Petrol and Diesel price in Kamareddy

Today Petrol price in Kamareddy is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Kamareddy is 44.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Kamareddy is Rs 108.29. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Kamareddy is Rs 108.83 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Kamareddy is Rs 96.47. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Kamareddy is Rs 97.10 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all telangana state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Kamareddy Telangana

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Ashoka Service Station 108.52 ₹ 96.67 ₹
Sri Venkateswra F .stn nzb 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Laxmibala F Sbichukonda 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Gopal Reddy Sonsgopalpet 108.63 ₹ 96.78 ₹
Sri Valli Filling Stationbhikunur 108.30 ₹ 96.47 ₹
Maithry Filling Stationkamareddy 108.52 ₹ 96.67 ₹
Shiv Chand F Smadhunur 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Goutham Service Station Kamareddy 108.52 ₹ 96.67 ₹
Sai Ramanjaneya Auto Ser Bichkunda 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Balaji Fuel Centre Banswada 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Tirupati Venkateswara F S Pitlam 108.82 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Shiva Sai Filling Stationksk 108.83 ₹ 97.04 ₹
M S Sri Basweshwara Filling Stn 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Yellareddy Filling Station 108.83 ₹ 96.99 ₹
Sri Laxmi Narasimhaswamy Filling St 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Gangamani Fuel Station 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Sri Sairaj Filling Station 108.82 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Srm Ksk 108.29 ₹ 96.47 ₹
Jk Kisan Seva Kendra 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Jyothi Sai Filling Station 108.68 ₹ 96.83 ₹
Sharadha Filling Station 108.52 ₹ 96.67 ₹
Sai Sanvy Filling Station 108.52 ₹ 96.67 ₹
Shiva Sai Fuels 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Sri Veerabhadra Filling Station 108.30 ₹ 96.47 ₹
Sri Gayatri Filling Station 108.83 ₹ 96.99 ₹
Sri Ayyappa Auto Fuels 108.83 ₹ 96.99 ₹
Sri Aryaveer Sai Sathvik Ksk 108.82 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Vibha Ioc Ksk 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Sri Nava Durga Petro Services 108.52 ₹ 96.67 ₹
Sri Sai Venkateshwara Auto Fuels 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Ssr Fuels 108.62 ₹ 96.77 ₹
Shankari Filling Station 108.52 ₹ 96.67 ₹
Mallikarjuna Filling Station ksk 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Mallikarjuna Filling Station ksk 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Adhoc Yellareddy Filling Station 108.83 ₹ 96.99 ₹
Sri Manik Rao Sons Filling Statio 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Vittaleshwara Filling Station 108.63 ₹ 96.78 ₹
Mahalaxmi Filling Station 108.52 ₹ 96.67 ₹
Sri Gajanana Filling Station 108.82 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Sri Balaji Fuel Station 108.49 ₹ 96.65 ₹
Gk Fillling Station 108.30 ₹ 96.47 ₹
Srimanth Fuel Station 108.52 ₹ 96.67 ₹
Adhoc Sri Aryaveer Sai Sathvik Ksk 108.83 ₹ 97.10 ₹
Yellareddy Filling Station - Adhoc 108.68 ₹ 96.83 ₹

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Kamareddy