Petrol and Diesel price in Purulia

Today Petrol price in Purulia is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 14 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Purulia is 41.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Purulia is Rs 105.44. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Purulia is Rs 106.31 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Purulia is Rs 92.22. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Purulia is Rs 93.13 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all west bengal state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Purulia West Bengal

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Jyotirmoy Service Station -sh5 105.83 ₹ 92.58 ₹
Mondal Automobiles -sh8 105.57 ₹ 92.35 ₹
Ramkrishna S. Station Hura -nh60a 105.76 ₹ 92.52 ₹
Sunil Motors Nh32 106.14 ₹ 92.88 ₹
Evershine Filling Station 105.53 ₹ 92.30 ₹
Kusum Filling Station 105.71 ₹ 92.47 ₹
Auto Motion i-1011 106.14 ₹ 92.88 ₹
Manbhum Fuel Centre 106.31 ₹ 93.09 ₹
Puja Petroleum -odr 105.87 ₹ 92.63 ₹
Raghunathpur Automobiles 105.57 ₹ 92.35 ₹
Charrah Filling Station 106.00 ₹ 92.74 ₹
Deb Filling Station 106.00 ₹ 92.74 ₹
Apu Auto Filling Station 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Sanjay Filling Station 106.19 ₹ 92.91 ₹
P K Kisan Seva Kendra 105.65 ₹ 92.42 ₹
Sarda Filling Station 106.21 ₹ 92.93 ₹
Duary Kishan Seva Kendra 105.59 ₹ 92.36 ₹
Gopinath Filling Station 105.53 ₹ 92.30 ₹
Cf Service Station 105.76 ₹ 92.52 ₹
Basudev Filling Station 106.09 ₹ 92.83 ₹
Hiranmay Filling Station 106.31 ₹ 93.09 ₹
Sahu Petroleum 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Shree Radha Filling Centre 105.72 ₹ 92.48 ₹
Singha Fuel Station 106.22 ₹ 92.94 ₹
Shree Krishna Filling Station 105.75 ₹ 92.51 ₹
Silika Service Station 105.83 ₹ 92.58 ₹
Maa Kamakhya Filling Station 106.14 ₹ 92.88 ₹
Mandal Fuel Station 105.69 ₹ 92.46 ₹
Ajodhya Filling Station 106.31 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Maa Filling Station 106.19 ₹ 92.91 ₹
Maa Kamala Filling Junction 105.74 ₹ 92.50 ₹
Jm Filling Station 105.76 ₹ 92.52 ₹
Karmakar Auto Filling 105.87 ₹ 92.63 ₹
Ibp Auto Service 105.53 ₹ 92.30 ₹
Puja Fuels Lubricants 105.82 ₹ 92.57 ₹
Hiralal Fuel Centre 106.31 ₹ 93.09 ₹
Nilima Filling Station 105.75 ₹ 92.51 ₹
Gaurav Fuel Station 106.17 ₹ 92.90 ₹
Coco Kashipur Adhoc Ajodhya Filling 105.71 ₹ 92.47 ₹
Radha Govinda Fuel Station 105.83 ₹ 92.58 ₹
Mondal Automobiles Adhoc Suvam Fuel 105.44 ₹ 92.22 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for West Bengal*

No data available

Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Purulia