Petrol and Diesel price in Howrah

Today Petrol price in Howrah is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 14 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Howrah is 72.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Howrah is Rs 105.01. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Howrah is Rs 105.59 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Howrah is Rs 91.81. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Howrah is Rs 92.36 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all west bengal state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Howrah West Bengal

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Cal Road Tp Co-op Soc -re Fill 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Ankur Service Station I-399 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Anand Filling Station i-397 105.05 ₹ 91.85 ₹
Bargachia Auto Service i-410 105.03 ₹ 91.84 ₹
Bombay Service Stn i-419 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Broadway Service i-420 105.05 ₹ 91.85 ₹
Chamrail Service Stn i-424 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Domjur Service Stn i-439 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Essem Service Station i-448 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Engineer Filling Centrei-446 105.16 ₹ 91.95 ₹
Guria Transport Agencyi-463 105.49 ₹ 92.26 ₹
Highway Service Station i-468 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Jaunpur Service Station i-474 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Karati Service Station 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Mullick Super Servicei-488 105.29 ₹ 92.08 ₹
Maa Kali Sevice Station i-485 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Sadhukhan Brothersi-519 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Sambhunath Ser. Stni-523 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Sujata Service Stni-539 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
S B Service Station I-516 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Singh Fillers i-531 105.02 ₹ 91.82 ₹
Diesofill i-438 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Paltu Service Station i-496 105.23 ₹ 92.02 ₹
Sree Radha Filling Stn i-536 105.59 ₹ 92.36 ₹
Udaynarayanpur Thana L S Pry Co-op 105.39 ₹ 92.16 ₹
Panchapara Service Stat i-497 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Rajpath Service Stati-508 I-718 105.12 ₹ 91.92 ₹
Dhulagarh Ser. Stn i-1009 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Akash Moni Service Stn i-1008 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
K.c.daw Bros p Ltd.sib 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Maidan Service Station 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Laxmi Serivce Station 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Sen Service Station 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Mishra Service Station 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Golabari Automobiles 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Raj Service Station 105.34 ₹ 92.13 ₹
Chowdhury Co. 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Super F Centrehsdnk 105.02 ₹ 91.82 ₹
Anila Service Station 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Kona Filling Station 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Domjur Serivce Station 105.04 ₹ 91.85 ₹
Pradip Autombiles 105.20 ₹ 91.99 ₹
Tajia Service Station 105.25 ₹ 92.04 ₹
Kisan Service Station 12009 105.25 ₹ 92.04 ₹
Sudip Service Station 11006 105.23 ₹ 92.02 ₹
Pantihal Service Station 12008 105.03 ₹ 91.84 ₹
Chandimata Fuel Centre 11008 105.03 ₹ 91.84 ₹
Al Kudrat-e-nishan 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Papai Service Station 11009 105.37 ₹ 92.16 ₹
Begri Service Station 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Ramkrishna Service Station 105.23 ₹ 92.02 ₹
Maa Debika Service Station 105.18 ₹ 91.97 ₹
Manu Filling Station 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Annapurna Service Station 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Swapanadesh Service Station 105.40 ₹ 92.17 ₹
Chowdhury Sons 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Amalesh Service Station 105.50 ₹ 92.27 ₹
New Subhalaxmi Service Station 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Asu Service Station 105.35 ₹ 92.13 ₹
Sumedha Filling Station 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Tanishka Kisan Seva Kendra 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
H.y.filling Point 105.25 ₹ 92.04 ₹
Manna Ksk 105.03 ₹ 91.84 ₹
Adhoc Broadway Service 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Mullick Service Station 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Sree Krishna Service Centre 105.40 ₹ 92.17 ₹
Rana Oil Service 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹
Saraswati Automobiles 105.20 ₹ 91.99 ₹
Al Hadi Pump Station 105.29 ₹ 92.08 ₹
Tara Maa Kisan Seva Kendra 105.22 ₹ 92.01 ₹
Shree Jagannath Service Station 105.23 ₹ 92.02 ₹
Super Filling Centremsbk 105.01 ₹ 91.81 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for West Bengal*

No data available

Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Howrah