Petrol and Diesel price in Pathanamthitta

Today Petrol price in Pathanamthitta is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 12 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Pathanamthitta is 48.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Pathanamthitta is Rs 106.22. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Pathanamthitta is Rs 106.87 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Pathanamthitta is Rs 95.17. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Pathanamthitta is Rs 95.78 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all kerala state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Pathanamthitta Kerala

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
K.s.abraham And Company 106.56 ₹ 95.49 ₹
Podippara Fuels 106.33 ₹ 95.28 ₹
Pratheesh Fuels 106.67 ₹ 95.59 ₹
K.c.oommen Son 106.26 ₹ 95.22 ₹ 109.65 ₹
K.ramachandran Nair 106.67 ₹ 95.59 ₹
Bharat Auto Service 106.26 ₹ 95.22 ₹
Sree Dharmasastha Fuels 106.87 ₹ 95.78 ₹
P.k.abraham And Sons 106.63 ₹ 95.55 ₹
Excel Agencies 106.51 ₹ 95.44 ₹
Poyanil Fuels 106.46 ₹ 95.39 ₹
Kavumkal Fuels 106.69 ₹ 95.61 ₹
J J Auto Fuels 106.22 ₹ 95.17 ₹
Kayson Fuels 106.63 ₹ 95.55 ₹
Meenaakshi Fuels 106.56 ₹ 95.49 ₹
Souparnika Fuels 106.51 ₹ 95.44 ₹
O.p.mathew Co 106.30 ₹ 95.24 ₹
Kairaly Fuels 106.63 ₹ 95.55 ₹
Thushara Fuels 106.69 ₹ 95.61 ₹
Excel Fuels 106.63 ₹ 95.55 ₹ 110.01 ₹
Ushus Auto Fuels 106.56 ₹ 95.49 ₹
Radco Fuels 106.26 ₹ 95.22 ₹
Palazhi Filling Station 106.67 ₹ 95.59 ₹ 110.05 ₹
Rajavalsom Fuels 106.51 ₹ 95.44 ₹
Southern Rock Fuels 106.33 ₹ 95.28 ₹
Pamba Fuels 106.35 ₹ 95.29 ₹
Poovanmala Reena Fuels 106.56 ₹ 95.49 ₹
Krishna Fuels 106.69 ₹ 95.61 ₹
Royal Fuels 106.63 ₹ 95.55 ₹
Muruppel Fuels 106.51 ₹ 95.44 ₹
S.a.r. Fuels 106.87 ₹ 95.78 ₹
Kallichethu Fuels 106.63 ₹ 95.55 ₹
Jojo Fuels 106.68 ₹ 95.60 ₹
Aswathy Filling Station 106.69 ₹ 95.61 ₹
Gurukripa Fuels 106.51 ₹ 95.44 ₹
Kurians Fuels 106.51 ₹ 95.44 ₹
Amma Fuels 106.35 ₹ 95.29 ₹ M.g.fuels 106.51 ₹ 95.44 ₹
Swamy Ayyappa Fuels 106.68 ₹ 95.60 ₹
Palackamannil Fuels 106.51 ₹ 95.44 ₹
Syra Fuels 106.33 ₹ 95.28 ₹
Thadiyil Fuels 106.51 ₹ 95.44 ₹
Travancore Fuels 106.30 ₹ 95.24 ₹
Dakshina Fuels 106.87 ₹ 95.78 ₹
Gayathri Fuels 106.51 ₹ 95.44 ₹
Kizhakkettathu Fuels 106.79 ₹ 95.71 ₹
K.s.c Thiruvalla 106.26 ₹ 95.22 ₹
M M Petroleums 106.56 ₹ 95.50 ₹
Pottukulam Fuels 106.24 ₹ 95.19 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Kerala*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Pathanamthitta