Petrol and Diesel price in Gaya

Today Petrol price in Gaya is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 05 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Gaya is 52.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Gaya is Rs 105.90. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Gaya is Rs 106.94 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Gaya is Rs 92.73. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Gaya is Rs 93.79 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all bihar state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Gaya Bihar

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Agarwal Automobiles 106.61 ₹ 93.38 ₹
Bharat Automobiles 106.31 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Magadh Automobiles 106.31 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Nandlal Service Station 106.10 ₹ 92.91 ₹
S.nanak Singh Kochar 106.61 ₹ 93.38 ₹ 110.61 ₹
Bhalua Petroleum Service 106.85 ₹ 93.61 ₹
Dayal Service Station 106.31 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Kalyani Filling Station 106.61 ₹ 93.38 ₹
Narayan Service Station 106.44 ₹ 93.23 ₹
Parvati Filling Station 106.14 ₹ 92.94 ₹
Ramanandi Service Station 106.70 ₹ 93.47 ₹
New Automobile Stores 106.31 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Sree Gopal Automobiles 106.31 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Bhagwati Filling Station 106.11 ₹ 92.92 ₹
Sri Narsingh Automobiles 106.35 ₹ 93.14 ₹
Rocky Automobile 106.71 ₹ 93.48 ₹
Suryodai Services 106.57 ₹ 93.35 ₹
Sri Balaji Automobiles 105.90 ₹ 92.73 ₹
Jai Mata Dee City Filling Station 106.31 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Shaligram Service Station 106.28 ₹ 93.08 ₹
Brijmohan Fuel Station 106.30 ₹ 93.10 ₹
Kumar Kisan Seva Kendra 106.24 ₹ 93.04 ₹
Kushwaha Kisan Seva Kendra 106.19 ₹ 92.99 ₹
Maa Vaishnav Filling Station 106.28 ₹ 93.08 ₹
Muskan Service Centre 106.19 ₹ 92.99 ₹
Mehta Petroleum 106.48 ₹ 93.27 ₹
Nitu Kisan Seva Kendra 106.35 ₹ 93.14 ₹
Rahul Kisan Seva Kendra 105.96 ₹ 92.77 ₹
Maa Vindhyawasini Fuel Centre 106.40 ₹ 93.19 ₹
Sumitra Kisan Seva Kendra 106.44 ₹ 93.23 ₹
Radha Automobiles 106.94 ₹ 93.79 ₹
Balaji Kisan Seva Kendra 106.50 ₹ 93.29 ₹
Maa Durga Kisan Seva Kendra 106.70 ₹ 93.47 ₹
Mehta Automobile 106.70 ₹ 93.47 ₹
Buddha Kisan Seva Kendra 106.40 ₹ 93.19 ₹
Buddha Indian Oil 106.48 ₹ 93.27 ₹
Rahul Service Station 106.30 ₹ 93.10 ₹
Shiv Parmeshwar Fuel Centre 106.22 ₹ 93.02 ₹
Mahesh Fuel Station 106.34 ₹ 93.13 ₹
Pradeep Petroleum 106.31 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Accord Fuel Station 106.22 ₹ 93.02 ₹
Giridhari Fuel Service Station 106.31 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Sudarshana Kisan Seva Kendra 106.19 ₹ 92.99 ₹
Janak Dulari Kisan Seva Kendra 106.50 ₹ 93.29 ₹
Ved Mata Gayatri Ksk 106.40 ₹ 93.19 ₹
Maa Gayatri Petrol Pump 106.31 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Mahakaleshwar Petroleum 105.94 ₹ 92.75 ₹
Maa Jagdamba Petroleum 106.25 ₹ 93.05 ₹
Pratap Fuel Station 106.31 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Shaheed Shrawan Fuel Station 106.44 ₹ 93.23 ₹
Suryodai Services 106.20 ₹ 93.00 ₹
Mangal Murti Fuel Station 106.28 ₹ 93.08 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Bihar*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Gaya