Petrol and Diesel price in Keonjhar

Today Petrol price in Keonjhar is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Keonjhar is 83.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Keonjhar is Rs 101.80. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Keonjhar is Rs 102.63 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Keonjhar is Rs 93.37. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Keonjhar is Rs 94.21 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all odisha state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Keonjhar Odisha

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Satyajit Service Station 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Sab Service Station 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Jambubati Filling Stn. 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Baldevjew Filling Station 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Bramheswar Filling Station 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
General Traderskeonjhar 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Sriaurobindo Fill. Station 102.06 ₹ 93.58 ₹
Sharma Enterprises 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Joshi Enterprises 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Jai Ganesh Enterprises 102.63 ₹ 94.21 ₹
Maa Tarini Fuels 102.62 ₹ 94.19 ₹
Shree Maa Traders 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Smita Petroleum 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Guru Nanak Petroleum 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Maa Tarini Petroleum 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Sai Filling Station 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Kushaleswar Kissan Seva Kendra 102.01 ₹ 93.53 ₹
Ashok Rajpath Service 102.06 ₹ 93.58 ₹
Shreekshetra Fillex 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Jai Maa Tarini Services 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Sakhee Kisan Seva Kendra 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Maa Thakurani Service Station 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Bamebari Filling Station 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
R.b. Filling Station 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Shree Ganesh Filling Station 102.63 ₹ 94.16 ₹
P. Bharadwaj Filling Centre 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Maheswari Kisan Seva Kendra 102.63 ₹ 94.19 ₹
Sarathi Kisan Seva Kendra 102.49 ₹ 94.06 ₹
Chakadola Filling Station 102.55 ₹ 94.05 ₹
Swagat Maa Tarini Filling Stn. 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Trupti Fuel Centre 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Dally Kisan Seva Kendra 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Swarnjagat Services 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Tarini Highway Services 102.43 ₹ 93.93 ₹
Shiv Krupa Ksk 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Pj Kisan Seva Kendra 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Anjali Fuel ksk 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
A Company Ksk 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Jbbr Ksk 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
La Fuel ksk 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Shuvam Ksk 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Trims Petroleum ksk 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Jairam Filling Station ksk 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Nageswar Ksk 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Maa Kali Ksk 102.54 ₹ 94.04 ₹
Gobinda Chandra Ksk 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Smruti Sruti Ksk 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Deveta Service Station 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Shree Gundicha Ksk 102.24 ₹ 93.75 ₹
Ramachandra Ksk 101.80 ₹ 93.37 ₹
Subway Fuels 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Apat Brothers Fuels 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Shree Gajanan Ksk 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Parikhita Kisan Seva Kendra 102.62 ₹ 94.14 ₹
Maa Sabitri Ksk 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Swapneswar Filling Station ksk 102.63 ₹ 94.19 ₹
Sai Prasad Filling Station 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Banspani Filling Station 102.63 ₹ 94.21 ₹
Kanishka Filling Station 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Maa Gadachandi Filling Station 102.55 ₹ 94.05 ₹
Remuli Enterprise 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Balda Filling Station 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Shivya Fuels 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Matashree Filling Stationksk 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Anupama Kisan Seva Kendra 101.93 ₹ 93.49 ₹
Biswo Tarini Filling Stationksk 102.00 ₹ 93.56 ₹
Baral Filling Stationksk 102.29 ₹ 93.84 ₹
Banchheswar Filling Stationksk 102.03 ₹ 93.55 ₹
Jena Kisan Seva Kendra 102.01 ₹ 93.53 ₹
Gorakhnath Enterprises Ksk 102.00 ₹ 93.56 ₹
Maa Taramani Filling Station 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Batakrushna Filling Stationksk 102.01 ₹ 93.53 ₹
Motilal Ksk 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Debaki Kisan Seva Kendra 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Mother Kisan Seva Kendra 102.06 ₹ 93.58 ₹
Keonjhar Fuels 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Nk Imperial Oil ksk 102.59 ₹ 94.13 ₹
J B L Filling Station 102.62 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Sun Flower K.s.k 102.48 ₹ 93.98 ₹
Dinabandhu Petroleum ksk 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Sachindra Petroleum ksk 102.37 ₹ 93.88 ₹
Swastik Fuels 102.63 ₹ 94.21 ₹
General Tradersraisuan 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Odisha*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Keonjhar