Petrol and Diesel price in Ludhiana

Today Petrol price in Ludhiana is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 05 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Ludhiana is 212.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Ludhiana is Rs 97.04. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Ludhiana is Rs 97.63 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Ludhiana is Rs 87.55. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Ludhiana is Rs 88.11 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all punjab state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Ludhiana Punjab

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Akal Filling Station 97.31 ₹ 87.80 ₹
Auto Fuel Centre-123 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹ 101.00 ₹
Benepal Service Station-18 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
C.v.r. Oil Stores 97.36 ₹ 87.85 ₹
Dalip Singh Co. G.t. Road 97.60 ₹ 88.08 ₹
Dalip Singh Co raikot Road 97.60 ₹ 88.08 ₹ 100.99 ₹
Doraha Co-op Marketing Society 97.50 ₹ 87.98 ₹
Engineer Auto Centre-125 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹ 101.00 ₹
Gulzar Service Stn-15 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹ 101.00 ₹
Guru Nanak S Stn-127 97.23 ₹ 87.74 ₹ 100.62 ₹
Happy Service Station 97.57 ₹ 88.05 ₹ 100.95 ₹
Hira Filling Station -121 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Jacksin Auto Engineers-22 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹ 101.00 ₹
Joginder Singh Co hsd 97.33 ₹ 87.83 ₹
Kansal Service Station-20 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Ladowal Filling Station-19 97.04 ₹ 87.55 ₹
Laxmi Service Station-13 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹ 101.00 ₹
Mittal Filling Station 97.37 ₹ 87.86 ₹
Pirthi Chand Mangat Rai 97.55 ₹ 88.03 ₹
Pritam Singh Cogalwadi 97.39 ₹ 87.88 ₹
Punjab Agro Industries 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Sandeep Aulakh F Stn-359 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Sarabjot Service Station 97.28 ₹ 87.77 ₹
Sarwan Service Station-12 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Sehgal Filling Station-21 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Sharma Filling Station-338 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Sidhwanbet Filling Stn-26 97.09 ₹ 87.60 ₹
Urja Centre-132 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Ajanta Auto Services 97.60 ₹ 88.08 ₹
Kapila Service Station 97.57 ₹ 88.05 ₹
Subhash Co ms 97.16 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Gill Co Khanna 97.44 ₹ 87.92 ₹
Lohat Baddi Filling Station 97.12 ₹ 87.62 ₹
Karamsar Filling Station 97.19 ₹ 87.69 ₹
Malaudh Filling Station 97.21 ₹ 87.70 ₹
Dharamvir Ved Lal 97.44 ₹ 87.93 ₹ 100.83 ₹
Kissan S Stn.bija 97.33 ₹ 87.83 ₹
Akal S St.khanna 97.44 ₹ 87.92 ₹
Jain Agro Service Centre 97.24 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Jhar Sahib Filling Station 97.54 ₹ 88.02 ₹
Shaheed Nirmal Singh F S 97.23 ₹ 87.73 ₹
Labhu Ram Khusi Ram-193 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Guru Mehar Filling Station 97.20 ₹ 87.69 ₹
Jagtar Filling Station 97.56 ₹ 88.04 ₹
Nahars Petromart-249 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Grewal Petros 97.28 ₹ 87.77 ₹ 100.66 ₹
Sardar Kesar Singh Grewal F Stn. 97.15 ₹ 87.65 ₹
Sainik Filling Station 97.36 ₹ 87.85 ₹
Ganesh Filling Station 97.17 ₹ 87.67 ₹
Gurukanwar Filling Station 97.13 ₹ 87.63 ₹
Parkash Filling Station 97.47 ₹ 87.96 ₹
Bansal Filling Station-204 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Garg Filling Station kheri 97.25 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Varuna Petro Care -131 97.27 ₹ 87.76 ₹
Anant Petro-14 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Aulakh Filling Station 97.27 ₹ 87.76 ₹
Supreme Oils Lubes-290 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Fuel Fountain 97.15 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Monaal Filling Station 97.20 ₹ 87.69 ₹
C A Petro Enterprises 97.30 ₹ 87.80 ₹
Romeo Filling Station 97.23 ₹ 87.72 ₹
Modern India Service Station 97.24 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Amar Filling Stn.-605 97.22 ₹ 87.72 ₹
Gurmukh Service Stn.-630 97.46 ₹ 87.95 ₹ 100.84 ₹
Highway Service Stn.-638 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Pee Kay Filling Stn. 97.57 ₹ 88.05 ₹
Anurag Filling Station 97.57 ₹ 88.05 ₹
Ram Singh Sons-689 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Bansal Motors 97.59 ₹ 88.07 ₹ 100.98 ₹
Gill Filling Station 97.59 ₹ 88.07 ₹
Universal Fuels-725 97.24 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Hans Filling Station 97.36 ₹ 87.85 ₹
Leelan Motors 97.52 ₹ 88.00 ₹
Deepak Filling Station 97.18 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Royal Automobiles 97.39 ₹ 87.88 ₹
Jasbir Oil Co. 97.48 ₹ 87.97 ₹
Shiv Om Filling Station-743 97.57 ₹ 88.05 ₹
Shyam Fuel Lines-716 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Laddi Filling Station 97.54 ₹ 88.02 ₹
Harinder Filling Station-635 97.51 ₹ 88.00 ₹
Jalaldiwal F. St. 97.23 ₹ 87.73 ₹
Dashmesh Trading Company 97.31 ₹ 87.80 ₹
Iklaha Filling Station 97.29 ₹ 87.79 ₹
Pragati Enterprises 97.12 ₹ 87.62 ₹
Raju Filling Station 97.47 ₹ 87.95 ₹
Onkar Filling Station 97.29 ₹ 87.78 ₹
Chaudhary Service Station 97.44 ₹ 87.92 ₹
Gopala Trading Company 97.44 ₹ 87.92 ₹
Otaal Filling Station 97.44 ₹ 87.92 ₹ 100.82 ₹
Mangat Filling Station 97.63 ₹ 88.11 ₹
Rajendra Filling Station 97.57 ₹ 88.05 ₹
Kamal Filling Station 97.56 ₹ 88.05 ₹
Sai Filling Station 97.33 ₹ 87.81 ₹
Lalton Fuel Point 97.36 ₹ 87.85 ₹
Unique Filling Station 97.16 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Gurdev Filling Station 97.12 ₹ 87.62 ₹
Guru Nanak Filling Station 97.33 ₹ 87.82 ₹ 100.72 ₹
Randev Fillers-350 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Shri Balaji Roadways india Ltd 97.24 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Gill Road Service Stn-439 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Kailpur Kissan Sewa Centre 97.48 ₹ 87.96 ₹
Zimidara Kissan Sewa Kendra 97.49 ₹ 87.97 ₹
Malwa Kissan Sewa Kendra 97.45 ₹ 87.94 ₹ 100.84 ₹
Sant Maghar Singh Kisan Sewa Centre 97.22 ₹ 87.72 ₹ 100.61 ₹
Balaji Filling Station kullewal 97.41 ₹ 87.90 ₹
Shree Balaji Petro-474 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹ 101.00 ₹
Sunrise Filling Station-10 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹ 101.00 ₹
Khangura Filling Station ksk 97.14 ₹ 87.64 ₹
Sahota Filling Station 97.50 ₹ 87.98 ₹
Bhatti Service Station 97.41 ₹ 87.90 ₹
Amrit Shanti Filling Station 97.60 ₹ 88.08 ₹
Darvesh Auto Fuel 97.29 ₹ 87.78 ₹
Sandhu Kissan Sewa Kendra 97.46 ₹ 87.95 ₹
Guru Gobind Singh Filling Station 97.26 ₹ 87.75 ₹
Shaheed N.tundup Sewamedal Autocare 97.33 ₹ 87.81 ₹
K.k Sharma Filling Stn - 448 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Hara Filling Station 97.38 ₹ 87.87 ₹
S Baldevsingh Aulakh F S-453 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Grewal Fuel Point 97.08 ₹ 87.58 ₹
Sant Fuel Point 97.31 ₹ 87.80 ₹
Kailash Fuel Line - 449 97.08 ₹ 87.59 ₹
Hara Service Station 97.54 ₹ 88.02 ₹
Mohit Filling Stationksk 97.28 ₹ 87.77 ₹
Gill Fuel Centre 97.26 ₹ 87.76 ₹
Ambedkar Petroways 97.63 ₹ 88.11 ₹
Raj Deep Filling Station 97.25 ₹ 87.75 ₹
H.k.lal Filling Station 97.14 ₹ 87.64 ₹
S.k.s. Grewal Fuel Point 97.24 ₹ 87.74 ₹ 100.63 ₹
Randhawa Filling Station 97.22 ₹ 87.72 ₹
Hind Petro 97.38 ₹ 87.87 ₹
Deol Filling Station 97.22 ₹ 87.71 ₹
B S Filling Station 97.39 ₹ 87.88 ₹
Bharowal Ksk -751 97.22 ₹ 87.72 ₹
Gurdev Filling Station-131 97.43 ₹ 87.92 ₹
Chawla Fuel Station-752 97.19 ₹ 87.70 ₹
S.k.g. Auto Fuel - 547 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Gagan Filling Station 97.44 ₹ 87.92 ₹
Benipal Kisan Seva Kendra 97.46 ₹ 87.95 ₹
Sidhu Kisan Seva Kendra 97.53 ₹ 88.01 ₹ 100.91 ₹
Narayan Filling Station-797 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
M S Avatar Kisan Seva Kendra 97.44 ₹ 87.92 ₹ 100.82 ₹
Gh Filling Station ksk 97.25 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Lakshmi Fuel Station ksk 97.27 ₹ 87.76 ₹
Dashmesh Filling Station 97.21 ₹ 87.71 ₹ 100.60 ₹
Sandhu Petro Martksk 97.33 ₹ 87.83 ₹
Sanco Fuels 97.54 ₹ 88.02 ₹
Sri Sri Filling Station 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Guru Kripa Kissan Sewa Kendra 97.16 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Vinayaka International ksk 97.34 ₹ 87.84 ₹
Kaka Puri Ksk 97.04 ₹ 87.55 ₹
Anand Petro Services 97.48 ₹ 87.97 ₹
Baba Buddha Sahib F Station 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹ 101.00 ₹
Kungur Filling Station 97.46 ₹ 87.95 ₹
Parkash Pure Petro 97.38 ₹ 87.87 ₹
City Fuels 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Deol Petroleum 97.17 ₹ 87.67 ₹
Shri Swastika Power Point 97.16 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Raja Filling Station 97.61 ₹ 88.08 ₹
H.k.petro Mart 97.48 ₹ 87.97 ₹
Bedi Filling Station 97.33 ₹ 87.82 ₹
Norway Filling Station 97.39 ₹ 87.88 ₹
Harjap Filling Station 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Kuber Petro 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Dashmesh Petroleums 97.51 ₹ 88.00 ₹
Grewal Fuel Fountain 97.24 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Maa Naina Devi Corporation 97.51 ₹ 88.00 ₹
Sirat Fuels 97.43 ₹ 87.92 ₹
Dawar Fuels 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Balbir Filling Station 97.23 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Gopala Petro 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹ 101.00 ₹
Sant Isher Singh Filling Station 97.18 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Surjit Power Point 97.39 ₹ 87.88 ₹
Grd Fuel Station 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Suvidha Fuels 97.16 ₹ 87.66 ₹
R.g. Filling Station 97.39 ₹ 87.88 ₹
Quickchq Petro 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Naunihal Filling Station 97.21 ₹ 87.70 ₹
Shree Guru Ram Das Ji Petroleum 97.08 ₹ 87.59 ₹
Kailey Filling Station 97.36 ₹ 87.85 ₹
Om Laxmi Fuels 97.57 ₹ 88.05 ₹
Nkh Fuels 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
G.s. Grewal Petro 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Mangat Motors 97.33 ₹ 87.82 ₹
Jashan Filling Station 97.18 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Dhaliwal Filling Station 97.31 ₹ 87.80 ₹
Gk Petroleum 97.33 ₹ 87.81 ₹
Garg Petro 97.37 ₹ 87.86 ₹
Guru Ji Service Station 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Bindra Filling Station 97.39 ₹ 87.88 ₹
Shaheed Hira Singh Filling Station 97.60 ₹ 88.08 ₹
Kanwal Filling Station 97.39 ₹ 87.88 ₹
Fateh Gas Station 97.33 ₹ 87.83 ₹
Ujala Fuels Ludhiana Jail 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Garg Energies 97.50 ₹ 87.98 ₹
Ananya Petroleum 97.38 ₹ 87.87 ₹
Jindal Filling Station 97.29 ₹ 87.79 ₹
Bhagat Filling Station 36 97.44 ₹ 87.92 ₹ 100.82 ₹
Garg Fuels 97.44 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Dhawan Petrol Pump 97.33 ₹ 87.83 ₹
Asthir Filling Station 97.23 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Shree Radha Madhav Fuels 97.32 ₹ 87.81 ₹
Sardarni Sukdev Kaur K.s.k 97.25 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Royal Automobiles Adhoc 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Petroleum 97.25 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Lala Meghraj Garg Filling Station 97.38 ₹ 87.87 ₹
Jagraon Fuel Energy 97.37 ₹ 87.86 ₹
Jasbir Petro 97.62 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Gursehaj Fuel Point 97.27 ₹ 87.76 ₹
Chawla Filling Station 97.39 ₹ 87.88 ₹
Garcha Filling Station Adhoc 97.41 ₹ 87.90 ₹
Sardar Kartar Singh Grewal Fuel Fou 97.16 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Subhash Co. hsd 97.05 ₹ 87.55 ₹

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Ludhiana