Petrol and Diesel price in Chandrapur

Today Petrol price in Chandrapur is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 05 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Chandrapur is 52.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Chandrapur is Rs 104.08. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Chandrapur is Rs 105.28 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Chandrapur is Rs 90.65. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Chandrapur is Rs 91.81 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all maharashtra state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Chandrapur Maharashtra

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Adarsh Service Station 104.10 ₹ 90.67 ₹
E.s. Lonkar 104.92 ₹ 91.47 ₹
Prassanna Service Station 104.10 ₹ 90.67 ₹
Modern Service Station 104.08 ₹ 90.65 ₹
Sandeep Gasolines 104.08 ₹ 90.65 ₹
Adi Ganesh Automobiles 104.37 ₹ 90.93 ₹
Mahendra Petroleum Servo Point 104.52 ₹ 91.08 ₹
Prabhakar Petro Servo 104.94 ₹ 91.49 ₹
Shree Padmalaya Petroleum Servo 104.27 ₹ 90.84 ₹
Gauri Servo Centre 104.94 ₹ 91.47 ₹
Shree Gurukripa Services 104.14 ₹ 90.72 ₹
Balaji Petroleum 104.50 ₹ 91.06 ₹
Shree Saraswati Petroleum Services 104.10 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Mariya Servo Petroleum 104.24 ₹ 90.81 ₹
Shubham Servo Petroleum 104.14 ₹ 90.72 ₹
Golden Servo Station 104.08 ₹ 90.65 ₹
Roshan Servo Fuel Station 104.64 ₹ 91.19 ₹
Wasekar Servo Centre 104.10 ₹ 90.67 ₹
Srinivas Kisan Seva Kendra 104.36 ₹ 90.92 ₹
Om Sai Kisan Seva Kendra 104.42 ₹ 90.99 ₹
Mahakali Servo Centre 104.10 ₹ 90.67 ₹
Aditya Servo Petroleum 104.78 ₹ 91.33 ₹
Narendra Kisan Seva Kendra 104.60 ₹ 91.15 ₹
Shreeji Servo Ksk 105.28 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Poornima Servo 104.47 ₹ 91.03 ₹
Geet Servo 105.20 ₹ 91.72 ₹
Avaneesh Petroleum 104.09 ₹ 90.66 ₹
Kamal Ksk 104.53 ₹ 91.09 ₹
Prem Sai Ksk 105.26 ₹ 91.78 ₹
Gaurav Petroleum 104.33 ₹ 90.89 ₹
Shree Mahadeo Petroleum 104.25 ₹ 90.81 ₹
Rohankar Petrol Pump 104.69 ₹ 91.24 ₹
Vidarbha Petroleum 104.08 ₹ 90.65 ₹
Sainath Servo Petroleum 105.12 ₹ 91.64 ₹
M S Maa Renuka Servo Petroleum 104.81 ₹ 91.36 ₹
Namdeo Chunarkar Petroleum 104.72 ₹ 91.27 ₹
Sargam Petroleum Services 104.11 ₹ 90.69 ₹
Sewa Petroleum 104.24 ₹ 90.81 ₹
Shri Gajanan Maharaj Petrol Pump 105.14 ₹ 91.68 ₹
Shri Gurudeo Petroleum 104.91 ₹ 91.46 ₹
Sai Ganesh Petrol Pump 105.26 ₹ 91.79 ₹
Sai Krupa Service Station 104.46 ₹ 91.02 ₹
Nirbhai Filling Center 104.46 ₹ 91.02 ₹
Gsp Servo 104.92 ₹ 91.47 ₹
Himanshu Petroleum 104.92 ₹ 91.47 ₹
Dhurve Petroleum 104.92 ₹ 91.47 ₹
Jaiswal Fuel Station 104.10 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Aswale Petroleum 104.52 ₹ 91.08 ₹
Maa Sharda Petroleum 104.50 ₹ 91.06 ₹
Siddheshwara Petroleum 104.46 ₹ 91.02 ₹
R-iii 104.10 ₹ 90.67 ₹
Coco Rajura - Shubham Servo Petrole 104.46 ₹ 91.02 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Maharashtra*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Chandrapur