Petrol and Diesel price in Kanchipuram

Today Petrol price in Kanchipuram is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 13 Mar 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Kanchipuram is 54.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Kanchipuram is Rs 100.98. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Kanchipuram is Rs 101.68 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Kanchipuram is Rs 92.56. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Kanchipuram is Rs 93.25 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all tamil nadu state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Kanchipuram Tamil Nadu

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Saravana Agencies 101.41 ₹ 92.98 ₹
Kunrathur Kumaran Service Stn 101.05 ₹ 92.63 ₹
Damu Agenciesdod Lk No 1129 101.54 ₹ 93.11 ₹
M D M Agencies 2dodioc Dealers 101.44 ₹ 93.01 ₹
P R M Fuels Lock No.1108 101.17 ₹ 92.75 ₹
Sri Ramachandra Fuels 100.98 ₹ 92.56 ₹
Sri Amirtha Agency Two Sets 101.06 ₹ 92.64 ₹
Sri Andal Oil Agencylock 1117 101.17 ₹ 92.75 ₹
Rasammal Erinai Nilayam 101.28 ₹ 92.85 ₹
Manickam Co Lock No.1118 101.54 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Sri Sangupani Fuels 101.54 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Anjum Agencies 101.54 ₹ 93.11 ₹
M S.technic Fuels Lk No .1069 101.57 ₹ 93.13 ₹
M.poongothai Fuels- Lk No 1168 101.68 ₹ 93.25 ₹
Avinash Service Station 101.54 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Amarnath Agency Lk No 1190 101.28 ₹ 92.85 ₹
R.fuel Centre Lock No.1199 101.33 ₹ 92.90 ₹
Sri Laxmi Agency Lock No 1204 101.47 ₹ 93.03 ₹
Lalitha Fuel Centre L-1146 121 101.03 ₹ 92.61 ₹
Akshaya Fuel Centre Lk No 1206 101.28 ₹ 92.85 ₹
Senthil Petroleum 101.12 ₹ 92.70 ₹
Sumathi Agencies Lock No.1221 101.54 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Lakshmi Balaji Agencies 101.64 ₹ 93.21 ₹
Hayagirivas Agencies 101.08 ₹ 92.66 ₹
Dhanasekaran Agencies 101.05 ₹ 92.63 ₹
Narayana Agency 101.44 ₹ 93.01 ₹
Shanmuga Agencies lock 1245 101.54 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Thiruvannamalaiyar Pet. Agency 101.68 ₹ 93.25 ₹
Kamali Agencies Tin33951669230 101.05 ₹ 92.63 ₹
Josh Enterprises-service Prov 101.17 ₹ 92.75 ₹
Veerangi Ayyanar Agencies 101.22 ₹ 92.79 ₹
Durai Agencies 101.44 ₹ 93.01 ₹
R S Petroproducts 101.12 ₹ 92.70 ₹
Soundarya Murugan Agencies 101.41 ₹ 92.98 ₹
D.gurunathan Agencies 101.54 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Sri Kannagi Agencies Lk No 1189 101.17 ₹ 92.75 ₹
Avr Service Station 101.22 ₹ 92.79 ₹
Sai Agencies 101.05 ₹ 92.63 ₹
Brahma Sakthi Agencies 101.22 ₹ 92.79 ₹
K.p.narasimman Ksk 101.54 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Senthil Fuels 101.28 ₹ 92.85 ₹
Lakshmi Jeeva Agencies 101.09 ₹ 92.66 ₹
R J K Agency 101.51 ₹ 93.08 ₹
T.g.srinivasan 101.09 ₹ 92.66 ₹
Kdccws Ltd Kanchipuram 101.54 ₹ 93.11 ₹
Rohith Agencies 101.28 ₹ 92.85 ₹
Adhithyaa Agency 101.33 ₹ 92.90 ₹
Amrutha S Agencies 101.29 ₹ 92.86 ₹
Anumanth Fuel Station 101.22 ₹ 92.79 ₹
Yoggesh Service Station 101.41 ₹ 92.98 ₹
Nirai Agencies 101.17 ₹ 92.75 ₹
Meera Agency 101.68 ₹ 93.25 ₹
J K Petroproducts 101.28 ₹ 92.85 ₹
Thaniga Agencies 101.54 ₹ 93.11 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Tamil Nadu*

No data available

Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Kanchipuram