuels 106.28 ₹ 95.26 ₹
Fuelmax Petroleum 106.28 ₹ 95.26 ₹
Alaa Auto Fuels 106.42 ₹ 95.39 ₹
A.t.r Petroleum 106.85 ₹ 95.77 ₹
Mkm Petroleum 105.93 ₹ 94.93 ₹
Rk Petroleum 106.21 ₹ 95.19 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Kerala*

No data available

Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Malappuram