Petrol and Diesel price in Mainpuri

Today Petrol price in Mainpuri is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Mainpuri is 48.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Mainpuri is Rs 94.75. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Mainpuri is Rs 95.27 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Mainpuri is Rs 87.85. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Mainpuri is Rs 88.42 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all uttar pradesh state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh

Created with Highcharts 9.2.2Price in ₹Chart context menuHistorical Petrol

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Shyam Filling Station 94.82 ₹ 87.94 ₹
Satbaohar Automobiles 95.14 ₹ 88.28 ₹
Sachdeva Automobile mainpuri 95.08 ₹ 88.23 ₹
G.t. Multi Service Stn 95.17 ₹ 88.32 ₹
Maa Shakti Filling Station 94.93 ₹ 88.06 ₹
Annapurna Filling Stn 94.97 ₹ 88.11 ₹
Shahid Ashok Filling Station 95.27 ₹ 88.42 ₹
Jagshyam Filling Stn 95.07 ₹ 88.22 ₹
Jai Shiv Automobiles 94.89 ₹ 88.01 ₹
R.s.filling Station 95.08 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Vandana Filling Station 94.93 ₹ 88.06 ₹
Shree Bajrang Petroleum 95.08 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Diwakar Filling Station 95.11 ₹ 88.26 ₹
Ajitganj Kissan Sewa Kendra 95.00 ₹ 88.14 ₹
Shastri Kissan Seva Kendra 95.17 ₹ 88.32 ₹
Om Jonthi Kissan Seva Kendra 94.89 ₹ 88.02 ₹
Singh Transport Company 95.08 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Bhawat Kissan Seva Kendra 95.02 ₹ 88.17 ₹
Bhongaon Indian Oil 95.08 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Sakra Kissan Seva Kendra 95.14 ₹ 88.28 ₹
Siddharth Indian Oil 94.96 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Navneet Kissan Sewa Kendra 94.82 ₹ 87.94 ₹
Shri Sankat Mochan Ksk 95.11 ₹ 88.26 ₹
R Yadav Filling Station 94.75 ₹ 87.85 ₹
Om Automobiles 94.98 ₹ 88.12 ₹
Rajput Indian Oil 95.08 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Samar Indian Oil 94.79 ₹ 87.90 ₹
Maa Kanth Shree Filling Station 94.89 ₹ 88.01 ₹
K C Kisan Seva Kendra 94.82 ₹ 87.94 ₹
Chabile Filling Station 94.87 ₹ 88.00 ₹
Haji Ji Filling Station 94.96 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Coco Ale 101 94.96 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Ganga Devi Filling Station 95.14 ₹ 88.28 ₹
Kusum Kisan Seva Kendra 94.96 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Shankar Filling Station 95.08 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Shree Jee Fuel Point 94.89 ₹ 88.01 ₹
Niazi Filling Station 94.82 ₹ 87.94 ₹
Er Navratna Singh Filling Station 95.08 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Bhagwati Indian Oil 95.08 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Mahavir Singh Indian Oil 95.27 ₹ 88.42 ₹
Raavan Filling Station 94.96 ₹ 88.10 ₹
Siyaram Filling Station 95.08 ₹ 88.23 ₹
C. L. Yadav Filling Station 95.08 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Rekhadeep Filling Station 95.07 ₹ 88.22 ₹
Shiv Filling Station 95.08 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Radhana Filling Station 95.08 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Ram Nath Filling Station 95.08 ₹ 88.23 ₹
Baba Bhuteshwar Filling Station 95.27 ₹ 88.42 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Uttar Pradesh*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Mainpuri