Petrol and Diesel price in Mayurbhanj

Today Petrol price in Mayurbhanj is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Mayurbhanj is 44.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Mayurbhanj is Rs 101.15. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Mayurbhanj is Rs 102.63 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Mayurbhanj is Rs 92.74. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Mayurbhanj is Rs 94.20 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all odisha state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Mayurbhanj Odisha

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Jai Narain Madanlal 102.62 ₹ 94.15 ₹
Ambika Auto Service 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Chandgotia Auto Service 102.46 ₹ 94.00 ₹
Munilal Ramdayalbaripada 101.56 ₹ 93.14 ₹
Munilal Ramdayalpalbani 101.59 ₹ 93.16 ₹
Maa Kichakeswari Service Stn. 101.15 ₹ 92.74 ₹
Bhagabati Filling Stationaod 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Seemanta Filling Station 101.97 ₹ 93.54 ₹
Debasis Filling Station 101.56 ₹ 93.14 ₹
Swastik Filling Station 101.28 ₹ 92.86 ₹
Murmu Kisan Seva Kendra 101.45 ₹ 93.03 ₹
Sagun Saunri Filling Station 102.63 ₹ 94.17 ₹
Marangburu Filling Station 101.77 ₹ 93.34 ₹
Renu Ksan Seva Kendra 101.45 ₹ 93.03 ₹
Sheetal Kisan Seva Kendra 101.56 ₹ 93.14 ₹
First Fill 101.56 ₹ 93.14 ₹
Parida Kisan Seva Kendra 101.15 ₹ 92.74 ₹
Raj Krishna Ksk 102.53 ₹ 94.07 ₹
Raja Ksk 101.56 ₹ 93.14 ₹
Rajshree Ksk 101.60 ₹ 93.18 ₹
Raghunathpur Ksk 101.56 ₹ 93.14 ₹
Sindhu Filling Station 101.56 ₹ 93.14 ₹
Gorumahisani Kisan Seva Kendra 102.58 ₹ 94.12 ₹
Shree Nilamadhaba Petroleum 102.63 ₹ 94.17 ₹
Chakradhar Kisan Seva Kendra 101.56 ₹ 93.14 ₹
Udala Filling Station 101.51 ₹ 93.09 ₹
Basuli Filling Station 102.53 ₹ 94.07 ₹
Bina Kisan Seva Kendra 101.28 ₹ 92.86 ₹
Dindayal Filling Station 102.14 ₹ 93.69 ₹
Labanya Kisan Seva Kendra 102.53 ₹ 94.07 ₹
Baripada Fuels 101.56 ₹ 93.14 ₹
Maa Bhubaneswari Ksk 101.38 ₹ 92.96 ₹
Maa Ambika Ksk 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Prabhabati Filling Station 102.62 ₹ 94.15 ₹
Blessing Filling Station 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Girish Das Ksk 101.86 ₹ 93.42 ₹
Raja Fuels 101.56 ₹ 93.14 ₹
Baba Jhinkeswar Ksk 101.49 ₹ 93.07 ₹
Devimaa Kisan Seva Kendra 101.39 ₹ 92.97 ₹
Ganesh Filling Station 102.63 ₹ 94.20 ₹
Saikrupa Kisan Seva Kendra 101.77 ₹ 93.34 ₹
Shakuntala Energy Point 101.59 ₹ 93.16 ₹
Sairam Filling Station 101.56 ₹ 93.14 ₹
Shree Jogeswar Kisan Seva Kendra 101.72 ₹ 93.29 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Odisha*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Mayurbhanj