Petrol and Diesel price in Mansa

Today Petrol price in Mansa is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 05 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Mansa is 69.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Mansa is Rs 96.82. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Mansa is Rs 97.33 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Mansa is Rs 87.33. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Mansa is Rs 87.82 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all punjab state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Mansa Punjab

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Jagdambe F S-13010 97.26 ₹ 87.75 ₹
Janagal F S 97.04 ₹ 87.55 ₹
Om Prakash Jindal Bros 97.25 ₹ 87.75 ₹
Shaheed Rashwinder F Stn. 97.09 ₹ 87.59 ₹ 100.48 ₹
Singla Oil Stores 97.14 ₹ 87.64 ₹
Tarsem Filling Station 96.94 ₹ 87.44 ₹ 100.32 ₹
Ubha Service Station 96.92 ₹ 87.43 ₹
Shri Ganesh Filling Station 97.24 ₹ 87.73 ₹ 100.62 ₹
Maa Chintpurni Auto Fuels 96.99 ₹ 87.50 ₹
Tej Ram Filling Station 97.22 ₹ 87.72 ₹
Tibbi Petro Services 97.08 ₹ 87.58 ₹
Sham Lal Jindal Sons 96.85 ₹ 87.36 ₹
M.s. Auto Fuels 96.97 ₹ 87.47 ₹
Rashidan Filling Station 97.33 ₹ 87.81 ₹
Fauji Service Station 97.14 ₹ 87.64 ₹
Gurjant Filling Stn 96.94 ₹ 87.44 ₹
Sanmti Filling Station 97.12 ₹ 87.62 ₹
Shakti Filling Station 97.10 ₹ 87.60 ₹
Amar Auto Fuels 97.14 ₹ 87.64 ₹
Vardhman Petroleums 97.18 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Krishna Petro 97.31 ₹ 87.80 ₹
Punjab Filling Station ibp 97.18 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Amarnath Surender Kumar 97.24 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Amar Filling Station 97.24 ₹ 87.73 ₹
Shri Ganesh Filling Station 97.04 ₹ 87.55 ₹
Raipur Filling Station 96.92 ₹ 87.42 ₹
Fair Deal Filling Station 97.02 ₹ 87.52 ₹
Bhagwanpur Filling Station 97.19 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Sardarji Auto Fuels 97.16 ₹ 87.66 ₹ 100.55 ₹
Highway Filling Station 97.12 ₹ 87.61 ₹
Aggarwal Filling Station 96.88 ₹ 87.39 ₹
Vaishnavi Filling Station 97.19 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Gurdev Filling Station 96.95 ₹ 87.45 ₹
Dev Raj Filling Station 96.96 ₹ 87.47 ₹
Shiv Shakti Filling Station 96.82 ₹ 87.33 ₹
Vijay Lakshmi F S 96.87 ₹ 87.37 ₹
Pawan Kisan Seva Kendra 97.19 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Aggarwal Petro 97.33 ₹ 87.82 ₹
Arsh Agro Services 96.83 ₹ 87.34 ₹
Kataria Filling Station 97.06 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Gill Kisan Sewa Kendra 97.22 ₹ 87.72 ₹
Royal Fuel Point 97.03 ₹ 87.53 ₹ 100.42 ₹
Sardulgarh Filling Station 97.16 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Manjot Kissan Sewa Kendra 96.97 ₹ 87.47 ₹
Sidhu Petro Kisan Seva Kendra 97.04 ₹ 87.54 ₹
Mirpur Kissan Sewa Kendra 97.11 ₹ 87.61 ₹
Gs Auto Fuel 96.97 ₹ 87.47 ₹
Dashmesh Kissan Sewa Kendra 97.20 ₹ 87.70 ₹ 100.59 ₹
Goyal Kissan Sewa Kendra 97.05 ₹ 87.55 ₹
Nandi Kissan Sewa Kendra 97.03 ₹ 87.53 ₹
Teg Bahadur Kissan Sewa Kendra 97.06 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Prabh Filling Station 97.13 ₹ 87.63 ₹
Jai Maa Luxmi Ksk 97.12 ₹ 87.62 ₹
New Punjab Ksk 97.20 ₹ 87.69 ₹
Shiv Filling Station Ksk 96.94 ₹ 87.45 ₹
Sidhu Motor Ksk 97.33 ₹ 87.82 ₹
Kasturi Lal Filling Station 97.24 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Naina Devi Filling Station 97.09 ₹ 87.59 ₹
Jindal Autofuels 97.14 ₹ 87.64 ₹
Arjan Filling Station Ksk 97.11 ₹ 87.61 ₹
Jhanduke Auto Fuel 97.12 ₹ 87.61 ₹
Mothu Ram Energies 97.31 ₹ 87.80 ₹
Manshahia Energy Refills Ksk 96.99 ₹ 87.50 ₹
Shiva Filling Station 96.96 ₹ 87.47 ₹
Barinder Filling Station 97.19 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Sach Petro 97.24 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Royal Fuel Point adhoc 96.85 ₹ 87.36 ₹
H.a. Petro Filling Station 96.99 ₹ 87.50 ₹
Garg Fuel Cafe 97.03 ₹ 87.53 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Punjab*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Mansa