Petrol and Diesel price in Nadia

Today Petrol price in Nadia is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 14 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Nadia is 79.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Nadia is Rs 105.42. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Nadia is Rs 106.31 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Nadia is Rs 92.19. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Nadia is Rs 93.13 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all west bengal state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Nadia West Bengal

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Parbati Sankar Filling Stn i-499 106.09 ₹ 92.82 ₹
Bhowmick Service Staton i-416 105.52 ₹ 92.29 ₹
Chandra Kumar Service Station 105.50 ₹ 92.27 ₹
Garai Brothersi-455 21002 106.02 ₹ 92.76 ₹
Ghosh Brothers i-456 105.79 ₹ 92.54 ₹
Kundu Auto Centre i-480 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Maa Sarada Fuelsi-486 106.22 ₹ 92.95 ₹
Nadia Service Station 13003 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Popular Auto Service i-502 105.52 ₹ 92.29 ₹
Sadananda Singha Bros i-518 105.57 ₹ 92.34 ₹
Sarkar Diesel i-527 105.81 ₹ 92.57 ₹
Sreema Fuel Service i-533 105.99 ₹ 92.73 ₹
Deepali Filling Station I-431 105.71 ₹ 92.47 ₹
Ma Durga Fuel Stni-1057 105.67 ₹ 92.43 ₹
Basantabahar Servicestni-1027 105.96 ₹ 92.70 ₹
Tarafder Fuel Stn i-1022 106.10 ₹ 92.83 ₹
Duttafulia Fuel Service 105.83 ₹ 92.59 ₹
Adwaita Auto Ser. I-1015 105.75 ₹ 92.51 ₹
Auto Agro Filling Station 106.02 ₹ 92.76 ₹
Sree Bishnu Oil Trading 106.08 ₹ 92.81 ₹
Radhanagar Fuels 106.08 ₹ 92.81 ₹
Chapra Auto Centre 106.12 ₹ 92.85 ₹
Shyamali Fuels 105.80 ₹ 92.55 ₹
Debnath Auto Fuel Service 106.31 ₹ 93.06 ₹
Karimpur Motor Company 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Palasipara Filling Station 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Sri Bilas Service Station 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Anita Auto Fuels 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Debdatta Service Station 105.50 ₹ 92.27 ₹
Manmatha Service Centre 105.52 ₹ 92.29 ₹
Pragati Service Station 105.52 ₹ 92.29 ₹
B C Paulsimurali 105.53 ₹ 92.30 ₹
Nagarukhra Filling Station 105.52 ₹ 92.29 ₹
Jugal Kishore Petromart 105.83 ₹ 92.59 ₹
Laxmi Narayan Filling Station 106.30 ₹ 93.01 ₹
Kundu Filling Station i-1021 106.31 ₹ 93.04 ₹
Joy Makali Kishan Services 12014 105.67 ₹ 92.43 ₹
Jyoti Petro. Agroservi11008 106.18 ₹ 92.90 ₹
Sri Krishna Kishan Seva Kendra 105.55 ₹ 92.32 ₹
Nilachal Fuels 106.02 ₹ 92.76 ₹
Joy Lokenath Service Stn. 105.52 ₹ 92.29 ₹ Memorial Ksk 106.24 ₹ 92.97 ₹
Elamnagar Fuels 106.12 ₹ 92.85 ₹
Fuel Park 105.99 ₹ 92.73 ₹
Radhamadhab Kishan Seva Kendra 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Sarkar Oil Trading 106.08 ₹ 92.81 ₹
Debojit Fuel Service Station 106.31 ₹ 93.12 ₹
Taramaa Oil Trading 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
G.n. Auto Oil Service Station 105.91 ₹ 92.65 ₹
Amantran Fuel Service 105.42 ₹ 92.19 ₹
Chanchala Fuels 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Santosh Fuel Service 106.31 ₹ 93.06 ₹
Tara Oil Trading 106.08 ₹ 92.81 ₹
Buroma Oil Trading 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Ma Laxmi Fuel Station 106.14 ₹ 92.87 ₹
Maa Sri Sri Sidheswari Oil Tra 106.20 ₹ 92.92 ₹
Bhabani Kisan Seva Kendra 105.52 ₹ 92.29 ₹
Mahamaya Oil Trading 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Tarakdaspur Filling Station 106.10 ₹ 92.83 ₹
Prativa Fuel Station 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Nadia Sundalpur Trading 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Madhabi Energy 105.67 ₹ 92.43 ₹
Biswas Oil Trading 106.31 ₹ 93.12 ₹
Bhagirathi Service Centre 105.71 ₹ 92.47 ₹
Ghosh Service Centre-kalyani 105.52 ₹ 92.29 ₹
Sree Durga Filling Station 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Mondal Filling Station 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Deb Filling Station 105.80 ₹ 92.55 ₹
Mallick Kisan Seva Kendra 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Radha Gobinda Filling Station 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Santanu Fuels 106.22 ₹ 92.95 ₹
Puspanjali Auto Fuels 106.10 ₹ 92.83 ₹
Jai Hind Fuel Station 106.08 ₹ 92.81 ₹
Sonali Abir Auto Fuels 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Haldar Fuel Station 106.09 ₹ 92.82 ₹
Maa Siddheshwari Fuel Station 105.57 ₹ 92.34 ₹
Adhoc-pragati Service Station coco 105.57 ₹ 92.34 ₹
Ag Fuel Station 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
M S Maha Provu Fuel Station 105.67 ₹ 92.43 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for West Bengal*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Nadia