Petrol and Diesel price in Kallakurichi

Today Petrol price in Kallakurichi is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 05 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Kallakurichi is 44.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Kallakurichi is Rs 102.07. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Kallakurichi is Rs 102.80 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Kallakurichi is Rs 93.67. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Kallakurichi is Rs 94.39 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all tamil nadu state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Kallakurichi Tamil Nadu

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Dcr Traders 102.14 ₹ 93.73 ₹
Sri Ramajayam Agencies2 Dod 102.80 ₹ 94.35 ₹ 106.21 ₹
Kpr Balakrishnan Sons 102.80 ₹ 94.38 ₹ 106.21 ₹
Mathavan Agencies dod 102.68 ₹ 94.22 ₹ 106.09 ₹
Madavan Co ulundurpet 102.68 ₹ 94.22 ₹
Mubarak Tradersindian Oil Dealers 102.80 ₹ 94.39 ₹
Natesan Traders Indian Oil Dealer 102.78 ₹ 94.32 ₹
Rvn Agencies unit-iii 102.80 ₹ 94.38 ₹ 106.21 ₹
Swamy Agency 102.35 ₹ 93.94 ₹
Sivasakthi Traders 102.80 ₹ 94.38 ₹ 106.21 ₹ lock No - 05406 102.68 ₹ 94.22 ₹
Sri Kalikambal Agencies 102.80 ₹ 94.39 ₹
A.p.agencies - I2003a 102.80 ₹ 94.38 ₹
Sri Krishna Agencies 102.60 ₹ 94.15 ₹
M.g.s.agencies Lk No 23002-05362 102.35 ₹ 93.94 ₹ 105.76 ₹
Alagu Fuel Traders Lk 04649 102.68 ₹ 94.22 ₹ 102.68 ₹ 94.22 ₹
Lakshmi Narayana Agencies 102.80 ₹ 94.39 ₹
Sri Thevanie Kannan Agency 102.80 ₹ 94.38 ₹
G.arun Agencies 102.64 ₹ 94.23 ₹
Omganapathi Traders 102.80 ₹ 94.38 ₹
Sri Kavitha Sankar Agency 102.73 ₹ 94.27 ₹
Vysnavy Agencies 102.80 ₹ 94.39 ₹
Sakthy Agencies 102.18 ₹ 93.78 ₹ 105.59 ₹
K.m.g. Agency 102.80 ₹ 94.38 ₹
Thamizhan Agencies 102.80 ₹ 94.38 ₹
Sri Narayani Agency 102.80 ₹ 94.38 ₹
Jayam Traders 102.64 ₹ 94.23 ₹
Shree Tharageshwari Agency 102.80 ₹ 94.38 ₹
Saral Agency 102.68 ₹ 94.22 ₹
Green Park Agency 102.75 ₹ 94.28 ₹
Thamizhan Petrol Bunk 102.07 ₹ 93.67 ₹
Sangam Agency 102.80 ₹ 94.39 ₹
Sri Ranga Agency 102.51 ₹ 94.06 ₹
A.m.t Bharani Agency 102.69 ₹ 94.23 ₹
R S Co. 102.78 ₹ 94.32 ₹
Sarvesh Agency 102.69 ₹ 94.23 ₹
Menaka Agency 102.80 ₹ 94.38 ₹
The Kallakurichi Coop. Sugars Mills 102.80 ₹ 94.35 ₹
Kallakurichi-ii Co-operative Sugar 102.64 ₹ 94.23 ₹
Kannusamy Agency 102.80 ₹ 94.38 ₹
Ssk Agencies 102.80 ₹ 94.39 ₹
P.p.k Sidharthan Fuel Park 102.23 ₹ 93.83 ₹
Shree Tharageshwari Agency Unit-ii 102.68 ₹ 94.22 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Tamil Nadu*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Kallakurichi