Petrol and Diesel price in Aligarh

Today Petrol price in Aligarh is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Aligarh is 80.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Aligarh is Rs 94.43. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Aligarh is Rs 95.12 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Aligarh is Rs 87.47. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Aligarh is Rs 88.26 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all uttar pradesh state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Aligarh Uttar Pradesh

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Chawla Oil Company 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Indra Automobiles 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Jai Kissan Filling Station 94.43 ₹ 87.47 ₹
Jai Ram Sonsalgrh 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Jolly Motors 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Kumar Service Stationaligarh 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Sachdev Motors 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Raj Filling Station 94.88 ₹ 88.00 ₹
Ravindra Kr. Sons 94.99 ₹ 88.12 ₹
Vikram Automobiles 94.93 ₹ 88.05 ₹
Arvind Automobiles dod-s 95.05 ₹ 88.19 ₹
Agarwal Automobiles khair 94.75 ₹ 87.84 ₹
Ashok Filling Station 94.75 ₹ 87.84 ₹
Govind Anand Filling Station 94.85 ₹ 87.95 ₹
Khairwala Petroleum 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Rana Automobiles 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Rcs Roller Flour Mills Ltd28038563 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Sri Bhagirathi Filling Station 95.09 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Sri Sudhir Filling Station 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Shiva Filling Station -ibp 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Satnam Service Station - Ibp 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Naurangrai Jain Sons 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Tirupati Petro Fuels 94.67 ₹ 87.75 ₹
Gangiri Filling Station 95.07 ₹ 88.21 ₹
Mukul Kissan Sewa Kendra 94.49 ₹ 87.54 ₹
Pali Kissan Sewa Kendra 95.12 ₹ 88.26 ₹
Shiv Parvati Kissan Sewa Kendr 94.63 ₹ 87.70 ₹
Gauri Petroleum 94.50 ₹ 87.56 ₹
Sri Bhairav Kissan Sewa Kendra 94.75 ₹ 87.84 ₹
Chandra Kanta Filling Station 94.88 ₹ 87.99 ₹
Raghav Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.09 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Maheshwari Kisan Seva Kendra 94.99 ₹ 88.12 ₹
Aasra Kisan Seva Kendra 94.93 ₹ 88.05 ₹
Ms Indian Oil 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Jai Durge Filling Station 94.75 ₹ 87.84 ₹
Guru Kissan Seva Kendra 94.92 ₹ 88.04 ₹
Somna Kissan Seva Kendra 94.89 ₹ 88.01 ₹
Maa Ambey Kissan Seva Kendra 94.54 ₹ 87.60 ₹
Shreeji Kissan Sewa Kendra 95.10 ₹ 88.24 ₹
Shri Ram Kissan Seva Kendra 95.06 ₹ 88.20 ₹
Dhruv Kissan Seva Kendra 95.10 ₹ 88.24 ₹
Jai Bholey Kissan Sewa Kendra 94.90 ₹ 88.02 ₹
Jai Sri Krishna Kissan Sewa Kendra 94.88 ₹ 87.99 ₹
Jugender Indianoil Ksk 94.72 ₹ 87.81 ₹
Sri Sudhir Energy Fuels 94.72 ₹ 87.81 ₹
Lakshmi Narayan Filling St 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Raj Kumar Filling Point 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Shakun Galaxy Fuel Point 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
M S Fuel Point 94.67 ₹ 87.75 ₹
Vasundhra Filling Station 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Kashish Filling Station 94.96 ₹ 88.09 ₹
Anupam Kissan Sewa Kendra 94.86 ₹ 87.97 ₹
Tappal Filling Station 94.88 ₹ 87.99 ₹
Sat Saheb Kisan Sewa Kendra 94.86 ₹ 87.97 ₹
Veer Mahendra Filling Station 94.81 ₹ 87.91 ₹
Shri Raghunath Filling Station 94.98 ₹ 88.11 ₹
Vasundhara Filling Station Adhoc 94.97 ₹ 88.09 ₹
Bishan Indian Oil Ksk 94.96 ₹ 88.09 ₹
Maa Bhagwati Filling Station 94.70 ₹ 87.78 ₹
Shri Balaji Kant Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.12 ₹ 88.26 ₹
Gabhana Estate Filling Station 94.92 ₹ 88.04 ₹
Sanjay Energy Kisan Sewa Kendra 94.88 ₹ 87.99 ₹
B N S Kisan Seva Kendra 94.63 ₹ 87.70 ₹
Shri Bankey Bihari Kissan Sewa Kend 94.88 ₹ 87.99 ₹
Niranjan Kisan Seva Kendra 94.88 ₹ 88.00 ₹
Kusum Rani Kisan Sewa Kendra 94.63 ₹ 87.70 ₹
Rdsd Fuel Kisan Sewa Kendra 94.88 ₹ 87.99 ₹
Shri Ram Chandra Singh Filling Stat 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Maa Vaishno Filling Station 95.07 ₹ 88.21 ₹
Siyaram Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.05 ₹ 88.19 ₹
Adhrit Filling Station 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
City Energy Station 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Virender Singh Raghav Filling Stati 94.99 ₹ 88.12 ₹
Arvind Indian Oil 95.05 ₹ 88.19 ₹
Shri Pankaj And Sons Filling Statio 95.10 ₹ 88.24 ₹
Adrs Petroleum 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Parashar Filling Station 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Grs Filling Station 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Sangwan Filling Station 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹
Gautam Filling Station 94.82 ₹ 87.93 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Uttar Pradesh*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Aligarh