Petrol and Diesel price in Hapur

Today Petrol price in Hapur is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 14 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Hapur is 42.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Hapur is Rs 94.54. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Hapur is Rs 94.82 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Hapur is Rs 87.61. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Hapur is Rs 87.94 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all uttar pradesh state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Hapur Uttar Pradesh

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Mussadi Lal Ram Kumar 94.80 ₹ 87.92 ₹
Laxmi Filling Station. 94.62 ₹ 87.71 ₹
Sona Automobiles 94.62 ₹ 87.71 ₹
United Motor Co. 94.62 ₹ 87.71 ₹
Shiv Service Station 94.54 ₹ 87.61 ₹
Day Night Service Station 94.73 ₹ 87.84 ₹
J B Filling Centre 94.58 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Shaheed Zubair Filling Station 94.78 ₹ 87.91 ₹
Supreme Service Station 94.62 ₹ 87.71 ₹
Sarvottam Diesel Centre 94.62 ₹ 87.71 ₹
Pilkhua Oil Company 94.54 ₹ 87.61 ₹
Vibhor Service Station 94.80 ₹ 87.92 ₹
Mahendra Ji Motors 94.62 ₹ 87.72 ₹
Dev Fuel Centre 94.58 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Brij Indian Oil 94.62 ₹ 87.71 ₹
Chauhan Kissan Seva Kendra 94.82 ₹ 87.94 ₹
Prakashwati Kissan Seva Kendra 94.67 ₹ 87.77 ₹
Natraj Kisan Seva Kendra 94.80 ₹ 87.92 ₹
Jps Fill Point 94.67 ₹ 87.78 ₹
Ij Sharma Kisan Seva Kendra 94.57 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Rehmat Filling Centre 94.54 ₹ 87.62 ₹
Shri Ganga Highway Filling Stn 94.64 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Jai Bhagwan Das Fuel And Servi 94.58 ₹ 87.66 ₹
Ncr Filling Station 94.59 ₹ 87.68 ₹
Sai Baba Filling Station 94.78 ₹ 87.91 ₹
Daksh Filling Center 94.73 ₹ 87.84 ₹
Kusum Filling Station 94.62 ₹ 87.71 ₹
R B Singh Urjaa Services 94.64 ₹ 87.74 ₹
Maruti Indian Oil 94.69 ₹ 87.80 ₹
Shri Sidhbali Fuels 94.70 ₹ 87.80 ₹
Manoj Fuels 94.54 ₹ 87.61 ₹
Shri Girraj Fuels 94.77 ₹ 87.89 ₹
Chetak Fuel Centre 94.77 ₹ 87.89 ₹
Shreejee Service Station 94.62 ₹ 87.71 ₹
Vip Filling Station 94.80 ₹ 87.92 ₹
Sai Kirpa Vidhi Filling Station 94.73 ₹ 87.84 ₹
A.k. Petroleum 94.77 ₹ 87.89 ₹
S A Petroleum 94.62 ₹ 87.71 ₹
Darshita Filling Center 94.78 ₹ 87.91 ₹
Girdhari Filling Station 94.70 ₹ 87.80 ₹
Om Energy Station 94.80 ₹ 87.92 ₹
Indian Oil Plaza 94.64 ₹ 87.74 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Uttar Pradesh*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Hapur