Today Petrol price in Burhanpur is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Burhanpur is 17.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Burhanpur is Rs 107.99. ₹/Litre
Highest selling price of petrol in Burhanpur is Rs 108.00 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Burhanpur is Rs 93.39. ₹/Litre
Highest selling price of diesel in Burhanpur is Rs 93.40 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government.
The petrol price is inclusive of all madhya pradesh state taxes.
Fuel Station | Petrol | Diesel | Xtra-Premium Petrol |
Faiyaz Hussain Bros. | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
Thakur Nawalsingh Kesri Singh | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
Nepa Limited | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
Ranjeet Fuel Centre | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
S. I . Ali Sons | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
Mile Stone Energy | 107.99 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
Shivam Kisan Sewa Kendra | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
Kazi Kisan Sewa Kendra | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
Shri Saishakti Kisan Sewa Kendra | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
Kratika Fuel Centre | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
Agrawal Petro Station | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
Mahajan Fuels | 108.00 ₹ | 93.39 ₹ | |
Durga Petroleum Ksk | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
Raj Kisan Seva Kendra | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
Shri Krishna Petroleum | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
Shiv Shyam Fuel Station | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ | |
Chaitanya Petroleum | 108.00 ₹ | 93.40 ₹ |
No data available