Petrol and Diesel price in Bhilwara

Today Petrol price in Bhilwara is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Bhilwara is 86.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Bhilwara is Rs 104.62. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Bhilwara is Rs 105.60 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Bhilwara is Rs 90.12. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Bhilwara is Rs 91.00 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all rajasthan state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Bhilwara Rajasthan

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Anand Filling Station 105.10 ₹ 90.55 ₹
Chamunda Filling Station 104.97 ₹ 90.44 ₹
Deep Shakti Petroleum 105.21 ₹ 90.66 ₹
Ganpati Filling Station Asind 105.13 ₹ 90.58 ₹
Khandelwal Petroleum 105.08 ₹ 90.52 ₹
Kissan Petroleum 105.01 ₹ 90.47 ₹
Maheshwari Traders 104.91 ₹ 90.38 ₹
Mewar Petroleum 104.62 ₹ 90.12 ₹
Nakoda Filling Station karera 105.51 ₹ 90.93 ₹
National Filling Station 105.20 ₹ 90.63 ₹
Pradeep Bandhu 104.91 ₹ 90.38 ₹
Raj Petroleum 105.31 ₹ 90.75 ₹
Rishabh Filling Station 105.11 ₹ 90.57 ₹
Shivam Petroleums 105.01 ₹ 90.47 ₹
Azuba Petro 104.91 ₹ 90.38 ₹
Sawaibhoj Dmt Filling Station 105.13 ₹ 90.58 ₹
Chandan Transport Co. 104.76 ₹ 90.25 ₹
Shri Indianoil 104.91 ₹ 90.38 ₹
Garg Petroleums hsd Site 105.00 ₹ 90.47 ₹
Muchhal Petroleums 104.70 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Shree Petroleums 104.96 ₹ 90.42 ₹
Nakoda Ksk bagor 105.16 ₹ 90.61 ₹
Nakoda Ksk daulatgarh 105.25 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Marudhar Kisan Sewa Kendra 104.99 ₹ 90.45 ₹
Jinendra Petro Ksk 105.11 ₹ 90.57 ₹
Nakoda Bharav Ksk 105.30 ₹ 90.73 ₹
Raj Royal Ksk 104.80 ₹ 90.29 ₹
Bhilwara Petrol Pump 104.91 ₹ 90.38 ₹
Shree Charbhuja Petroleum 105.21 ₹ 90.66 ₹
Mamta Filling Stn 104.91 ₹ 90.38 ₹
Garima Petroleum ksk 104.92 ₹ 90.39 ₹
Shree Ji Petroleum Ksk 105.19 ₹ 90.62 ₹
Charbhuja Filling Stn ksk 105.29 ₹ 90.71 ₹
Sri Mahadev Petroleum Ksk 105.08 ₹ 90.52 ₹
Shree Vinayak Petrol Pump 105.07 ₹ 90.51 ₹
Om Shanti Filling Stn 105.01 ₹ 90.47 ₹
Maruti Filling Ksk 105.17 ₹ 90.60 ₹
Mahaveerai Kissan Sewa Kendra 105.23 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Prince Filling Station k.s.k 104.85 ₹ 90.34 ₹
Dhuni Dev Kripa Ksk 104.91 ₹ 90.37 ₹
Mangal Murti Filling Station 104.98 ₹ 90.45 ₹
Shri Eklingnath Filling Stn 105.45 ₹ 90.88 ₹
Gulab Petroleum 104.91 ₹ 90.38 ₹
Joganiya Petroleum 105.11 ₹ 90.57 ₹
Shrinath Petroleum 104.70 ₹ 90.20 ₹
Shakti Indian Oil 104.97 ₹ 90.44 ₹
Raila Indian Oil 105.31 ₹ 90.75 ₹
Shree Gadhbor Charbhuja Filling Sta 104.91 ₹ 90.38 ₹
Shree Virat Petroleum 104.98 ₹ 90.45 ₹
Shree Sawaibhoj Filling Station 105.34 ₹ 90.76 ₹
Shri Nakoda Filling Station 105.10 ₹ 90.55 ₹
Om Shree Petroleums 104.96 ₹ 90.42 ₹
Shree Tulsi Petroleums 105.15 ₹ 90.60 ₹
Kamdhenu Kisaan Sewa Kendra 105.11 ₹ 90.57 ₹
Phantom Fuels 105.33 ₹ 90.76 ₹
Mla Petroleum 104.76 ₹ 90.25 ₹
Krishna Filling 104.96 ₹ 90.42 ₹
Kanak Petroleum 104.91 ₹ 90.38 ₹
vip Vaibhav Indian Petroleum 105.11 ₹ 90.57 ₹
Kailash Petrol Pump 105.13 ₹ 90.58 ₹
Banas Fuels 105.20 ₹ 90.63 ₹
Kangani Filling Station 105.05 ₹ 90.51 ₹
Nanak Petroleum 105.10 ₹ 90.56 ₹
Tatiwal Filling Station 105.01 ₹ 90.47 ₹
Guru Panna Filling Center 105.01 ₹ 90.47 ₹
Raghav Filling Station 105.11 ₹ 90.57 ₹
Samdani Petroleums 104.91 ₹ 90.38 ₹
Swastik Petroleum 105.11 ₹ 90.57 ₹
Barundani Indianoil 104.85 ₹ 90.34 ₹
Ummang Filling Station 105.11 ₹ 90.57 ₹
Jadiya Filling Station 105.30 ₹ 90.73 ₹
Dharnidhar Fuels 104.79 ₹ 90.26 ₹
Bapu Filling Station 105.23 ₹ 90.67 ₹
Shree Sanwariya Indian Oil 105.28 ₹ 90.72 ₹
Ranwah Bandhu Petroleum 104.90 ₹ 90.38 ₹
Coco Uit Bhilwara 104.91 ₹ 90.38 ₹
Balaji Filling Station 105.60 ₹ 91.00 ₹
K K Petroleum 105.39 ₹ 90.80 ₹
Mehta Filling Station 104.97 ₹ 90.43 ₹
Mahak Petroleum 105.21 ₹ 90.66 ₹
Shri Shyam Indian Oil 105.09 ₹ 90.53 ₹
Shankar Petroleum 104.98 ₹ 90.45 ₹
Bhagat Shree Swaibhoj Filing Statio 105.34 ₹ 90.76 ₹
Shree Ji Petroleum 105.13 ₹ 90.58 ₹
Bhavesh Filling Station 105.13 ₹ 90.58 ₹
Garg Petroleums ms Site 104.91 ₹ 90.38 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Rajasthan*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Bhilwara