Petrol and Diesel price in Amroha

Today Petrol price in Amroha is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Amroha is 67.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Amroha is Rs 94.84. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Amroha is Rs 95.51 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Amroha is Rs 87.98. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Amroha is Rs 88.67 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all uttar pradesh state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Amroha Uttar Pradesh

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Shyam Filling Station 95.01 ₹ 88.18 ₹
Priyadarshini Filling Station 95.02 ₹ 88.18 ₹
Anand Filling Station 95.15 ₹ 88.31 ₹
Narain Dass Brahma Nand 94.96 ₹ 88.11 ₹
J.p. Filling Station rehra 95.44 ₹ 88.61 ₹
Tara Filling Station 95.33 ₹ 88.48 ₹
Kisan Filling Station Amroha ibp 95.01 ₹ 88.18 ₹
Chaudhary Filling Centre ibp 95.15 ₹ 88.32 ₹
Dhanaura Filling S Station ibp 94.98 ₹ 88.13 ₹
Chikara Filling Station ibp 94.93 ₹ 88.09 ₹
Kanwal Filling Point ibp 94.90 ₹ 88.04 ₹
Kunj Filling Station ibp 94.98 ₹ 88.13 ₹
Shaheed Arvind F Station ibp 95.08 ₹ 88.25 ₹
Balaji Urja Kendra 95.23 ₹ 88.40 ₹
Agarsen Filling Station ibp 95.41 ₹ 88.57 ₹
Ganga Filling Station 95.15 ₹ 88.31 ₹
Balaji Service Centre ksk 95.49 ₹ 88.65 ₹
Azad Kisan Sewa Kendra ksk 95.39 ₹ 88.55 ₹
Amroha Fuel Centre 95.01 ₹ 88.18 ₹
Ibrahimpur Filling Station ksk 95.02 ₹ 88.18 ₹
Rana Filling Station 95.01 ₹ 88.18 ₹
Jayant Kisan Sewa Kendra ksk 94.96 ₹ 88.11 ₹
Hakampur Kisan Sewa Kendra ksk 95.04 ₹ 88.21 ₹
Raja Filling Station 95.15 ₹ 88.31 ₹
Rajabpur Filling Station 95.11 ₹ 88.27 ₹
Jagat Filling Station 94.98 ₹ 88.13 ₹
Didauli Filling Station 95.15 ₹ 88.32 ₹
Sachin Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.16 ₹ 88.32 ₹
Hajipur Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.18 ₹ 88.34 ₹
Shri Hari Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.35 ₹ 88.52 ₹
Paurara Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.51 ₹ 88.67 ₹
Hasanpur Indianoil 95.23 ₹ 88.40 ₹
Prabhat Kissan Sewa Kendra 94.99 ₹ 88.15 ₹
Moolchand Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.41 ₹ 88.57 ₹
Brijpal Kissan Sewa Kendra 95.17 ₹ 88.34 ₹
Horilal Ksk 95.34 ₹ 88.51 ₹
Shraddha K.s.k 95.02 ₹ 88.19 ₹
Begpur Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.22 ₹ 88.39 ₹
Chahal Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.11 ₹ 88.27 ₹
Chikara Kisan Sewa Kendra 94.95 ₹ 88.11 ₹
G.m. Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.00 ₹ 88.17 ₹
Star Filling Station 94.93 ₹ 88.09 ₹
Z.fuel Station 95.15 ₹ 88.31 ₹
Gulav Singh Filling Station 95.06 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Sadhbhavna Kisan Seva Kendra 95.41 ₹ 88.57 ₹
Shiv Shankar Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.44 ₹ 88.61 ₹
Prashant Filling Station 95.23 ₹ 88.40 ₹
Ch. Dharampal Singh Kisan Sewa Kend 95.12 ₹ 88.28 ₹
Chikara Fuel Point 94.84 ₹ 87.98 ₹
Pavan Kisan Sewa Kendra 94.95 ₹ 88.11 ₹
Rajbala Kissan Sewa Kendra 95.15 ₹ 88.31 ₹
Guru Teg Bahadur Kisan Sewa Kendra 94.93 ₹ 88.09 ₹
Saz Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.17 ₹ 88.33 ₹
Jafri Fuel Kisan Sewa Kendra 95.04 ₹ 88.21 ₹
Chaudhary Fuel Station 95.15 ₹ 88.32 ₹
Global Filling Station 95.15 ₹ 88.32 ₹
Chaudhary Natthu Singh Filling Stat 95.15 ₹ 88.31 ₹
Jakir Ali Filling Station 95.35 ₹ 88.52 ₹
Shivani Fuel Station 95.15 ₹ 88.32 ₹
Haji Zafar Filling Station 95.01 ₹ 88.18 ₹
K K Chaudhary Filling Station 95.34 ₹ 88.51 ₹
Royal Fuel Station 95.15 ₹ 88.31 ₹
Aransh Filling Station 95.18 ₹ 88.34 ₹
Pradhan Filling Station 95.39 ₹ 88.55 ₹
Rapid Fuels 95.20 ₹ 88.36 ₹
Maas Filling Station 94.90 ₹ 88.04 ₹
Aarush Fuel Station 95.08 ₹ 88.25 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Uttar Pradesh*

No data available

Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Amroha