Petrol and Diesel price in Sivaganga

Today Petrol price in Sivaganga is Rs ₹/Litre and Diesel Price is Rs ₹/Litre with effect from 05 Feb 2025.
Total number of Petrol Pump In Sivaganga is 44.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Sivaganga is Rs 101.45. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Sivaganga is Rs 102.51 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Sivaganga is Rs 93.07. ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Sivaganga is Rs 94.10 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all tamil nadu state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Sivaganga Tamil Nadu

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Subhalakshmi Automobiles 102.00 ₹ 93.61 ₹ 105.41 ₹
Selvi Agencies lock No -618 102.00 ₹ 93.61 ₹
Ponni Filling Station lock No.178 101.81 ₹ 93.42 ₹
Meenatchi Filling Station lock No. 101.53 ₹ 93.15 ₹ 104.94 ₹
Sri Veluchamy Filling Station 101.78 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Venus Filling Station 101.83 ₹ 93.44 ₹
Sri Chitraa Automobiles 101.74 ₹ 93.35 ₹
Shri Periyanayaki Corporation 102.15 ₹ 93.75 ₹
P.a.najumudeen Filling Station 102.05 ₹ 93.66 ₹
Sri Jeyaganesh Agencies 102.05 ₹ 93.65 ₹
Naaveen Filling Station 101.78 ₹ 93.40 ₹
Sivaganga Agencylock No 2881 101.78 ₹ 93.40 ₹ 105.19 ₹
Murugan Petrol Bunk 101.96 ₹ 93.56 ₹ 105.37 ₹
Sri Sevugamurthy Petroleum 102.02 ₹ 93.62 ₹
Vivek Filling Stationl 42613574 101.97 ₹ 93.58 ₹ 105.38 ₹
Kandhimathi Agency 102.05 ₹ 93.65 ₹
Subas Agencies 102.00 ₹ 93.61 ₹ 105.41 ₹
Shanthi Agencies lock No -11035 102.29 ₹ 93.88 ₹
Nawazkumari Agency 102.05 ₹ 93.65 ₹
Coco - Karaikudi 102.00 ₹ 93.61 ₹
Vee. A. Baskaran Agencies 102.10 ₹ 93.70 ₹
Matha Filling Station lock No.138 102.19 ₹ 93.79 ₹
Arockya Agencies 124-1029 102.01 ₹ 93.62 ₹
Somu Agencies 102.02 ₹ 93.62 ₹ 105.43 ₹
Sakthi Agencies lock No.238 101.64 ₹ 93.26 ₹
Heart King Agencies lock No.74 101.95 ₹ 93.55 ₹
Sri Krishnaa Co 101.91 ₹ 93.51 ₹
Sri Otchamaiammal Filling Stn. 102.10 ₹ 93.70 ₹
Kaleeswari Filling Station 102.00 ₹ 93.61 ₹
Bhumi Balagar Filling Station 102.51 ₹ 94.10 ₹ 105.92 ₹
Valampuri Fuels 101.78 ₹ 93.40 ₹
J.k.p. Petrol Bunk 101.64 ₹ 93.26 ₹
Kannan Kalavathi Agencies 101.81 ₹ 93.41 ₹
Mma Enterprises 101.45 ₹ 93.07 ₹
Kollangkali Fuels 102.00 ₹ 93.61 ₹
Ska Fuels 101.81 ₹ 93.42 ₹
Sri Alagu Malaiyaan Fuels 102.14 ₹ 93.74 ₹
Sri Kailash Fuels 102.02 ₹ 93.62 ₹
Mks Rajam Enterprises 101.53 ₹ 93.15 ₹
Varasakti Vinayagar Fuels 102.02 ₹ 93.62 ₹
Sivasakthi Fuel Station 102.00 ₹ 93.61 ₹
Arasan Filling Station 102.11 ₹ 93.71 ₹
Fr Fuels 102.00 ₹ 93.61 ₹
Coco Singampunari 102.02 ₹ 93.62 ₹

Fuel price Calculator

Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Tamil Nadu*

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Last Three Month Petrol, Diesel,Xtra Premium Petrol Price in Sivaganga