Petrol and Diesel price in Buldhana

Today Petrol price in Buldhana is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 05 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Buldhana is 67.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Buldhana is Rs 104.30. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Buldhana is Rs 105.50 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Buldhana is Rs 90.86. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Buldhana is Rs 92.03 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all maharashtra state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Buldhana Maharashtra

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Bhandare Highway Services 104.79 ₹ 91.33 ₹
G.n.agrawal 104.43 ₹ 90.98 ₹ 107.85 ₹
Ghanshyam Auto Service 104.53 ₹ 91.08 ₹
R.r.bondre 105.05 ₹ 91.57 ₹
Mundhada Auto Service 104.94 ₹ 91.47 ₹
Hirole Petroleum 105.50 ₹ 92.03 ₹
Buldhana Zilha A.k.sss Ltd 105.50 ₹ 92.03 ₹
Pawar Petroleum 104.94 ₹ 91.47 ₹
Mundhada Sons 104.80 ₹ 91.34 ₹
Radhey Servo Centre 104.41 ₹ 90.97 ₹
Shri Gajanan Servo Centre 104.30 ₹ 90.86 ₹
Shanti Servo Station 104.98 ₹ 91.51 ₹
R.m. Bondre 105.05 ₹ 91.57 ₹
Agrawal Servo Care 105.38 ₹ 91.90 ₹
Sagar Highway Service-ioc Dealer 105.35 ₹ 91.87 ₹
Bhonde Servo Petroleum 105.50 ₹ 92.03 ₹
Ambadeep Servo Petroleum 105.24 ₹ 91.76 ₹
Raj Servo Centre 105.50 ₹ 92.03 ₹
Palak Servo 104.94 ₹ 91.47 ₹
Nikita Servo 105.43 ₹ 91.94 ₹
Jaikisan Servo 105.15 ₹ 91.68 ₹
Sonu Servo Centre 105.50 ₹ 92.03 ₹
R T Bhonde Ksk 105.49 ₹ 92.03 ₹
Yash Servo Ksk 104.35 ₹ 90.91 ₹ 107.76 ₹
Animesh Servo Automobiles 105.05 ₹ 91.57 ₹ 108.46 ₹
Sumantai Wasnik Kisan Seva Kendra 105.08 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Onkar Servo Kisan Seva Kendra 105.06 ₹ 91.59 ₹
Kanak Servo 104.68 ₹ 91.22 ₹
Varad Servo Centre 105.15 ₹ 91.68 ₹
Gurumauli Servo 104.73 ₹ 91.27 ₹
Rajlaxmi Servo 104.30 ₹ 90.86 ₹
Shri Sant Gajanan Petroleum 105.50 ₹ 92.03 ₹
Shrinivas Petrolinks 104.95 ₹ 91.48 ₹
Deshmukh Petroleum Ksk 104.57 ₹ 91.12 ₹
Shri Sai Petrol Pump 104.94 ₹ 91.47 ₹
Shivshakti Petroleum 104.55 ₹ 91.10 ₹
Shree Ojas Petroleum 104.80 ₹ 91.34 ₹ 108.22 ₹
Rudra Petroleum 104.84 ₹ 91.37 ₹
Wankhede Petroleum 104.93 ₹ 91.46 ₹
Atiyab Petroleum 104.94 ₹ 91.47 ₹
Tulsaai Petroleum 105.06 ₹ 91.58 ₹
A.s.petroleum 105.25 ₹ 91.77 ₹
Sau. Shobhabai Tejrao More Petroleu 104.80 ₹ 91.34 ₹
Ambadeep Servo Petroleum Ad Coco Na 104.68 ₹ 91.22 ₹
Baba Petroleum 104.88 ₹ 91.42 ₹
Neha Petroleum 104.52 ₹ 91.07 ₹
M S Swastik Servo 104.81 ₹ 91.35 ₹
Swarajya Petroleum 104.43 ₹ 90.98 ₹
Laxmi Pundalika Petroleum Seva 105.24 ₹ 91.76 ₹
Bilari Servo Petroleum 105.50 ₹ 92.03 ₹
Ishwari Servo Petroleum 105.03 ₹ 91.55 ₹
Lokhande Petroleum 105.50 ₹ 92.03 ₹
Shree Balaji Servo Petroleum 104.30 ₹ 90.86 ₹
Ghongade Petrol Pump 105.03 ₹ 91.55 ₹
Matoshri Petroleum Indian Oil 105.50 ₹ 92.03 ₹
Sai Kartik Petroleum 104.94 ₹ 91.47 ₹
Jai Shri Balaji Petroleum 104.42 ₹ 90.97 ₹
Shital Petroleum 104.42 ₹ 90.97 ₹
Vasantrao Dandge Sons 104.80 ₹ 91.34 ₹
Jai Malhar Petroleum 104.90 ₹ 91.43 ₹
Wsa Mandwa_samrudhi Ew-mcrr Bondre 105.38 ₹ 91.90 ₹
Wsa Mandwa_samrudhi Ew-ncadh-hirol 105.38 ₹ 91.90 ₹
Wsa Mandwa_samrudhi Ew-mctamboli A 105.38 ₹ 91.90 ₹
Parag Petroleum 104.88 ₹ 91.42 ₹
Dwarkadhish Petroleum 104.83 ₹ 91.36 ₹
Samruddhi Servo Services 105.15 ₹ 91.68 ₹
G.n.agrawal 104.42 ₹ 90.97 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Maharashtra*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Buldhana