Petrol and Diesel price in Muktsar

Today Petrol price in Muktsar is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 05 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Muktsar is 76.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Muktsar is Rs 96.84. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Muktsar is Rs 97.31 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Muktsar is Rs 87.35. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Muktsar is Rs 87.80 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all punjab state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Muktsar Punjab

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Aggarwal Filling Station 97.29 ₹ 87.78 ₹
Bhai Shamsher Singh Sons 97.29 ₹ 87.78 ₹
Bringkhera Balaji F S 96.97 ₹ 87.47 ₹
C. R. Verma Co 11028-11041 97.06 ₹ 87.57 ₹ 100.45 ₹
Gobind F S 97.00 ₹ 87.50 ₹
Gurpreet Filling Station 97.25 ₹ 87.74 ₹ 100.63 ₹
Hans Raj Doomra Sons 97.20 ₹ 87.69 ₹ 100.59 ₹
Hardeep F S 97.19 ₹ 87.69 ₹
India Motors 97.00 ₹ 87.50 ₹
Kamir Filling Station 96.95 ₹ 87.45 ₹
Kullar F S 96.91 ₹ 87.41 ₹
Sat Pal Brothers 97.01 ₹ 87.51 ₹ 100.40 ₹
Sukhmani Filling Sattion 97.21 ₹ 87.71 ₹
Tirath Automobiles 97.29 ₹ 87.78 ₹ 100.68 ₹
Guru Gobind Singh F S 96.94 ₹ 87.45 ₹
Ganpati Motors 96.91 ₹ 87.42 ₹
Jindal Filling Station 97.31 ₹ 87.80 ₹
Om Madan Bihari Lal 97.22 ₹ 87.71 ₹
Pathela Oil Store 97.22 ₹ 87.71 ₹
Prabhu Filling Station 97.14 ₹ 87.64 ₹
Gulabewala Filling Station 97.23 ₹ 87.73 ₹
Krishna Petroleums 96.96 ₹ 87.46 ₹
Garib Nawaz Motors 96.97 ₹ 87.47 ₹
C.j.oils 97.01 ₹ 87.51 ₹
Kahan Chand Auto Fuels 96.92 ₹ 87.42 ₹
Reliable Fuels 97.01 ₹ 87.51 ₹
Behari Lal Sons 97.01 ₹ 87.51 ₹
Friends F Stn 97.29 ₹ 87.78 ₹
Lambi Filling Station 96.95 ₹ 87.45 ₹
Satia Oil Stores 97.29 ₹ 87.78 ₹ 100.68 ₹
Sunder Filling Station 96.87 ₹ 87.38 ₹
B R B Auto Centre 97.01 ₹ 87.51 ₹
Avtar Filling Station 97.16 ₹ 87.65 ₹
Satluj Sales Service 97.19 ₹ 87.69 ₹
Raja Jung Filling Station 97.12 ₹ 87.61 ₹
Rupana Petro Point 97.16 ₹ 87.65 ₹
S.g.oil Centre 97.29 ₹ 87.78 ₹
Satguru Filling Station 97.13 ₹ 87.62 ₹ 100.51 ₹
Sukhna Filling Station 96.84 ₹ 87.35 ₹
Baba Auto Fuels 96.93 ₹ 87.43 ₹
Navi Kissan Seva Kendra 96.96 ₹ 87.46 ₹
Jakhu Fuel Centre 97.20 ₹ 87.69 ₹
Bhagwan Agro Filling Station 97.22 ₹ 87.71 ₹
Waring Highway Fuel Centre 97.16 ₹ 87.65 ₹
J K Filling Station 97.08 ₹ 87.58 ₹
Lakshmi Petro 97.06 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Guru Teg Bahadur F S 97.20 ₹ 87.69 ₹
Charanjit F Stn 97.18 ₹ 87.67 ₹
Garg Sons Filling Centre 97.13 ₹ 87.62 ₹
People Automobile 97.22 ₹ 87.71 ₹
Guru Nanak Kissan Seva Kendra 97.31 ₹ 87.80 ₹
Bhullar Filling Station 97.29 ₹ 87.78 ₹
Baba Langer Singh Ji 97.09 ₹ 87.59 ₹
Khurana Fuel Complex 97.14 ₹ 87.64 ₹
Marar Fuel Centre 97.12 ₹ 87.62 ₹
Ranjit Kisan Sewa Kendra 96.88 ₹ 87.39 ₹
Malout Petro 97.20 ₹ 87.69 ₹
Taneja Petroleum 97.29 ₹ 87.78 ₹ 100.68 ₹
Friends Petro Zone 97.11 ₹ 87.60 ₹ 100.49 ₹
Guru Angad Petro 97.20 ₹ 87.69 ₹
Rajpal Kissan Sewa Kendra 97.00 ₹ 87.50 ₹
Marar Petro Mart 97.17 ₹ 87.67 ₹
New Dashmesh Kissan Sewa Kendra 97.08 ₹ 87.58 ₹
Kollianwali Filling Station 97.14 ₹ 87.64 ₹
Satia Indian Oil Store 97.29 ₹ 87.78 ₹
Bhullar Petro Ksk 97.00 ₹ 87.50 ₹ 100.39 ₹
Maan Petro Ksk 96.92 ₹ 87.42 ₹
Balaji Filling Station Ksk 97.13 ₹ 87.62 ₹
Punjab Petroleum Ksk 97.20 ₹ 87.69 ₹
Mannat Filling Station 97.17 ₹ 87.67 ₹
Deep Filling Station 97.29 ₹ 87.78 ₹
Balaji Filling Station Ksk Adhoc 97.06 ₹ 87.57 ₹
Jindal Fuel Centre 97.22 ₹ 87.71 ₹
Mehna Petro 96.96 ₹ 87.46 ₹
Pahalwaan Fuel Point 97.20 ₹ 87.69 ₹
Anmol Filling Centre adhoc 97.07 ₹ 87.57 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Punjab*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Muktsar