Petrol and Diesel price in Karim Nagar

Today Petrol price in Karim Nagar is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Karim Nagar is 59.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Karim Nagar is Rs 107.13. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Karim Nagar is Rs 107.89 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Karim Nagar is Rs 95.38. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Karim Nagar is Rs 96.09 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all telangana state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Karim Nagar Telangana

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Kotha Shankaraiah Filling Station 107.57 ₹ 95.79 ₹
Sudhakar Service Station 107.13 ₹ 95.38 ₹
Karimnagar Filling Station 107.57 ₹ 95.79 ₹
Sulochana S Schoppadandi 107.75 ₹ 95.96 ₹
Sri Durga Filling Stn-kothapally 107.68 ₹ 95.89 ₹
Edla Srinivasa Venugopala Srvi 107.57 ₹ 95.79 ₹
Jayanth Filling Stationgangadhara 107.74 ₹ 95.95 ₹
Sri Raja Rajasewara Auto Lines 107.57 ₹ 95.79 ₹
Sri Sai Mohana Filling Station 107.58 ₹ 95.80 ₹
Thirumala Filling Station 107.44 ₹ 95.67 ₹
Manair Petro Filling Station 107.57 ₹ 95.79 ₹
Sri Laxmi F Station 107.13 ₹ 95.38 ₹
Padmanaika Ser Station 107.27 ₹ 95.51 ₹
Chandragupta S S Keshavapatnam 107.27 ₹ 95.51 ₹
Sri Datta Sai F Stn. Karimnagar-1 107.57 ₹ 95.79 ₹
Central Fill Point Karimnagar 107.57 ₹ 95.79 ₹
Venkateswara F Station Thimmapur 107.58 ₹ 95.80 ₹
Sri Seeta Ramchandraswamy Fs. Ggpet 107.85 ₹ 96.06 ₹
Navya Service Station Bommakkal 107.57 ₹ 95.79 ₹
Sai Filling Station-krmngr 107.44 ₹ 95.67 ₹
Adarsha Farmers Service Mutual 107.53 ₹ 95.75 ₹
Mahendra Filling Station 107.57 ₹ 95.79 ₹
Venkatasai Filling Station 107.78 ₹ 95.99 ₹
Raja Rajeshwara Fuel Point 107.76 ₹ 95.98 ₹
Sai Thirumala Fuel Pointksk 107.89 ₹ 96.09 ₹
Rajashekaram Filling Station 107.58 ₹ 95.80 ₹
Sri Sai Filling Station 107.58 ₹ 95.80 ₹
Sree Raajarajeshwari Filling S 107.27 ₹ 95.51 ₹
Sri Mahalaxmi Filling Station 107.57 ₹ 95.79 ₹
Laxmi Kisan Seva Kendra 107.74 ₹ 95.95 ₹
Primary Agricultural Co- Operative 107.27 ₹ 95.51 ₹
My Nation Gas Station 107.57 ₹ 95.79 ₹
Sri Kanakadhara Kisan Seva Kendra 107.27 ₹ 95.51 ₹
Maheshwara Filling Station 107.76 ₹ 95.98 ₹
Kushalya Filling Station 107.76 ₹ 95.98 ₹
Adhoc My Nation Gas Station 107.57 ₹ 95.79 ₹
Edla Bhagya Laxmi Filling Station 107.74 ₹ 95.95 ₹
Saaradhi Filling Station 107.71 ₹ 95.91 ₹
Sloka Fuel Point 107.74 ₹ 95.95 ₹
Mahalaxmi Filling Station 107.75 ₹ 95.96 ₹
Shiva Filling Station 107.13 ₹ 95.38 ₹
Vedira Filling Station 107.74 ₹ 95.95 ₹
Dhimahi Yadav Filling Station 107.13 ₹ 95.38 ₹
Achyuthananda Filling Station 107.37 ₹ 95.61 ₹
Sri Venkateshwara Fuel Station 107.57 ₹ 95.79 ₹
My Nation Gas Station 107.13 ₹ 95.38 ₹
Adhoc - Shiva Filling Station 107.27 ₹ 95.51 ₹
Kandugula Farmers Service Macs 107.13 ₹ 95.38 ₹
Pacs Ltd Choppadandi 107.75 ₹ 95.96 ₹
Dhana Laxmi Dvrpsps Gangipally 107.44 ₹ 95.67 ₹
Pacs Ltd Porandla 107.44 ₹ 95.67 ₹
Pacs Ltd Utoor 107.53 ₹ 95.75 ₹
Pacs Ltd Nusthulapur 107.58 ₹ 95.80 ₹
Pacs Ltd Gaddapaka 107.35 ₹ 95.58 ₹
Pacs Ltd Huzurabad 107.13 ₹ 95.38 ₹
Adhoc Edla Srinivasa Venugopala Ss 107.58 ₹ 95.80 ₹
Pacs Ltd Durshed 107.74 ₹ 95.95 ₹
Vasara Filling Station 107.58 ₹ 95.80 ₹
Vb Service Station 107.27 ₹ 95.51 ₹

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Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Telangana*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Karim Nagar