Petrol and Diesel price in Shivpuri

Today Petrol price in Shivpuri is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Shivpuri is 69.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Shivpuri is Rs 107.21. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Shivpuri is Rs 108.00 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Shivpuri is Rs 92.53. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Shivpuri is Rs 93.41 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all madhya pradesh state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Ballabhchand 107.91 ₹ 93.17 ₹
Kantharia Automobiles 108.00 ₹ 93.39 ₹
Police Welfare Filling Stn18 Bn 107.91 ₹ 93.17 ₹
Sengar Brothers 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Shivpuri Filling Station 107.91 ₹ 93.17 ₹
Sankhla Brothers 107.91 ₹ 93.17 ₹
Arihant Fuel Point 108.00 ₹ 93.35 ₹
Raghuwanshi Highways 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Ramsahay Transport 107.91 ₹ 93.17 ₹
Ibp Auto Service-khaniadana 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Paderia Fuel Centre 107.96 ₹ 93.21 ₹
Shri Gurukripa Filling Station 107.77 ₹ 93.04 ₹
Basai Auto 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Shree Kamal Fuel Center 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Narwar Fueling Centre 107.60 ₹ 92.88 ₹
The Highway Fuels 107.76 ₹ 93.02 ₹
Nisha Kisan Sewa Kendra 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Parwati Fuels Kisan Sewa Kendr 107.64 ₹ 92.92 ₹
Kabir Ksk 108.00 ₹ 93.28 ₹
Shivpuri Petrol Pump 107.94 ₹ 93.20 ₹
Maa Hinglaj Kissan Sewa Kendra 107.98 ₹ 93.23 ₹
Rohit Petroleum 108.00 ₹ 93.41 ₹
Raghuwar Dayal Kisan Sewa Kend 107.39 ₹ 92.69 ₹
Sonali Fuel Services 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Sadhana Highway Filling Centre 107.91 ₹ 93.17 ₹
Shri Mahavir Swamy Ksk 108.00 ₹ 93.39 ₹
Shri Girraj Ji Filling Centre 107.91 ₹ 93.17 ₹
Sapna Kissan Sewa Kendra 107.89 ₹ 93.15 ₹
Bankdeji Kissan Sewa Kendra 107.99 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Jadon Kissan Sewa Kendra 107.99 ₹ 93.24 ₹
Sh.kamla Petrol Pump 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Shivhare Kisan Seva Kendra 108.00 ₹ 93.35 ₹
Bhav Bhaveshar Indian Oil 108.00 ₹ 93.33 ₹
Maa Rajeshwari Kisan Sewa Kendra 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Bilaiya Petrol Pump 108.00 ₹ 93.29 ₹
Ps Filling Station 108.00 ₹ 93.41 ₹
Pure Fuel Station 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Sankalp Filling Station 108.00 ₹ 93.28 ₹
Shri Narsingji Kisan Sewa Kendra 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Maa Savitri Kisan Sewa Kendra 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Mourya Kisan Sewa Kendra 107.51 ₹ 92.80 ₹
Vijasen Devi Maa Kisan Sewa Kendra 108.00 ₹ 93.27 ₹
Balaji Filling Station 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Choudhary N Choudhary Indian Oil 107.96 ₹ 93.21 ₹
Ashvinee Fuel Center 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Girraj Kisan Sewa Kendra 107.99 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Thakur Baba Kisan Sewa Kendra 108.00 ₹ 93.29 ₹
Sawariya Seth Filling Station 108.00 ₹ 93.33 ₹
Jai Khati Baba Kisan Sewa Kendra 108.00 ₹ 93.29 ₹
Baghban Indian Oil 107.94 ₹ 93.20 ₹
Patel Filling Station 108.00 ₹ 93.33 ₹
Jay Kabeer Kisan Sewa Kendra 107.60 ₹ 92.88 ₹
Deep Filling Station 107.67 ₹ 92.95 ₹
Sharda Filling Station 107.94 ₹ 93.20 ₹
Geeta Filling Station 107.91 ₹ 93.17 ₹
Maa Kailadevi Kisan Sewa Kendra 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Sahni Fuels 107.91 ₹ 93.17 ₹
Shri Giriraj Ji Sai Kisan Sewa Kend 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Bhagwati Energy Station 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Amrat Energy Kisan Sewa Kendra 108.00 ₹ 93.35 ₹
Hare Krishna Energy Station 107.21 ₹ 92.53 ₹
Kgn Kisan Sewa Kendra 108.00 ₹ 93.28 ₹
Raghuwansh Energy Station 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Saket Filling Energy Staion 107.91 ₹ 93.17 ₹
Radha Krishna Kisan Sewa Kendra 108.00 ₹ 93.39 ₹
Adhoc Rohit Petroleum 108.00 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Patel Sons Energy Station 108.00 ₹ 93.33 ₹
Shivhare Energy 108.00 ₹ 93.33 ₹
Divyansh Energy Centre 108.00 ₹ 93.41 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Madhya Pradesh*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Shivpuri