Petrol and Diesel price in Malda

Today Petrol price in Malda is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 14 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Malda is 87.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Malda is Rs 104.79. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Malda is Rs 105.50 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Malda is Rs 91.61. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Malda is Rs 92.27 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all west bengal state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Malda West Bengal

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Balurghat Transport Co 104.93 ₹ 91.74 ₹
Barind Oil Distributors. 104.90 ₹ 91.72 ₹
Chanchol Auto Service. 105.31 ₹ 92.10 ₹
Drs Diesel Oil Centre 104.94 ₹ 91.75 ₹
Gouri Sankar Sitaram [bhaluka] 105.40 ₹ 92.18 ₹
Gouri Sankar Sitaramsamsi 105.08 ₹ 91.88 ₹
Gazole Service Stn 104.90 ₹ 91.72 ₹
H.m.das Memorial Service Centr 105.08 ₹ 91.88 ₹
Hansda Refuelling Station 104.90 ₹ 91.72 ₹
Hembrom Fuels 105.19 ₹ 91.98 ₹
Jhabarmall Musaddi 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Kalim Filling Station 104.81 ₹ 91.62 ₹
Mango Valley Auto Diesel 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Mohan Fuels 105.32 ₹ 92.10 ₹
Oasis 105.01 ₹ 91.82 ₹
Paul Brothers 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Rameswar Prasad 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
S.k.paul 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
S.k.chakraborty 105.12 ₹ 91.92 ₹
Sayan Filling Centre 105.34 ₹ 92.12 ₹
Wazed Service Station 104.88 ₹ 91.69 ₹
Arun Smriti Service Station 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Krishi Diesel Centre 105.41 ₹ 92.19 ₹
Maa Kaushalaya Kishan Seva Kendra[k 105.42 ₹ 92.20 ₹
Milki Refuelling Centre [ksk] 104.80 ₹ 91.62 ₹
Gupta Brothers Kisan Seva Kendra [k 104.90 ₹ 91.72 ₹
Tirupati Kisan Seva Kendra [ksk] 105.31 ₹ 92.10 ₹
Gaur Fuel Service Station 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Goel Service Station 105.15 ₹ 91.94 ₹
Maa Lakshmi Fuel Station 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Kaliachak Petromart 104.86 ₹ 91.68 ₹
Seth Brothers 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Nowapara Kisan Seva Kendra [ksk] 105.32 ₹ 92.10 ₹
Kumedpur Refuelling Centre [ksk] 105.50 ₹ 92.27 ₹
Abedin Enterprise [ksk] 105.08 ₹ 91.88 ₹
Nandi Fuel Centre [ksk] 104.89 ₹ 91.71 ₹
Manjulika Filling Point 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Ganga Valley [ksk] 104.80 ₹ 91.62 ₹
Brc Petroleum [ksk] 105.14 ₹ 91.94 ₹
Aditi Kisan Seva Kendra [ksk] 105.12 ₹ 91.92 ₹
Maa Manasa Petro Fuel 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Banik Oil Distributor [ksk] 104.93 ₹ 91.74 ₹
Tulsi Kisan Seva Kendra [ksk] 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Suratpur Kisan Seva Kendra [ksk] 105.31 ₹ 92.10 ₹
Santosh Kisan Seva Kendra [ksk] 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Azam Kisan Seva Kendra [ksk] 105.18 ₹ 91.97 ₹
Maya Filling Centre [ksk] 105.44 ₹ 92.22 ₹
Bala Mandal Oil Filling Station 104.90 ₹ 91.72 ₹
Green India Petro Mart 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Mamtaj Fuel Service [ksk] 105.00 ₹ 91.81 ₹
U S Fuels [ksk] 105.12 ₹ 91.92 ₹
Joy Maa Bhagawati Fuel Station [ksk 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Dariapur Kisan Seva Kendra 104.90 ₹ 91.72 ₹
Gaurab Ksk Petro Point 104.93 ₹ 91.74 ₹
Green Valley 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Jyotsna Kisan Seva Kendra 104.94 ₹ 91.75 ₹
Swastidwip Service Centre 104.85 ₹ 91.67 ₹
Debasish Filling Point [ksk] 105.08 ₹ 91.88 ₹
Dream Valley Fuel Station 104.92 ₹ 91.73 ₹
Mandal Filling Point [ksk] 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
K K Fuel Filling Station 105.12 ₹ 91.92 ₹
Sai Fuels Chanchal 105.31 ₹ 92.10 ₹
Jai Jagtara Refilling Station 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Mashaallah Filling Station 105.20 ₹ 91.99 ₹
Milan Refilling Point 104.99 ₹ 91.80 ₹
Arman Petroleums 105.01 ₹ 91.82 ₹
Choudhury Petrol Pump 105.01 ₹ 91.82 ₹
Kanaklata Fuel Center 104.80 ₹ 91.62 ₹
Saba Fuel Filling Centre 104.89 ₹ 91.71 ₹
Biswas Fuel Filling Centre 104.91 ₹ 91.72 ₹
M.m.r. Fuel Centre 105.40 ₹ 92.18 ₹
Satyendra Shashanka Petrolpump 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Malda Bypass Filling Station 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
Aiyaj Petro Mart ksk 104.94 ₹ 91.75 ₹
Unique Fuel Service 105.02 ₹ 91.82 ₹
Chowdhury Fuel Station 105.40 ₹ 92.18 ₹
Sujapur Filling Station 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
N R Petro Mart 105.19 ₹ 91.98 ₹
T D Noor Fuel Station 104.81 ₹ 91.62 ₹
Shuvra Fuel Station 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹
New Highway Refilling Station 104.90 ₹ 91.72 ₹
Samrat Fuel Station 105.03 ₹ 91.84 ₹
Chapala Petrol Pump 105.03 ₹ 91.83 ₹
N R Fuel Station 105.13 ₹ 91.93 ₹
Saniya Filling Station 105.39 ₹ 92.17 ₹
Sumedha Fuel And Service Station 105.31 ₹ 92.10 ₹
Md Shahiduzzaman sp Coco Narayanpu 104.79 ₹ 91.61 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for West Bengal*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Malda